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Prohiibit ion county convent ion at the court house, Aim Arbor, July 29. Teaetoer's InstLtute for Washtenaw coTimty at Ann Arbor, commencing Aug. 6th. The 16th annual iwtr of the Stoekbridge Agrictiltural Society wlll be hek! October 4, 5 and 6. H. M. Woodrt, of Chefeea, is tlie adiniinrt,ratior of the l'arge estáte left by Chaimïtor Dunning, of Unadilla. Chas. Steiinbach, of Chelsea, has invented ;i nnv lea t lier fly net for liorses that is olainned to be the leader. M,r. and Mis. Itobert Deviney, of Jackom, are mnkiiig their annual vistit aanojijr tiheir Dexter friendo. - Djexter leader. The Chelbea farmers got im such a hmirry thte year that some oí them Wad eeüf-Undem sent to tliom f rom tJie factory by expreeB. Ber-. S. T. Morrte, of Dexter, Ie now vteiitiBig Bttgland, treadtng historie ftroumd and drinklnj; in kcoiips that are fold of in story and song. Tlie fiir-it tlweshiing of tlic soasoji waB done yesterday by (ico. Van Tuylo ,and ïïm, RMvinan, for Rofo't Pedick down by A-bram Waru. - fTiïitooi Local, July 21. P. J. Ijfthmaii ■vitl represent the Chlsea lodge K. O. ï. M., at the grand lodge raeetitoig in Detroit next mtomtJi. HiH new 12 Vb. daughten wül keep everythimp morry at home diirihg h!s alsenoe. Oielsea's poBtmaetej1 now receWea $1,400 per annum, n raiie of $100. Oood ,tor OhjelBea, for it d-enots ,-i gpowth im tlie town, and good for Jiillie Jndson, lie is deserving of all t.heee extra $1 00"s that can le gi'veji liim. A Xebrask.i man hBB jugt got a idíNTOce froan wije because of her lying to htai 10,000 times. The ;ourt Eikely tliought that 10,000 tunes was a few more lies thaiv a wotnan ought to ell. Tli.e line has to 1m drawa womewhere.- Plymoul h Mail. The Liuthorain sociiety wlil give two roneerts at tiro town hall; one on Tuesday eieniiiiK, Aug. 2d, and the other om Wednesda.v ovenimg, Aug 3d. Prof E. X. BKbte, of Ann Arbor, a of violin eind a pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlim, Oexmany, and Mies Gwiiiner, also of Ann Arlnjr, Wlll be present Uiiid boke part in the entertaimment. TlieNicws and the Ieader both bewail the Dact that Dexter ieople do mot .take more interest tlian they do in the gift of the $1,000 tpwer clock by Mrs. Wiirt Dexter, of Cliicago. It woivld stH-ni as tliough tlie Kcihool board could provide a ilace :n tlie school house linvi'r iï it eau mot 1h' providt'd in a more cofivëhieni ov suitablo lOCWtlan. By all turnas let (lujis have all the happy HHerty whSeh thcir ownera desire for t.heiii . lm i in the name of coimnnom neaae tel ilii-m iiavc it under MK-iv cifiuütwins :i. w :i mu make theni a uiH'imiT tri èh-ai portüom ol the c Avlik-li oes mi ■.■:■ ba acnae uto ■ ac) wit li t hi' jictivr princi]ile oí bark wlmn ihcrc i-i danper of iis beinsi inipi-cunaH'd wiili hydropüobic bacillns. ChelseS Seráw! Whüeh is lou'oni'i! góod MMisc. The wtedding of Mr. Bert Ii. Turnlmll and Miss l'lorrurc E. Oole; was ceiebrtfted: u th pleaeani liome ol birtdè'e mm hei-, on on-hanl (itreet, at s oYkxk ]). m., Tu-esday July l'.i. L892, in blue pn'sonco of a U-w ined gueete. BeF. O. C. BaMoy, jiastor of t ho ('oufircfcat ioiuil church, ofated in a very pleaeing iuanner. PaUowïiig t öearêanöny was the -vp11 wihiea ui the frtoiHte, aftr wliidi the brtdal pair i,-f t fov Cavanaugh Lake where they wHI spend a few days. - Chielsea Herald. Teaotoer's exammatkm at Hovell Aug. 4th and 5th. Manefaeeter has not eiious'H dwelltag hiouses tio supp'.y the dema.nd. The Miurhoi'r rnuiu-il are ÖRUrin .n getrtMig an iron oage to use as a lock-up. TEere is ■, nmpkvlnt of too rntich paettuvmg oí tíows on tbe streeta ol M;i!ir!i's;iT. The (ci-man Workïngman'8 Soci-ety ,i MiaiDihester cleared $4-40 b.v thoir t-ii' t i July entertainment. Tlw? lriïga carried away by the i;.;li water ba Augusui. township last Spirimg, ïnave beeao replaced. Mr. Lejía Gustin, of Ypsiiantl town, iged 20 yeaw, (lied oa the l.'