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,T. H. Cuttfaig is ti(ome again for a few weeks. A. ji. Noble 's ïanilly are at Cavaitaujfli lake. Prof. H. C. Ad;un. ret uriwd ïrom Washington, I). C, Satnrday. I. C; Noble and famiiy are visiting friends in tlie vu-inic.v of Oolumbus, Obio. Mrs: Win. Hldert aad iamily are vfeitilng in Detroit and Monro-e this week. Mre. t'liais. 8. ilillöa, accompaaied by her so'ii ClimtOJl, tg at Wliitmore Lafce. Jolin LIlndensehimMt and wlfe have leen üpemd'jng a week at Whitmore Lake. MKss (iracc Hondrli-kson left Mon'dlay for a two week's stay at Pine Lake. Mre. Dr. Citas. Howell, of Alpena, ivs viwiting her daugliter, Xlrs. Dr. A. C. XMiials. Jollín K. Miner and1 faimily have gone t.o thcir swiimer cottage at StraM's lake. Miss Alta Parker, witfo K. P. Mills & Oo., iw spemdüog a two week's vacatión iin Detroit. Dr. C. (. Darliins and wint returned íro'm thei.r tour up ia the Late Superior regifom Monday. Jonathan Sprague has been visitimg Ms cDaughter, llrs. Williams, of Milan, dlarimK tlw -veek. Mi-s. O. M. Parcluu-, of Ann Arbor, was a gu-est at James "Wiloox's, over Siraday.- Oharlotte Leader Mses Roba aaid Ida Pulcipher leave to-day Hor a stay of a few weeks at Marshall, and the Labes in that viciiiïity. Chiief Emgnieer Sip ley, of the f i re dt'partmeint, waiS called to Lansing Mwnday by tliie death of an older broth:er. Edgar Ckjoley, of Bay City, accompanied by a couple of lvis children, iis viisitimg at bis father's Judge Oooley's. Ja.mes J. Quarry, of tihe firm of Goodyear & Co., (has gome on nis animal trip to h-js father's home in Parkhill, Out. Postmaster Real and -u-iíe returned Friday eve-ninig from thir trip to Mi.ivnes'ota, evMently muelï beneiited by tlve Mare. Gr. W. Trowbridge, of Big Rapi.ds, wtoo has been vüstfting her sister, Mra. Paris Baofiteld, for two weeks, retuiwd home Mcmday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Yard returned to tihei'r hkwme ia Butler, Ind., Saturday They had been guests of Mr and Mrs. A. Ij.. Xowlin. Miss Bmma Hayley, -witlv E. F. Mills & Oo., iis havirag a tour week's vacatiioiiv, whiieh she is sp-eMiiling in tlvc wumfcry wilth ir'ends. Jay Keiithi, his sister Hattie, Misses Btta. amd Ella Day, of Dexter, arid Jlr.-. ÍSQiearer, oí Detroit, wére in the city last Thiirsday visiting friends. Mithael Goetz. a well-known typo of tilde city, and for several years in the Oooirier offibe, is seriously ill at the home of hiis uncle, John Goetz. Aldermaiii W. Cl. Snow, of the 3d weurö iis naw teepins bachielor's hall. Mrs. Soiow amd aaughter have gone to Ivatusing fo,r a tlvree week's stay. Cashicr Bolser, oí the F. & M. Bank, ■vemt to Cavanaugh Iake Saturday, remainamg over Sunday wlth his ïamily, -Vlvo are there for the summer. Miss Id'a Ijathi-op -went to Kalamaztyo Mlomidiay, returnins home with Mts. Carrie Lathrop who has been viiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waltfr Latihrop. Prof. H. Alcott, of Islipemlinsr, who h'.as been sojouimftig to the city ior eevöraj weeks, amid lookóig after his pTOperty hiere, retnrned to hls home Momday. He lis the superintendent oí schools at Ishpein'niR, and taught im thfe couinty same 30 years or so ago. He left Saltoe in 1853 and went to Detroit teaclijag in wliat was klnown a.s tlie old Capi'tol school, called so irom thie tact that the building was omce u.sed as the state capítol befare Lanaiaig had been fixed upon. He tauglvt there somie six years, havi'ng among has pupila the Hon. Don. M. Dicktason, H. W. Ledyard, and o, number oí tlie prominent men of the state, over which fact he feels very prooid. Aiterwards he was principal of tiio UnJon school ior eilgbit years, goiing from there to Marquette anid from thence to his present place at Ishpeming. Prof. Alcott is a bri.ght, active man, with whom it iis a plea.sure to converse.


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