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Additions To The Museum

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The ePtostoèy Dai'.y ftesortcr of the 21st iiuisít., lias tula relativo to the uinii versit y: Hon. Peter X. Cook, one of the memIim-s ou' the bnurd of retfenlts oí the riï'.verxity of Michigan, placed hts name m tihe Kensinstcm register one da y last -sveek. Mr. Oook's liome 8 im Comuna, and he accóinpanied on hfe orirthern triip by nis dau.sliter and sister-!ii-law, Miss Knunkie Mitchell, of the sanie ptoioe. They will remaio unit il next week enjoyting resort life aaid gettiing acquainted vrith the prints oí interest aibout Littie Tra verse Bay. Mr. Oo'O'k is dia:nn;a 01 the comjni-ttee irom the board of regeots wlik-li aiiKs cliau-ffe of the University Museum, amia in hi's trip to this región he lias two objects tn view: first, recrea t ion. and second, additilOBS to tiw.' níuseum oí' which )ie has siLpervlsüom. ïesterctoy va conversation with the Resortèr mam, Mr .Cook, in the courtemis way charactertetit of him, di.söDoisèÖ seooiiid object of lus visit hiere. "We are gmiag t'O' make a-n exhjbit M-oun our jwiseum at the WorW Fair, Olad whiile in many respects we have complete collectiotiM irom Michigaa's producís, natural and cu'itiva.tfd, as vell as oí her íauaa, yet ;in ,a few Sniportaint respecta ive aro la-kjiijg. In ordler tw make our exh::bit complete, aind worthy of our I come up here to do what I ciui to onlarge "our collections and pecímMinfl. Ín tQve Slrst place there ■re several specdimene oí iniportaat aittiimads that w laik. Wi-. are aíter . w cteer. Three of theni we waiat tn ■et rliglit away .wM'je. in red coat, iv buck a,nd tv: doe. The other WO tviffl bo easr to procure. The akJáevm'Wt froin the uiarversity wiü be seint up hiere do d!o the work. Fitne peclameiiiri are what we want. "When ve ïsiMl thero we shall kill them and -t the rost go. BesMfiS these deer, a ■s-olf or fvo, a filher aind a specimea )f tlu otlier are dcsired. That fiiaish■3 t'Jne aiiiiBUKil .buiütoess. Ni'xt, we are af ter a good exhibirt of oiro-rtllieitn MfcWiiKan wóods. Michigan oam jUKtly ,boavit f Home of thv est tiimber iin the WorM, and now is he chiaiiM?e to how up. The vairi'ous ipii-inni-n.-i conitirilbuted WUl be nranird in rarüoiiw ways. .Some we rihall raaJce nip totio cases or tlue otluir wpecijneüs: some will be exhibited ijn itw matturáj fefcktfe, and some cut id siinply Í-OT "exlv?bition. Some we. le5re ([iiartvr cut. eonne croesgraMied, ome W'ith ir h e irain, both in natin-al ainl iinished stat. Each peci-nK"Q tviSll be exhíbitfd labeled with owner'y name and the pa_rt of conn1 ry trotn Thich it eame. Thle will ni,kc U :i good adven l'sement 'tor the owiner. Tlie èxpositani will be tte best place m th-e wcn-ld to let the iKiopie whiat MlcniKam nas. it vm u of considerable valué ,to tlue donor in ttoi&reêpect, hjesJcles niakiiu; the collectSom is muoh. pi a credit to the state as possible. The people in tiii-s vicini'ty will, no áambt, take hqld oí thr matter icad ca.n get any inforinatin they wi-ih irom Hankey & J'ovnuvn, wlhio have taken an active latrest in tlue matter. "In -rmneetkm vrtth the university exihiibit we slrcrtiiW libe to1 collect an.v Indillan ipeBe available in thi.s part of tilii' state At preseint we ha"ve notlijng Croan tlii-i resíbom. alithough we h:ve pliinty oí fgooá relies from the soutJi unid east. It wili talce aorne, time, oí couree, to maloe tUidis collectiiion, and, in my opinión, the best wiay tio do it k for some society to take tïie matt-er im hand, as the Methodist, Baptist, J'rosb.vt crian, ('atliolic. or Indeed all oí Thiem toffethor. Prof Ivelsey, of tfhle university. Vh'O 6 curator of tti-is departmeoit, amd whO' is leas as wtell arqua-inted wirt-n tnm hrandh of arcliaeoaosy as any persoo. tai America, -vioiiid cora eup here wSien the eollecttoii was secured and ítn a puWic lecture would explam t'hc usos of tlve various articles aau all about tiiem. Tlve wot-iety mlgüt dhiaürgé -whatevcr seemed 'deairable for ihv lecture, kecpiug the proceeds for tlhierár sbaxe of the boKrty. I should le ïl;id to liear auythmg in regard to any -oí tüuese tMnge wiiile I aan here; aindshnoia like to j?et the matter 'í'11 staTted before leavimg."


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Ann Arbor Courier