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i OFFICIAL 1 COÜNCIL CHAMBEK, I Ann Arbor, July ISth, 1892. f Regular meeting. Callee! to order by Pres. Cooley. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wines and Schairer. Minutes of previous meeting ap preved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works respect fuliy submit the following bids íor the construction of culverton Felch street and with the following recommenda tions. The bids were found as follows: Gottlieb Schnekier KM HenryKooh & Bro 7 The respective bids for the construc tion of Felch street culvert over mil race, are hereby trausmitted to the Common Council with recommendation that the bid of Henry Koch & Bro., at the sum of $475 be accepted, and further whereas. the appropriation is but $450, we would ask tor an additiqnal appropriation of $25 to build said culvert. By order of the Board of Public Works, W. J. Millek, City Clerk. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by J. B. Davis and twenty-nine others, residents and property holders of the Sixth Ward, asking tor an electric light at and near the corner of East University avenue and Hill street. Referred to the Lighting Committee. A petition signed by John Pack and ten others, residents and property holders of the Third Ward, asking for an electric light on Spring street half way between Summit street and Chubb street. Referred to the Lighting Committee. A petition signed by John Young and öfteen others, residents and property holders of the First Ward, asking for the establishment of agrade on Mary street and Edwin street, also the grading of the streets to the grade when established. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Wm. J. Just and flve other residents and property holders on South Ashley street. of the City of Ann Albor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of said street, also for the establishment of a grade. Referred to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by E. B. Norris and four others, residents and property holders on Wilmot street, asking foi an appropriation of $100 to grade said street to the estabüshed grade. Referred to the Street Committee. A petition signed by F. Kettick and six others, property holders on Washington street, asking the Coinmon Council to rescind the former order and make an order for a ten foot walk on said Washington street. Aid. Martin moved to lay the : tion on the table, to be taken up later , in the evening, which motion ' vailed. ( A claim of Mary Kenny, of the city of Ann Arbor. setting forth that on j the tenth day of June, 1892, she sustained a very severe injury toherright ■ limb by a defective grate in front of ' property number seven, Ann street, and that she is willing to accept by wav of conipromise the sum of $1,000. On niotion said claim was referred to Finance Committee and City Attorney. City (Merk reported a sumnions served oii-hjui in case . of Elizabeth Wallpert vs. the City of Aun Arbor. On niotion the City Attorney was ordered to defend said snit, which motion prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, llerz, Fillmore, Snow, Fergusoji, O'Mara, llehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Cooley.- 11. Nays.-None. A petition signed by E. 13. Norris asking that a plank sidewalk be ordered built on the westerly and northerly side of Wilmot street from Washtenaw avenue to Elm street. Retened to Sidewalk Committee. UEPORT OF STANDING CO.MM ITTEKS. FINANCE. To ilie Conwion Council: In accordance with a resolution passed at the last regular meeting, the Finance Committee herewith submits a report of tlie present financial condition and the probable expenditures up to February lst, 1893. Deducting the warrants ordered at last meeting irom the Clerk"s report eayesthe various funds in the folowing condition: Contingent fond, on hand... .11.917 30 treetfund, overdraft _ Ï2.397 69 ire fund. on hand 1,951 86 olice fund. on hand 819 78 'oor fund, on hand - 1,29:3 tw Vaterfund, on hiinil 1,094 71 Cemetery fund, on hand l-'T M Soldiers'"Relief, ou hand Kil 4 rnivereity Aid boud fund, on hand...! 840 00 Oux tax lund, on hand 100 00 Jridge. culvert. and erosswalk fund, on hand 1,695 81 Totalonhand 10,662 34 Jelinquent tax fund 1-061 o Conting-ent fund, eost of salaries, lijrht, printing, etc. 7,il8 00 Street fund coat lor the next Beven months: Salarles t=s6 fö Por grading Summit strect... 200 00 Forgmding Vine street 126 M For grading Madison Btreet.. 250 00 3eneral street work bafed ou last years seven uionths 4.2B2 7!) Total 5. 41 Fire fund cost tor 7 mODths.. 8,600 nu Water fund " " .- 2.696 00 Poorfun -- 948 83 Puüce lund '■ " .. 1,356 01 Cemetery fund cost, 7 months 3j0 uü Soldiere' relief f und, cost for 7 months ZSO 00 Bridge, culvert and crosswalk f und ; appropriatlons made for buiidinr: Felch street culvert 450 00 Filth Street culvert a5n 00 Four crossings S75 00 Replanning No. 1 bodye 400 00 Total 1.475 00 Total 27,576 00 Onhanü M,60:.' 