.tli. Sdw! -was a brlrfe oí sda nvonths. Tho library at Mánchearter g wH pan-miizei], and a ncw supply of books ís soon to be bought for it. MtetaCkee will happen, but whea a lamp lishter climbs a telcphone pole to light a Street lamp, then there must be eomcthiiis the matter wllth him.- Manchester Enterprise. The beet timo to water all house plants is just at niglitiall. The nwistuire wtfl thn sun-ound your plants ftuniLg the night and they wlU look liet tor than if watered at mitl-day. Peter Holzlvauer is siinkbig a drive well for C. S. Grepory. He has reaclied the depth of 85 feet wad is undecided wlwtlier to stop the re or go the rest of the way to China.- Dexter Xew. Althooigh mafliy pSecea of oats were yery thoronghly drenelied wiith rain. were in fact literally drowiH'd. the ■rop prospect in tb!s section is (air. Down towa.rds Monroe the erop looks exoellemt - Diwidoe Reprter. The ttnno for holding the next Dundee faiir Ls rapidly approaching, and tttile eyes of the people for raany twiiles aire looktag toward that great e-vent. It wil] be the great fair of Southeastem Michigan.- Keporter. The eïectric are to burn om ouir Ktreets unttl 1 o'clock a. m., but for fear tiuit thie uight watchman raay get lost, glac kerosene laiups will se kept burniaig froni tliat tiirae until dayliph.t or thei-eabonts.- Mancfliester Eiteri)riw. Farmers report fruit dropping off bnd'ly aaul say the indications now ere that the erop wffll be light, notwïtJistaiwIing the fact that only a week or two ago the iiadications were xcelleiit or a good one. The diffieuilty Kam to be wlrat is kaiown as tiire bligJit. It is said many trees liave the appearanoe oí heat trom 1 fire havikig tsyyept tlirough thein.- Dexte:r News. The marslual will now go abovt li-üs dutiies armed with a lasso for t he cows aind a bull-dog revolver for the doge. He is ajao expected to keep ane eye on the saloon-keepers whtüe the otlrt'r luiints out the man wlio has not paM hls viUage tax. Umbrella mendei-s, tramps, soiap ieddlers, orgaa grTnöers and craiy pofliticiang had better keep out of sigiht or they inay Ifet rum in.- Manchester Enterprise. Our íriend Jacob Heselscliwerdt, of SUaron, went to Cb-elsea, the other day to O' soinc brandy and mine for hls wife who was ailing. On Ii'is way home he begaai to ;iil himself aml vei-y properly took u pull at the brauuly bottle t assist li i tu i ii Oding over hls bad íeelings. He iiadu'f taken over luilf-a-dozen swalkiws befare he smelt ai mice. Y ou see, brethren, that bottle contained somie kiaid of linirnent and, as Mr. H. ík a strict proliibitionist, he feels liurt amI Korter wire-edge toward the dmgg-iBt who soll it to hiin.