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fetlVETbH HB No Alore Headaehes. XII St. Helen, Mich., Match 8, 1891. Before using Pastor Koenigs Nerve Tonic my wlfe anflered from nerYOus heaüaches and chest trouble. After using tilia remody both have ceaeed. A. NEUGEBAUER. N. Amheret, Ohio. Feb. 28, 1891. For over 2 years I had epileptic fits eeveral times a rnonth. Since I used Pastor Koenig'a Nerve Tonic I havo not had au attack. The medicine is very good. AUGUSTA DKAVES. (Per Rev. J. Romek.) New Haven, Ind., March 2, 1891. ííy nervous aysteta was completely run down, and I was so nervous and weak that I was oonfined to my bed for 'i years. I nsed Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonio and am now entirely well and doing my own housework. MRS. J. D. BICKKI PnrPA Vnluable Hook on Nervous lu Uu u Disoases sent iree to any addrese, f Hl aml poor jiatieuts can also obtain I Elbk lis medicine free of charge. Thie remedy has beenprepared by the Reverend Paster Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., eiüce 18TG. and LBZiüWPreparedunderhis direction by tixe KOEN1C MED. CO.. Chicago, II!. Sold by Drug-grists at 1 per Bottle. 3 for 85. Liirjre SUe, 1.75. 6 Bottles tor 9. FOR mn ONLY! [fTrrrpWlFor LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, W-?UrtfTt1GeDeral and NERVOüS DEBLLIT Y, hfl%fït I ET I M Preftknes of Body and Mind, Effect [■'llilxLl-HtJof ErrorsorExcestPs in Old or Youne, HobuBt. Kublr 9IANHOOD fnlly ReuU.reá. How to KaUrr p nd Stn-ngtkeoWKAIi.rNDUVKLOPKDUlMUNS PARTS of BOUT Abmlutrij BnUJIUiF HSK TRKATHKNT- BrneflU laad, Ben tetÜtj fro CO SI ato h mri Korden Coubü-Ifk. Writethfm. DeseripUT Book, rxplanitlon aod proofs Malled (waled)fre. ddrowERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.V. CARTERS CURE fück Readache ad relieve all the troubles loot(leut to a bilioui state of the istem, uch M Düzineee, Nausea, DrowBinets, DÍRtress after eating, Paic in the Bidé, i o. While their moet remarkable eucceea has been ihown in curing SÍCK lïcacache, yet Carter' e Httlo Llvr Pilli AM oqually valuable in Constipaücn, curing u d prevcutiug tiiJeaDDoyiugcomplaiut.whilo they also rorrectulldieurdersofthotitoiaach.stiinul&totha ii ver aiid regul&te the bowela. Even if they only HEAD Ache they wonld be almoet priceloFs to thema who nuffer irom thi6dietrcesiug complaint; btftfortunately their goodneesdoes notend here.and thoso wliooncetry them will find these litile pills valuabïein eomacy wayethat they will not bo wilïlng to do without them. But after allsick head Is the'bane of eo many livea that hero is where wemakeour great boasi. Our puls cure itwhile ethers do not. Carters Little Liver Pilïs are very small and very easy to take. Oiie or two pilla mako a, dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby their gentle action piense all who nee them. In violsat 25 cents ; fivo i'or $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PÍLL. SMALL DOSE. SMÁLL PRICE C MUied hls Opportanlty! MOX'T Ml fc Ytiure, Kriitier. Tne majority neglect their opportonitiee, and fturo tbut cante live In i"voriy and die in obscority ! Hnrrowing despnir il the lui uf man j, as thay )ik back oti loat, forerer lost, oppurtun ity. ilTc la p:i . ïuk! Reach out. Be np nud doing. Impruvsyonr opportuï.itv, und iecurepiosperity. promitieuc peace. Itwuasaid by & philosopher, that "the GoddeM w Fortona offer g tilden oppnittmity to neb persan at tome period of lif'u : eui bruce the chame, and fchaponrs out her riciies; fail to do so itud abe depürts. nvtr to return." I(nw shall yoa find tbe golpkn iiiortiin:tyr Inveslip.-tro rnvy chanca that appeara wiiitliy. ind of iair proiui-u: Hi:il what all taccebsfal nieuilo. Hete itt an opportunit v n '■ ■ - not often witliintherwHi-lu'i lul. i. ring: peopla. ïuipi ■ i.itwillgive, atleatt, apinnd stait in life. ■nortunlty (or many ia here. Muuey to be made i:i;. H'y uil tiooorablj by aoyinduBtriouiperionof either sex. All -t-s. Yoa eau ei o tbe work and live ut hoin. wharever voti u-a. Eran baginuera are easily earning fiom ?j."i to SM uur ly. Yoa can do s well if you w'll wyrk. not too hard, i)ut indoitrimly ; and yon run ioci'eHte yourinctne k y hu go on. Yoa cao give apare tima on ly. oriill yoor l i met o ihc-work. Eaay to learn. Capittd uot reijulrad. We t,:n vi,n. All il compkratiTely nw und reully wmiilvi lul. W'e imtrnct and sbow yoo liow. (Vc. l'iiiline nnkiutrn ninonC oor workera. ho room to explniu bare. Uïite imd ,'anrn all ftce, byretnrouiil. L'inviie !.. ilaUy, K i'lrai ut once. If. llulltl' A (v llux m. I'o.ilund, Muinr. ■ - . ■ r -, oowltlilö lb... .te-7 17 Ivf 1 ÍS" i l52 ""; "i4 '■.'"' ." """ "" """ ' "oul'J ' 41,000 ftnd b put tmtk where I wat. I im both íurpmeá nii prooi M 1U chjafi. I tMOinmmd your Irtment to i (.:S,rrr (mi il)ily. Will ctw .11 irajuiii. If ,tmp i. oclod Kr r-lv ' PATIENTS TREATED 8V MAIL. CONFIOENTIAL Ki.1. 'pi. it.d -Ih ... Ininnremlau, or bJ trü-.,. ott. o. w. r. srrat, wvicütii'S thhatcv tr -■ RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constautly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIÏT k DEÜBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour ! OSBORN'S UOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, atc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of &ROCERIES ano FBOTISIÚNS Conetantly ou hand, which will be sold on a reasonable ternis as at anv other house in the city. Cash paid for BÚTTER, EG6S, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. A Generous Firm. We are informed thnt the proprietora, Messrs. A. P. Ordway & Co., iweaitly sent three dozen of their imitable mediciine, Sulphur Bitters, to ttoe Catholic Home for the Aged, Whidj is highly appreeiated by the dii-octors and inmates. "As ye &aw, so liall ye reap."- Editor Catholfc Un!oin.


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Ann Arbor Courier