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Talk abO'Ut groen grocers ! Well, Atfin Arbor hasn't any of that kind. Bev. ör. Fienrjng, oi" Ypsilanti, ocoupiied tlue pulpït at the il. E. church la .st .Sabbatli f93á4flL. The larjïest momtJi's business ever doino liy tlwc Ann Arbor Agricultural 3o., was thwi oí last .Jum Tliis (ïnst is the dust viest dust that ever ch'oketl a parelied throat or Tiüloü tlue eyes of a weaa-y pedestriam.. Abont 500 people look im tlie A. f). H. exCTun&ioa) t Ik-troit Thursáay, .'vud they had a splondwl time. The pulpit of St. Anidrow's ohnroh wa vory a-cci)talyly iilled last Sunöay by Rev. AVm. Galpini. óf Islipemimg. Tl. e vj!n1 s liave cloftPd Ir. Wil liam Duan to be assistant to the chair oi surjiery in the dppartment of Medicine ;ind SnrRcry. Mrè. Jwage Lane, whio has been ohoe.n as á. mmber of the schoDl board at Adrián, is a sister of Prof. J. C. Knowlton, öf tlïis city. A remarknble chaniffe im temperatuire taok place im tinte city Friday niglit and Satairday morning. when the mercury fell from 91 to 51 degrees. The ishatfe trees on the high school square have been iimproved by prunins, "bilt could be still further hnprovekl mi the sa-me way. Mauy of the lianbs aire too kw yet. Lee Winpr, the Chimamam who was i-uiu ver by the street cars last week naad o bè gettimg better, and it ia Iveiieved ttiat he -vffll gct well nnd scT-ie Wis leg in, th bargain. Turiinj; fay and Jnne there was mearly 16 inclhes oí water teil in this Tifilnity. Tlie average for a year ils 31.24 iinldhes. 'Thus making about one-hialf the aveiragé year's rainfall rnisiide -of two monthis. "I.aiciiea-" Durand, whio had liüs hair out at Detroit, hkxrtiy aftor his esoape ft-oin the 'Ivoyss here, alter the "PTiaice" Müchiael trial, has concludexl Bot ta pirosecute the ones who cut Mis hair, although he kiirws who did fhie deed. C. R. Van Gteson, 'of WcatJwM-sford, Texas, in a pirbviate letter to the eJiUor of the 'Couriier, i enthusiastic for HaiTison. If enítlrasiasm cooild only fliiffuse iteelf amoing oth'er Texas republiicains the record of the. votes wooill heve n 'differant complexion next Novembe)r. NTdie Mithigan Central It. R. has milde arrangement for a special car Erom Ama Arbor for the excursión to tlhie natiionial encampment during the Tnomtlh oif geptemler. The stop over to eee thie battle fickl of Gettysburg fan be made wit&loujt extra charge. Tlhie train will rum via Buffalo. YpsKlaati Scmtinel: "Wfat is the matter wlith our water works ? Tlie water wliecls rumble most of the time an.d the engines coiighmg night anid day, tw tiie dietress of people livitng two or three miles distant, yet the supply of is poor ainid the foiiatain dry. The coiincil makea no inquiry ajiid. tlve coaumlssionci's gave ... no }ai?oirima.bilon. If töve engine and water po-n-er are imsuffitient to supply ■water, witat wiU be done now that dark niglite are at hand and electrtoity muist be turnad on ?" "General" Adlai E. Stevenson, the democratie caiidklate for vicc-pres Mtent, paeied thi-ough Ann Arbor Fritlay eveniing last. Hon. E. Duffy and Hud.-Jon T. Morton were t-he only Ann Arbor people wluo greeted him. The supplement given our readers t'o-dny in one tflfsrt should be careítilly retbd by every voter. It eontains ni iuh matter that vlll interest the 'man whio cares to cast hls ballot un di-rstanduigly at the contóng election. Saine rubbiöh im the alley in the rear of Kfhuli & Muehlig's store was set on fiire Haturday morning by a cigar or ciigarette stub, and but ior i.ts letoK noticted in it incipiency by .Mosfs Sealxlt, would have soon oaused au expenive smudge. There are many pcople iin Ann Arlxr who wijl be iintereted in this item Crom tlie Ypsilanti Commercial: "Ca.rdis have been received which annouince the mairficigè at the bride's ihome om July 6, of Mr. Marshall .T. Tenso, of this city and Miss Etnma Garcisiit-n, of Galvestcn, Texas. The Laaiing State Demoorat had this item rece.ntly: "Jimmie Blythmam, tlie smallest boy at the reflorm eeliooil, airnd who was always considered oime of the toughest, onterei Watchmam Pree's room where he was asleep, last AVednesday, and stole $.".5O