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Sajn Lamgsdprf has gone to Zufcey Lake ícr a week. J. D. l:ya,n luas gone to Dulntb. by boat for a pieassure trip. Mrs. Jolvn Mueliüig 5u entertaining her siste, Airs. Henr.v Horn. Mr. a.nd Mr. Jacobs nee Storras, are viertting relatiree on the Xorth Sido. Dudiey J. IvokmuÍb and Fred Bea:mer have gome tío Strawberry Point, fi'.shiiuig. Mis. Otibs, iormerly of thw city, acoompam.;ed Mrw. Warden east lajst Friday. Mre. J. J. Goodyear ík viaiting her friend Mfeá Anna Fi-othingliam, o?, Detroit. M,r. aaid Mrs. A. A. Terry iiave been visitiag ïrieaid;! in Plymoutli duriog the week. Mrs. V. cs. Diiet-erte and cbüdren are yiisttiiiig relativea in Mancheeter for a íew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rfchniond, of Adanis, Mas., are guests of Mrs. R's brot'liers, John and Andrew Muehlig. Miss Josiie Davidion. and Miss Helen Salyer attonded the Baptist Y. P. S. mational meétáng at Detroit laet week. Mrs. I. H. C. Royee, on Herbert, aind Mire'. Mattox, all of Terre Haute, Ind., vitjitiniig Mrs. Z. Burd, on State st; Eer. Johui Neiunann left Monday for a vacatiioui oï a few weeks. He bakee a loat at Detroilt for Duluth, and will return via Bay View etc. D. F. Schail-er, of the big dry g-oods iirm of Sciiairer and Millen, at Anu Arbor, spenit Sunday at Bay View enjoying the camp meeting.- Petoskey Daily Resorter. Mus. Lie ut. WoodbrMge who lias lx?en absent írwm Ann Arbor since tlie death oí Iwr hiusband, sojnething ovpr a yeair ago, has returned to. the city tor permanent residence. Hon. JuB'tus E. Iteal arid wiíe, J. E. Travis ainid wine, of Ana Arbor, and Mu-. J. E. Fíelds and wiífe, of Alpena, were at the Bay View House yesterday.- Petoskey Daily Besorter. J. Austin Scott, wlio has been very Sick íor sume days, still Hies in a critical coiadiitclon. Hits fa-mily have soine hopes that his stroms constitution niay yet restare Mm tó health. Dr. Dorraaiec returned from Georgía.n bay last Friday. He liad splend'.d uccess ib ïish'ing, and started tome wiith a fine Lot, but when he ííot a,s íar as FlJnt, he fomnd tlie fish wonld keep no long'er, and so gave tlneni away. tSsrs. Breóte, Mrs, WSBSksas, and E. J. Astan, oí Columibus, Ohio; Mrs. Huisnnpidleír, olí Toledo, O.; Dwiglit Merrill, of Sagmaw; wtiú Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Heindricks, oí Salime, were preenit at the fumeral services of-Miss Kate Jacobs Satiurday last. J. C. OoiiDover, of Coldwater, Right iSmkneat (xrand Oommander of. the Knigliits Templar, aad AVni. P. Innes, Grand Recorder K. T., together with Josepli R. Hall, of tlie M. C. R. R., and Mr. Drysdale, of Grand Rapid3, represeintilng th Chicago & Alton R. R., "ere im. thie city Monday making tjnal arraiiiKemonts for transportati.on oí tïie Grand Comniandery to Denv&r ira August. Mayor Doty i cliaiii-nian of the commilttee.


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Ann Arbor Courier