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Bemj. Dimiiek, oí Ypsilanti, died July 2d, laged 74 yeairs. Herman Hoimee, a resident of YpBilanti 48 yeare, died July let, aged 85 yeasrs. The democratie ratifieatkm meeting heia at the town hall Chelseji recent ly, wae not a howling success. The 4th of July celebratkwi at Clin om Tvae a great success, accordiog to the Local. The best ome ever hell Ithere. Mns. Harriet Tlioiupso-n, of Yps l;anti, aEed in N. Y., June 28, and liter Ireonaiine were brooigiiit to Ypeilantf Tor tiuTiial. 'B. A. Gaa-1'ook, oiie of the manjr 6-uccessful íarmers oí Onïoa townshiip. iB raieing 50 acres of foeams thig sea Bom.- Howell Itopulilivun. Wadtlell Post ü. A. H., of HoweUj reporte to flepartment headquarteis am actdae memberöliio of 119. witli ma 'detrts amó over $150 jai the trea.iLry.- Republrcain. A party oí frtenüs gave Mr. and Mr. A. E. Wa.rl a happy surm-it-i at th-eir home im Chelsea, on the 5th 4UBt., tliat being thc 24th anntvr sary of the ooupte'S marriage. The Nortliville Eecoixl says tiiat tli? cwfly ' not ii fizzltí at the Webra titan at Wallend Ialce was w ball game. And tliat game rewulted to a. defeat for the NorthvMle nina at tihkvt ! A íwrge basement barn on what M fcno-w.n tas tlie Steloegweg íarm, Shar om, belongtag to the Lutbar Jamee estáte, bumned last Tuesday morninp: Loss $1,200. IaMuramoe $400. Org-iin. oí the fire unknown.- Chelsea Her aM. 'ïüie stat? teacher's iinatitute of ÏAv aigston eaunty hos leen fixed at How edl, oommeocitig; August l.-th, to con tinne two weeks. AUle iustructovij viai te prosMit ;iiwl every teacher potpilble ItfnouiKl arraji-c matters so as t-i attemd. The eoaee oí all mir mplemeiit fea] ers js a -(illosal surprfee party all 'airou'iMl, and none of tihrm are hard ly -able to mi the rapiid flow of o ders thiat overwhelm them. Glad to eee you have such proeperoua dayn, boys.- CSheteea Herald. Many J'ai-incr's Imys sfoni t; be a-akemiing to tune faet that they eaa imake more by stayimg at lnome than tmey can Dy gofflug to ihr rit ios. Ten (men gravita te (lownward to mie man Avivo wol-kis nipward to tiue cHttee. The time is jaear at TTaml wh&a farms wIU 1e coveted by city pe&pte. i'uttiuiif toto work in tlie country tlie same en .TKy land stuily required t o malie a mueager living in tivc city w 1 1 evea na.lly .pi-ovide ,-x lMe f iBdpenden maailuood that can be obtainetl no whepe letee. - Ex. Accordtag tw proferamme, tli i-cpublicams at Mead Milis, witli a; gaodly niimlK-r froiii NorthvUle and we do not faiil to meatton that thei-e ■were a sprtaWSng fixwn thie other Mitaca] pan ics present, assembled on he cast siöe of the rtver aear tinstíbctoO tuouee and pa-oceeded to miss a Hai-risou a;ral ReM pole, eightji ïeet high. Aft e-r the polo was up" amMst tune clihi-s of t he multiturte, a) beautiful was bloÜBted, witli tlio na,m2 of the staindard bearers oí the republicam party inscribed there n, and thus wtus flung to the breeze, tiue first repu,blioaa banner, wc Ik lieve, in "Wayne county, ivest of D tToi-t. After ltetening to a speech up on tlie issuos of the campaign. thi ipeople M-ere iinvited to partake of a' limch, by David Barber, Horace Green Mid other patrüotilo eitizens af thtf vicittiity. The lunch proved to be a' bountilful dirnner and all united in thé opilniioin tliat a pood work had beeit successíully aceomplishod.- Plymoutl Mail. The Dexter Leader has had net home giwvn potatoes thi.s yeax. The Jlilam Sunday Kc-hools wlll prob aiWy exeur,t to WMtmore Lakle this yean. n-rics are ripe. - Milan Leaden Bring over a fdw. Tiicre doesn't eeenj to be aiiiy hcre. Fanners atwu.1 Dexter have boughi , -..t 60 hay tedders thte year, a mi Dhey have used tliom all. Pammie Day is ik clerk iy ;.l,c 'M ilaüi P. O., hor place beVng ta',J en liy Plqykl Roblnson, koii of th P M. The república at Oak,villie, in Lon don toinisMp, Monroe CO., near Milan i-aised the fiTSt Harrison & Reid polo in that sebtüotn recently. They aiv ttll 'aliïve tbare. Theaiine children of Mre. Anna Xeol ithree 0OW and six danghters, all (Í 'hom Jiave reaelu-d inan's estáte, cel ebrated ithe 4th at their nwjtliert home in Dexter, it being Mrs. Xeeb'í birthday also. Perry Barber attempted to er 0a the rallroiad track iii front of a niov ing .eargme, 011e lay last week, and bo Sng im a hluirry, he trippel and fel', stirikiing hls side against onO of the rails, ikijuring Mm ba dly.- ('heisa Her aW. Elbert ISpooner says ttoat the out look for the establishment of a eheesu factory in Dexter is fine. He has look cd otot the cost of a complete outfli' anú ífinds ft far belov hiis expectatioai. 'And itlve diisposiitian of the farmers tif ïurrdsihi inifflk, is quite unanimous in its favor. IThtis ie not to be wondered at, as (tiie cheeee business wiill furnlsh au tacóme rto tJie tftjrmer with less o 'heavy rwoarki than wheat-raistng, and ui addituin wlll takje les of the elcinjents f fertility lrom the soil. - Lead er. Jamt I'. Kaeon was the recipiënt of a magnificent gold medal for tin beet poean on "Coluinbus," giiven ac the late distribuí ion of honors at St Mary's college, Kansas . The classt oí '92, '93 and '94 were ooanpetitors for the medial, aawl t he rare and uniqut dist inct ion of being first is a very great honor, and Mr. Bacon is to be faeartily cooigratujated oa his achievement. Botli he atwl hte bpother Arch ie were tlie leaders in their repecti# claeses, laind. brought home many pre miiims, .teatlifyiu to their scholai ehip iaoul alility. Clielea still leadffc - HeraW. Thils followimg bit of advice we clip froin the Oaklamd Co.. Advertiser: Before gilving up the farm to engage insome other buskiegg that promi ges to gi've better returras'. would it not be juet as well to study closely the average chances of success and ure? The farmer has liis house rent aiMl table very largely supplied without deducting tlhie cast of these items ii-om tliie profitM of hils business. The merclwuits, lawyer, uianufacturer, etc, ïiixl t'hese Weius a heavy and eomwtant drabi upon tiiieir earninjts. iiawl tiuey minst be provtded for bef ore any pi-oiilt eau be consklered. Tlie business man in town, who earns, say $1,500 a year, is, tJierefore, no better off amd its not really making any inore mioiiey than the farmer who .appai-eaitly earns only half as much. Tiio chajicee of failiu-e in almost every otiher linie are greater thaii in agricultTM-e, as the farmer usually can. In even the worst seasooi, mak; cnoufrb Jar lite support without cutting into li is t-apiital, buit wtth the merchant a bad seasom iuea.ns an ïnroad upon ltfiH capital for the meains of subsistance.


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Ann Arbor Courier