irom lvii-i pants pocket. Jtmïnte was madí to owm up and tnrn over thie momey.'" Prof. Delo Fall, of Albion college Vhio Aimn Arbor ík proal to claim as one of hier boys, Bs now on a tour o: kispection of chiemical laboratories, ■vlth a view of making the McMillan laboratory at Albion, one of the very best in yive lamd . He viisited the Detiroit laftwa-tories last Friöay and Sa'tnpday amd from there ■"ent to tlhe ateim nniversities. Dr. aaid Mrs. .T. N. Martin have just retumed irom Whitmore Ijake where tihey Irave been spe.nd!mg a few days. Tliey stpped at the Ijake House and tliey were mach pleased wiith the aconmiotlatioaiw, a.nd tliink Landlord Stfvi'ns slvouid Ixave first prize for niakiins; hi guests ha.ppy and comiortflblo. Ann Arbor is fortúnate in liavJiiK üo pleasant a resort so near. Thp Biirkett correspondent of the Piiyekney Dfcpatch has this item: "Misic m the air is wafted to us from all direct ione as the campers are more tluun thick at the lakes now-adays. Baaifos and guitars are the most popular imstruments at present amd.thieir vreet strains with tlie nek1 metodtou-s voicee of tuose Ann Arbor belles can be heard at any lvo-ur in the evenint; out np-on the moon-lit waters tlve old Trat popular a r nf 'f'omr.Hli's" and "What is 3&4 ■■ Tlie -If-ome news comes from Germauiy tliat Recent Iraper is recovoriiriiï his licalth. Tlie Detroit Tribune of Sumiday had tkte: "Harry Tillma.n ystieinday receirred a letter wrltton by Tfairry Conant fro.m Cartsbad amd dated .Tuly 3d. wlii.oh wál fíl&ádem th.e liéairte at many people in Mik'higam. Mr. foliant states that üien he i-eaclietl Carlsljad, tliere was but little hope eintertained that C. Rtniart Draper, -svho had ganE there iui ii'opes of ■restoring his health, -ivould ever retum home alivc. Mr. Conant's letter, hiowever, briinrs the sratifyiag news thlat Mr. Draper was rapidly reooreri'ng Ivis liealth anrt vigor, a.nd would be ready to start for liioime early m August." If the Argus is ano' authority at all, ome voulct belJeve it was almost necessary to cali out the state milirtia during the recent republiean caucuses and conventton in tliis citj-. It is so greedy to manufacture diseord in tlie repúblicas ranks th&t it fairly devoui'.s iitself, preverts the meaoóng of tliiin?s saM and done, and takes a speek no larger tlian a mustard eeed a.ral attempt.s to mate a mountain out otf it. The fact ím the democratie party mever lupld as respect a ble and quiie't caucuses as tlie republicans dlid last Frklay eventog, and the conreintion the Tusday ílallowiinK tlioupli full of liíe, was prevaded wiitih a feel1tij; oí uinlty agaiinSt tille common enejny thiait bodes good to the Argu.s and iits party. The printing hooise towel ha often lxem the tfreme of prose and song in inewspapers, but tlue primting house wiislt basta has been sadly neglected in that respect. Tliere Ls, in the press room of tJvís oífice, a tito wasli basin t'hat iras purchased upwards of fifteen years ago, and has been in conKta.nt use e-r simoe. The handle, Tvihtitoh was a nreeessa ry appendage to i.ll wasüi baíns whiei thiB one was puircSliased, liajs long siaice depart-ed, t'he iiMtm "Tin maiiy places is worn to a tQiiln odtge, aintl it vs estimated that tliere have beem ad'ozen new bottoms placed in, the dish, but it still survives, and does service im whitning inky íajwls. There is sonie talk oX sendmg it to th eouTenir department of tlie World's Fair, as (i.n offset for the Argua office towel tht is saïd to be walkiiuí tlHire. Mr. Burke, -vhio iva a student of tliie imiwrsity last year, and organized thie natkmal league of college republican clubs, hia.s been made temiorary seci-etary of the natiional republican eooimirttee. The X. Y. Press oí July 16, ha4 this iln regard to him: 'Mr. J. F. Burke, of Ptttsburg. who was official eteniograpihier of the peMiblican national convention and is wesüdemt oí the National League of flepublican College Clubs, is at the Fiifth Areaune Hotel. He wHl ccmain. Iverc until the republican nationU ■executiive comraiittce 5.s orgaiüzed om Saturday, iiien arrangements "will c made tb open lieadquartrs hero ar Ulo dollege club organization, with JI,r. Burke in charge. This was decided upoin iavovably by the republican natioiial eomimittec at its recent meeting in Wa.shing-tcm." Rev. James E. JaeklJn of the Michigan Clwiistihn Advocate, vi!l fillthe pulpltt of the M. E. ehurch next Sunilay ;i .m. The toet that neatrly all kioid of ftruiilt wlU be a fa uure this year has sent the prite of raepberries up, and it ín imponible to putrchase any here now ltsK t.hlan 1." oemts per quart, even by t'lue buahel. Xaviler Kopï, t-lw Italiaui tailor wlio lives at Xo. 44. 