- Grates Lake News. Mr. Eli Sliover, whio lilved at 4-02 B. Ooogreue street, was the vK-tiin ■of a fatal accfcfènt om Xlonday evenhijí Jast. He and Jotseplr Meyers, au■other j-sil(-iit oi tiTv east ule, were returuing írom Ann Arbor in a buggy. WlH'ii juist went of the city the wheels gratinl agalirat the ï-aiilway track aiwl frig-lirt viied the horee. It wheeled so siwldemly as to tii the buggy and tdírow bot li men out. Meyers escaped tojun-y, but .Slwjver ivas tlirown head flrst uipon a small gtump whkh killed him iuwtaivtly. Funeral services were lftfd at St. Jolui's Catholfc ctwirch Wednesday morning. - Ypsilanti ('ommerciial. The little vidlaífe of Bellville ín ttryimg to get a boom ou. A nieetJuk luua been called', sevenil oí its cttiBöUB made speeches setting iortli the beautSee amd gTeat advantagee ui tlie "sein villaje" of Wayoe county, a they see lift tocall' i't, and now tlhey waiil a bank, aotae ïiianufacturtug eutvrpi-ilses, a rare traek and tlie Ixwd mi'ly kuuws wliat else. The beautiiew ji the burg were liighly iwi'i-trayed tliat severa! of its citlzens who have been tryiiit; i geil om kw the past quarter ol a centuiry, woultla't noiw taUe Hall' ol l)einiii -i i - taeir property and wonder why they svere Bucb tamati'ou lools as to ever w;.h to sel] out !- Plyjiinuih Maiil. Y imanóme bu; iV laiimad suittoni.- Jn staH' present a invtii.r i)cc!iirii of iiriiMiiuMit al Kardening ihan (mis. : thie oorth ciul of the pansengier liouse, the ground has beeñ i m'.-i ii i iíuiiy Bodlded, agid laid cmt -.vitu wmdins gravel walks, among which axe tloTVer beda j vantnis and uggett'E designe. Masonlc embíems, stare, ;inl very natural objeets are reprepprttod, ! nilr ílic water tank om fchie Incline uí a graasy moand, the nvonl V[)s;:,uit:, n lettere iiearly a va ni yjgh., oomposed oí brlight red i; i e eeen. Hiere te a conservar iiii-y bullxHing on he gpound, where rlowirs will be raiised and preserved iiic wjuer, 1o renew the pture whfen sunimor sli all return.- Ypstlanti Sentlnl. South Lycra boa-sts of a bjg bean erop tliiis year. J. .F. AVlielin lias moved back to JK'ian ifrom Del A unión Sunday scíhiool excursión froni Mellan wiU picnic at Whitnvore Láke Aug. 8d. The 84th btrthday of Jacob Litchaid. oí Milán, was made pleasant for hjm 0.11 the loïh aast. The eotored people of the cou.iity have been lïoJölmg a camp meeting and burbaeue at Arbeiter par?. Sal die. Wheat in tbje eectiom is badly down by Stnseet rava8. i Ie liavd to liarc-i wit h great loea it.- North Latee cor. Pimckney Dispatch. From the Petoekey Daddy Resorter, Jmly 1!: '-Orla B. Taylor and wife, of DotrniK, Archio W. Wilkltwoo oma Miss Lottie Tayloi-, oí CSielsea, lelt tiw Arlimgton Mimda.y. for a trip to Mackinao Island and the Soo." Christian Saley, who lett here about a year ago to take up his ature abade iai Aun Arbor, foa.s dtvided tha cilty liíe i wot his chodce and will return O h;s oíd horane i.n Saline about September let.- Sa-litne Observer. F. W. Hi-Il took a )i)imdrel-mvle bicycle o-Me last Smnday, golng bo Detroiit and back and ridins around tte city .and BeJle Isle Park. He went town lm 3 l-:2 liwirs, a di.stance of -12 mSIlee, benig am average oï a trifle less tliat 13 an hour.- MiSan Leader. A large jaw and ïvory ta Dr. L"nterkltctoer'B wïndow are suppo-sed to be that of a mívstadloiu, a huge animal saikl to JUaeblt this earth years ago. 'ni maetodon ík said to resemble the elephant eomewhat, espeetally to triibe, being a great deal larger. Tlie one iivwy or tooth attached to tlie jaw abo-e merationed, is about elltfht imches wkle by four thick, and projects deep iinito the jaw bone, and ils weU pireserved, the emamel being -eiry hard. The curiosirty was recentlv éuic up ini a Hwamp ne-ar tont i.- i


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Ann Arbor Courier