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llrv. Win. 11 .L'ope, of Monroe, will fin tliie pulpit at the M. E. churcli next jSntiflay. A P. Fergusoa h.-is an order for a car loawl of rond carts t'roin San Francisco, Cal. Cnion at Uif r;ii)tidt cliari II jicxt Sunday eyening. R'v. l!r.-uli:'h;nv will (iccupy th pulpit. Rey. .T. M. GSelstton gave an excellent iemi'nn at the union mcetinjï in the Dieeiples clvureh last Sunday ovenin r. Joihai Laghlan, wlio lias been harTesting whleat 011 his farm in Shiawassee eoumty, report.s tlie erop a good me i:n that sectüon. If creanwries and clueese factories, etc, keep on increasinjï In this county, the íarnwrs will eventually jcive up raising cereals and pay all tti&ir attention to grazing. Nearly a suifioieait number of proUi'ibitiionists assembled at the court ttiiouse last Friday to fill the delegatïtoui of sixteen to attnct the state eomventton at Owoaso on the lOth dmst. Miss Popiide Schneider and Miss .)ice St-aebler, aceoirapanied by tin Schaller and Will Rettich, rode to Detroit on tibieir wtoeelB Sunday, ïnaking tlM' trip there in 4 hours and 30 jttimrtes. Whw a hen succ'(fe in tíStOkAng a chicken from w china egg, and a soldier kills an enemy art a inundred yards witíh a Tjlank catridge, theti a merelhflnt may hope to do a successful business without advertisins?. - Chelwe& Standard. The family of John Armhruster, on E. "Washington st., rcceived last weck. from friendo in 'Seattte, Washington, Mme very fine eweet red eherries, olie cluster haring 1G cherries in it, all Inrge and of excellent quality. "Washington state is coming to the front in fruit raising. Dr. J. N. Martin pride.s liimself on two things outside of lus profesaron. One is h-is abillty to run a sail boat and the öher is in his luck at c.atehing large fish. He has the unhiappy faculty- (in a fisherman) - of ne-ver exaggeratins the weight or Bize Oí tlvi' fish hi rutehes. Ciwintoipher (i. MiSlman, who has fcept ,a sailioio.n on N. Main et., for a nuimbeir oí years, d!ed very suddenly Sast Thuirsday evemiing, oï apoplexy, iiged 42 years. 'Mr. Millman was for a jnvinbeir o'f years om tlue jolice folrce of the ciity, and was well-known in the cojnmuinilty. He leaves a wifc ;rnl thiree children. Funeral serviles wcre held last Saturday afternoon. ïTOiti the faraiily resildonce oa N. As'nley pt. The A. A. U. V. society had a meeting last Fririay nighit to make arrangements for thieir coming bazaar, vvhich will be held in the ïiink f rom Rept. 19tii to 24th. Mrs. E. Oesterlin, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. C. Martin Mrs. Titus Hutzel, Miss B. AValz and Mts. E. Spring were appointed as a cioimmittee to a.ssist the regular comxnjttop on arrangemonts iu the work. Any ladies of tlue society or their iriend.s, wishing to aid in any way eitlier by donations or services, will please notify any of the above mentioned la dies. TeaWft'r'.-s fxuniin;itin at tlif eourt Oüouso ito-morrow. As 'a íMiiiini' iis)K-nn;m l'.i'íitlici' Jiwikcs, nf the Ariius all, 'l'iic mimiiiit of th ïii'Dplc'.s liarty fnr i:-cinrcss n thN imeonsi 'itut ionaUy K'fi ryiuandeicd ;.i-éeond Cfrngrfswional (listrii-t i. Petbréi oí Siiu. Mr. l'clcrs .onld Im' lH'aril should hr be elccted, and u-imlil ncver be oallc(! 10 a-c(niiit íor not a t ■trniliiiic tu liiisiiu'ss. He uoühl niakc.a R'ood Have yiiu noticed tlir brjcjad smilc onr irieiiil John tJilien wears oí late ? ÍJattt Siaturday aüernoon a tjvigkt lfttlp !J-2 iKiuml il au trli ter carné to tiii'ir hoini' to li tliem oort chcer aml n happy firture. - Saline Observcr. .lolin sliou'.d remt'mlKT that it is yoUts that are -7intc(l. lt is astonlshins( that lif slunild mnb' sii'-h a break to early in t;hv cmpalgn. Ir nvay le of interest to fruit rpwí-1's .inil iariiicr genera Uy, tt) know WSat the Weather I'.ureau ik taking steps to h-ave, jíívíuíí warniiiR of eiwuini; irosts, hoisted at the. .sirnal etati-on in Uis city. These signáis will be givep iluriiur tbc seaons ■v1hmi ïrost Avould canse damajíi1 to oropí. Th liKinlilcr. Colo., Herald. of Ju Ijr 21), coutaniis & notiee of tlif ileath of the iniant Bon of Ih ('has. ):. and :Miuv Txwvry. 1)r. I,ovcry s the librarían of f lic Tufri-r.ít y of Coïorarto a gra(htnte of tlw tinivcrsit.v rit .class of '77, also takint; (fegrefes in '84 a'ad '8(i. Mr. Jjowory forraerly Mary (. Thompson, medir-ol clatsw of '8. The 0. M. Graven nnminnted for superintendent fi public nstruction tipon t3iv peoplc'.s tlókét at Jackson ycstiTilay, is probably intonded lor Prof, M. O. Crraw, of i'etoskey. He was ior a few yvars a resident of (bis city He ts a gradúate Oí tlie uniVt'rsity, Uterary departmcnt, a gentleman in cvi'ry wiise oí tlw word, a -Mi'oroiMïli Ktdent and a man of too iiKiiiy lrain.s to npprove ot several ui ilie wild theorias oi the people's p;irty. Listen to the Dexter Leader man: ■'avmaif;,'li lake éfeeane to be a rcsiirt tor many of hé hiith-toned pgople of Ann Arbor. Tbe aesthetic in-cifwsor, skilied doctors, noteö lawycrs. and lovable clergymen who quent its sh'ores cnn't 1p wj.lib.-,too.tedJ lor if t.liey were thoy wonffl more fnüy enjoy t.lye broa tl -expnnse of the tcrs oí flie Portase and siirrouniling' ' la.kes, rompured witlï whieh Cavanausli is but a duek pond. These péopfe liave so little nard for the chry.slal element ;t to Iran.u their e-lnthcn on a .hi-1ry limb and nor go near t]e wat-er." A tr'.p out fco Wíiikmore L,ake a few days siiu-e "reveali-d itself !m bi-tter condition th many ns past. I; ís up to its oM time high a-Üer mark, and tlie.tish: tog ;- i-vrclleiit. Dr. J. N. Martin am; F.ditor Beakes ea.-h cauu'ht a fiive pOHiMl bass tlvat day and hosts ■of smaller flsh were caught by the amglers. Iandlord Stevens is the same gjsttiiál, accommodating gentlemain, aml bliía jtuiBts are made to enjoy tliiemelves whether the weather te propitiouti or not. The banks oí' tilie liake are Ikaed witb tampeii-.-i, amoms ivhwm ai-e many Ann Arbor people. For a beautiíul .spot to wíhiile nway a day oír so, a week or so, or a montih or so, Whirtmore Lake still takes the palm.


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Ann Arbor Courier