8. State st., dfed very .suddenly Mondny nlght. He went to bed feelJng utsrually well and expúred1 about 10 o'oloek, from heart faüuire, it is suppos.ed. If Judge IvMigs-ley, to perpetúate vínose míiuory the name of North st. lïa) beein eha.nied to ICingsley ave., could rlise up omd gaze at thie grass aind -wieeds on eomie of tbe lots along fits s:les, he -"ooild groaia in agony, íor he wais a miaa who beliieved in keeptag everythimg neat and tidy. The thiiird annual meeting of the Womam's Press AssociiatJon, wlll be held at the Chautauqua cottage lecture rooim, Itay VteW, July 20-22. Among thiose downi ïor papers are Miss Bmnia E. Borer, of thlie city, thie subject beimg "'Wonian in Journaliem," and Sites Cora DePuy, of Anm Arlror, ■wh'ose subject is "Wonian in Political Journali.-ini." New telephone o.les are replacing tlie old ome.s iia thits city. The new pioles are Mgher and stra-jghter than tihe oW oiue.s, and when they all S.n place and the ent ir esystem overlvaulcd, Superintendent Keech prom?m us the best telephone service in tlie tate. There caui be liittle fault 'iounil wlitb the servï-e in the past. Mp. Keecli lva.s always kept a weather eye oa the business here, and has .niert. a.llowed it to be neglected, or to ■ruin down. There are few ciities in tilie state as weU eaired for in. this respect as A,an Arbor. Speaking of tlie prosperity of the northern peninsfula Rev. Wm. Galpin, of Isjvpemiing, who te spending a vacatiion of a. few weeksl here at his old honw, remarked iii effect thiis : "Our prosperity dependa largely. upon the ïron itadniNitry, and tha.t is very quiet at present. I learn that two of the miimes have closed down since I came trom tliere, a.ncl others have a supply of ore on luand that will 'last foir a eouple of years yet. Tlie iron imdustry like many other things ■ín thiis country ha been pushed too rapiidly n,nd as a consequenee the mlarket 'ík flat. Thie strikes at Homestead iln niiy opiilnion aire simply a snit of thiiis rfiepresston, and I fear the Avoivt iw ytít to come. However, t'lie ac't.lvJt.v of bu-U.nass may bring abont bettw times lor us." How beautiiful thi's efty would be in' the ciltiz&ns ivould only consent to havtalg the streets sprimkled ! Did you ever thiimk o[ tlve amonnt of tllueipe ís tloní every year to the iu-rmiture in the homes oï Ann Arbor people, cawsed by the dust t.hat swoeps in tlue üo'ors and windows, tha-ouRh cracks and orevices ? This fluöt .ru'mis not only the upliolstered fni-niture, but begrime the carpets, spoils pictiures. and is almost as bad as smíikí in ilnjurins everything in thr house. The remedy is at hand amd wouM be compau-atively mexpenisia-e. Let th resídeñts upnn every stiree-t siguify their idosire to have the Ktireet on whiieh they lïve sprinkled, :i mail vriUi a street sprinkler hired, and tho cost assp.ssed agaimst the property bemefKM. Or, let the Board of Public Work.s be empowered to Bee th;at the streets are kept apriaklpd, and a5sess the amount asaiaiist tiliE property, the same as in buildiing. The cost would be slittyht to each one, and the benefits incalculable. Tliere are maiiy cities im t'he I'nilon ■vhere this dust curse is done awaj" wltli in this manner. In aotne eitfleé tlw reeidents of the sta-eets are allowetl to vote upoii the questton, a-ral WIkm-í' a inajorKy favor it, the ei'ty authorities put a sprinkler ooi tlmt stréet and the eost is pa.W by each resident. It usually costs each. hO'UBeholdtT or tenant Iroan tem to 35 cents per week, accordiiig to lengtdi of frontage, or M'.nefit derived.


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Ann Arbor Courier