34 LeaveindebtednessFeb. lst, 1893 16.713 66 Of course the expenses based on those of last year are largely speculative, but answer the purpose for a rough estímate. The amount of tumis overdrawn on Feb. lst, 1892, was $15,735.71. Respectfully submitted. W alter L. Taylok, A. II. FlILMOBK, WlLLIAM HEKZ, Finalice Com Received and filed. STKKET. To the Comüion Councí] :- Your Committee on Streetg, to whom was re ferred the recommendation of the Board o Public Works relative to the request of the Tolede, Ann Arbor. and North Michigan Rail way Company. to construct a spur track ove First Btreet and William street, andother mat ters. Kespectfully report that they have had the varioue reconimeudatious under considerntion and would recommend, First, ïhat permission be granted to snel ailway company to cross such streets with aeir p'urposed spur track, on condition tha aid company do forthwith bulld all sidewalk ïeretotore oraerca oy mis tuuuun iu uc in akl cotnpany constructed, and also on condij ion that sai'd company do plank each oí sala treet crossings from street line to street line. Seeoud, Youï committee do recommend that he request of said Board of Public Works for n appropriation of the sum of $275,00 for the inrposeof tiling south side of Miller avenue rom Main to Ashley streets and south side of Washington street on the east side of Allen's reek. be deuied. for the reason that the contruction of suitable stone glitters aloug the treets so purposed to be tiled will ansner all he purposes of such proposed tiling, and that he cost of the constructiou of street glitters ïas heretofore been paid by the adjoiniug iroperty owners, and your committee see no ood reason for a departure from such pracice. All of whlch is respectfully submitted. and om committee beg to be discrmrged from the urther consideration of the subject. ('hristian Martin, hokack g. prkttvmax, '. G. Snow, W. L. Taylor, A. P. FEBGUSON. Street Committee A11. O'Mara moved that the report be laid on the table to be taken up later n the evening. Which inotion prevailed. Chairinan Martin asked for further ime on other petitions referred to Stieet Committee, which was granted. REPORT OP WATER COMMITTEE. To the Common Council : Your Water Committee, to whom was reterred thepetitionof Mrs. J.J. Walker and others, raying for a fire hydraut on the corner of iott and Summit streets, Respectfully report that we have had the matter under consideration and would recommend that the prayer oí the said petition be granted, and that the Ann Arbor Water Comjany be ordered to extend lts six-inch water maius from the iutersection of Mlller avenue tnd Gott street north ou Gott street to the corner of Gott and Summit Btreets and place a fire hydrant thereat. We further report on petition of Thomas Collier and others, pruyiug for a fire hydrant on the corner of 14th and'Washington streets, Respectfully report that we have given the matter careful consideration, and find that all the property in that locality eau be reRched by our fire department from the eydrants uow located, therefore we rucommend that the petition be denied. Respectfully submitted. A. P. Fergvsok, liRNEST KEllllEKi.. A. H. FILI.MOKE, Water CommiUee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted, which motiou prevailed, as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguso, O'Mara, Rehberg, ïaylor and Pres. Cooley. 9. Nays - Aid. Kitson and Prettyman. 2. Co the Common ('ouncil : Your Water Committee to wltom was refer■ed the communicatioii oï the. Aun Arbor Water Company, prayiug for the reconsideritiou by the Council of its order to the Water Jompany to reconstruct the mauner of placnfi the hydrauts ou Hill street and to connect be samewith its maln on Washtenaw avenue tvith a tsix iuch water inaiu in place of two inch pipe, Respectfully report that they have duly considered the matter and woukt recornmend that the request of the Ann Arbor Water Company lic ck-nied. All of which is respeetfnlly snbmitted, A. P. Fkkglsox, El'.XHST RKIUiEKIi, A. II. FILLMORE, Water Committee' Aid. Miirtin moved that the report be accepted and adoptetl and placed on file, wliirli niötion prevailed. KEPORTS OP SPEl'IAl. COM.MITTEES. Chainnaii Snow, of the special committee on abatement of mili race in the 3d ward, stated that to this date the citizen's committee appointed June 6th, 1892, have made 110 report. Aid. Prettyman moved that it is the sense of this Council that such committee, appointed June Gth, be asked to bring in a report at our next regular meeting. Which motion did not prevail. AM. O'Mara moved that the citizens' committee be discharge? from any further duty. Which motion prevailed. UNFIXISHED UUSIXKSS. Aid. Kitson moved that the report of the SidewalkCommittee, which was laid upon the table at the last meeting, be now taken from the table. Which motion prevailed. By Aid. Kitson : Beiolved, That the report of the Sidewa'.k Committeewith reference to thengine house sidewalk be accepted and adopted. Which resolution prevailed by veas and nays as follows : Yeas- Aids. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mnra, Renberg, Taylor, Kitson, 'rettyman, President cooley. Xtiys- Xone. President Cooley stated that tbe Mayor's vetoes presented at the last neeting'was still before the Council. Aid. O'Mara moved that the petition ■A F. Rettich and others, in relation to the "Washington street sidewalk, be taken from the table. Wliich iiiotion prevailed. Aid. Martin moved that the width of sidewalk on Washington street be fixéd at eleven feet. Which motiön prevailed. Aid. Martin moved that the street committee's report be taken from the table. Which motion prevailed. AM. