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Mrs. Tr. McLacMaa la visiting friemls 6n Detroit. Kev. Fr. Fierle, of Ion ia, --as iu the city Monduy. Mire. Dr. lUK-kweil, Avhio has been viBltimg ai Jaclason, lias returned. Mr. aiind Mr.-. I-Evi D. Wilnes lefi Monday lor au extended trip east. MX8. A. J. Sutherland left for Bay View week, to spend some time. Prof. and Mrs. Alíred Hennequiií aru iniltlif cïty ïor the simimor montlií-1. Mrs. 1'rank Roas and t-hildren, tl Cbicago, aro karsts of Mrs. F. 1!. Itoss B. J. ('onrad and i'atnüy left ïor a two week's trip tu Mackiioa-c iionaaj, Mts. Mai-y t'. WMtilng was in Pontlac all oí last week oía legal business J. II. NiCklée and wilfe have gone to Poirtage LaJse Eor a week' or tea days. Mrs. Wittlfiis J. Abbot aaid son W;ihl of Ohüoag, are viBitimg at Christiai Mack's. Mi-, amid Mrs. H. Benhara, of Askta bula, Ohio, an-e visitiag relatives iu tliv city. .h-.. J. M. Wheclor bae as her gucüi her BSster M:.s MeOauley, of Terra Haute, Ind. Alid. FerguBom 'and faimily and D. H. Uiniaesrwaod a.nd wite are at Zukey Lake ïor a few days. Mrs. O. L. ItobhiBon, of Hi'.l st., as liffii eutcvtainhi.ii' her sister Mrs. cK tomón, of Saline. Bev. W. W. Wetmore filled the pul it of the Breebyterilam, church ai (Hirv:lle unday. Adam I). Seyler and W. G. I'owler, f Detroit, are spendfng tibie week at lre lakes Morth of here. Miss Diverty wlvo has been visitlng tr aunts, Mus Daj' and XIrs Ferdor, ('tiirius duo-me Thursday. Chris t: aai Helber anl wife and John viiebler a.nd -wille, hiave returned -om á vlMit to Jackson. Hennan Bastón, accompanied by li't .ster, Mrs. W. W. AVadliams, wen Niaga.ra Falls Saturday. Mms. Nelison and daughter Alice wil emoTO to Traverse City in a fev,weeks to resMe permamently. Dr. H. Gibbes has gone to St. Clair 'mts. Later- tlhie Dr. hasn't gone. Still later - He goes to-day. D. F. Söh'aiirer expects t-o take v oat a't Detroit to-morrow for Chlago, to be absent a few -weeks. Proí. Jiilius V. &eyler went to Bay 'k'w Mkxaday a. in., to take charge oí tibe wuimmer school of music. Mire. N. P. Derby, of Greemville, whtf i;is been v'.siting her sister Mrs. Joh, loiire, leaws for her home to-day. Gerluard Josenihans has been spend ng tlw week ÍSa Detroit, and wi.f oi".i Oiis 'family in York the coming week. Mise EHzabeth Campbell, daughtei of Rabcrt CamSpbell, has gone to Con oord, Matae., to visit a brother living ihere. .Mrs. Chas. H. Perklms, of Gram? ■vapiid, ihio has bee:n the guest of hier sister Mrs. A. W. Hamilton, has returned hiome. Mre. MWler, daujrhter aincl son, ivho have beein vüsiitmg Mra. Haven and "amily, returmed to thtór home in CMcago ttois a. m. Dr. "W. B. S-mith and wife entertain ed Mirs. J. Ellen. Foster last Friday,1 a.n informal reception was giveï ïer fn the eveming. Rev. and Mrs. Widkinson, of Xladi som, Wis., wli'O ware puests of Aretus Ihiinit and wife foir a time, have gont to New York to vtett their son. Osea Dr. Joseph Clark, oí the X'niversitj' Wospital, with hls iamily expect t-0 leave UMb week tor Old Mi.ssion. They will sitmmer and at sJng. Miss J. ('hilds. ',v!io has beea spcnd'iiíí somt' weeks with lier uncle W. K. QhdEös, has retuwiied to Washington D. C. Sh-e Aviil enter the literary departmeiit of the unaiversttj niext fnll. Mrs. G. H. H-oidges and chüdren, mi Mrs. W. W. Whitlark anil daughter, all of Momt.real. Canada, will spenö i in1 wilth the families of Mcssi-s. flatcs and PJiodes on th Xorth Side. E. Howavd G-idkey, eeccetary oí the state boai-d 01 auditors. of Columbus, Ohiio, accni)i])ai]:i'il by Mrs. Gilkey, Sam B. Vail. of thie Daily Seaitinel, BowMing (in-en, OMo and wiíe, and Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. J. Bass, oí thie same place, are at the Stevens' House, Whttmore JJabe, whére they "viil sj)L'ii(l a few day-.


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