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted, exeepting so inuch as referred to the spurtrack of the T., A. A. et N, M. railroad. Which motion prevailed. Aid. llehberjj moved that Council adjourn. Which motion did not prevail. Aid. Martin uioved that the Mayor's vetoes be laid upon the table. Which niotion prevailed. Aid. Martin moved that a recesa be taken for flve minutes toallow thestreet comniittee to make a report on the Felch street culvert. Which inotion prevailed. After the Council re-assembled the street committee made the following report : To tlie Common Council: Your Committee on Streets, to whom wis referred the report of the Board of l'ublic Worku, transmltting tlie bids for the oonstruction of the proposed stone culvert over Mili Kace on Kelen slreet, respectlully report thsitln viewof the total failure of all eflbria to purchase the right of flowage In the old Mili Kaeeon account of a total want of Inleiestand indifference in and to the subject muiter by the resldents of that part of the city adjacent to the same. Your Commiltee would recommend that an additionai approprlation of thesumof $25(twenty flve dollars) be made. and that the Koard of Public Works be directed to make a sultable contract for the construciion ol said street culvert with Henry Koch & Bros., who are the lowest bidders therefore, wllh sutticient sureties, and t.nni kik'Ii sireticuiveii De eonsiructeu wn.uout delay. Respectfully snbmitted, Christiah Martín, H. G. Pkettyman, a. 1'. Kerguson, W. U. Show, Streel Commitlee. Aid. Martiu moved that the report be aeeepted and adopted. Wfaich motion prevailed by jreas aiid nays as follows : Yeas- Aid. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Kehberg, Kitson, Prettyman and Jfree. Cooley. - 10. Nays- Noue. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Kitson. Resolved, That permistión be and is hereby ranted Dr. W. H. Durrance U remove three hade trees in front of his property on the orner of Mouroe and Ingalls streets. Wliich resolution prevailed. ] By Alderman Ferguson : Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the present contract relations between the city of lim Arbor aud The Aun Arbor Water t'omany be, and is hereby declared to be at an end : hut hereafter and until uew and some other ontract relation shall be coueluded by and jetween the aaid Ann Arbor Water Company or the rental of water hydrants and other ,vater used by the City the reasonable worth ;hereof will be paid only, liefolied further, tliat the matter of a new 'outract with snid Aun Arbor Water Cornpany tia nnd the same is liereby referred to the Water Commfttee, and the said Water Committee ishereby iustructed to fully investígate the whole qnestion of cost, supply, and demand, as wellas reasonable pWce uhich ought to be paid, arad report to thi Conncil without delay. Alderman Fergusou moved that the resolutiên be referred to the Water Coiamittee, whieh niotion prevailed. By Alderman Martin : ii solved, That the appropriation of two hundred dollars heïetofore made, for the purpose of grading Summit street westerly froni Main street, be and the same is hereby ordered to be divided, applied.and expended in the trading oí said Sumrnit street and also Gott street. sireh expenditm-e to be made by the Board of Public Works, umler ilinüivr'iun iiw Street Ci,i!nnsiiH"-. ;is to the said Iloard sTiall se m 1 1 1 j - ■ advisable. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Martin. Wh'ereaS, The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Xorth Mleliignn Rallway Conipany bas c.sked perinission to cross First, and Williams streets in this city with a spur track to conoeci wilh their inain or sidetraeks in or r.ear First street, and. Whékkas, this Council has heretofore ordered said Rsilway Cornpauy to bnild and construct certain plank sldewalks lon{ and adjacent to tlielr lands and premlses in this city, and that said Company has hltherto without good reason threfore failed and neglected tocoinply With such so to c.instruct such xidewalks, therefore. .'■riiird, ThBt and pernHflon is hereby granted to the said Kntlrnad f'ompany to construct their eald purposed spur track od, over and across First streel and Williams street on and along the line aml Bt the grade fixed and purposed by the City Knglneer on this express conditiou. to-wit: That said Kailway Company do make and deliver to the City Clerk thelr bond in the penal sum of raie thousand dollars, with Andrew J. Sawyer and Mr. Greenwood as suritles, oondttlnned to bui ld and construct all bucU eldewalka and cross walka without delay, and tha! tliis permission shall not be operativo uittil the said bond shall be duly delivered. Aid. Rehberg moved that the Council adjourn, which motion did not prevail. The resolution of Aid. Martin then canied by a vea and nay vote as follows : Yeas - Ald. iXiartin, Ferguson, O'Mara, Kttson, Prettyman. Pres. Cooley. 6. Nays--Ald. Heiz, Fillmore, Snow, Rehberg. 4. On motion the Council then adjourned. W. .1. MILLER, Clerk.


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