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The Sninöay School of Mllan are enjoylng í lii'mselv-.- at Whitinore Lake to-day. Wm. Rheúfuse, of Manchester, sMpped a car load of calvos to Detroit a iVw days since. TWé Ladies' Library nt Chelsea wlll be opon only from to 5 o'clock i. m. Salurda.vs Tintü Sept. lst. Tho prospecta tor an apple erop in the Booithern part of the county is said to be exceedingly dioouraging. An order has been issued at tíhester tto have all the dogs muzzled. A ood order and ought to be enforced. The Yp.silanti ootuncll is now enKajicil in figurin.íí up liow much two iifv bridgee vor the Huron will eost tlie city. A train on the Iak Shore R. R., at Jlaiwhfst-er ran into the team of Chas. vSloat, killed one norse and s-niashed thinss up onerally, a few days Binoe. Mra. Samuel Barnard, thie wife of om.' of Ypsilanti's prominent and wealthly eitiwiis, died very suddenly SWQday morning. Shie lea ves a husband and two datig-brèers. The iarmers in this vlcinity have about all finislied harvestinür and the erop was Becured in A 1 ahupe. Niav wlvat wc need ís a little rain i'or eorn and tlie eaison wlll have been a capital one. - Dexter New. Nearly ewrybody in the neighborhood of the milk depot is regalllng in Ice milk, purchased at the modest prioe of L' eents per trallon.- Wayne Iterview. Thnt must be awful cheap railk or nwïul cheap ice, or botli. Mrs. Aniiiista E. Wedemeyer, of Iima, died Jnly 19, aged 53. She came toLima from Germany in 1S55, and inarried tlie late Frederick Wedemeyer in 1857. She was the mother of Supervisor Wedemeyer, of Uma. The Dexter Clieese Cpmpany mean business. The attacliments are ordered and the cans will be here in less than a week. Before two weeks have passed they expect to be paying the farmers 75 eente per hundred for milk. - Dexter L,eader. The next farmer's picnic at Pleasant Lake promises to be the best that hae ever been held. Il the weather permita, it will be made an old fashioned day. It will be held Aug. 18, and Washington Gardner will üeliver tíue address.- Stockbridge Sun. One of Derter'e pleasure resorts for pedestrains j'ielded f orar rattle snakes, onc of thmii haying 10 ratttes. The Kws advises peopte wího so for pleasure trolls in that vlcinity to "keep in the raiddle of the road," step high, and never fail to be provided with a liberal supply of lotion for snake bit-es. They have a pot toail nt tho power house oí the ek'ctric lightmg company, and every nisrht fue hops up to tlue t?ps where Ham Kingsley takes him by the scnff of the neck and lifts hiim into the tralldióg where he enjoys him.self c-atthi'ng bngs, etc. He has leen cauKht eyeinpr the bin driving belt and if toe tackles it, the place will probably be without a pet.- Manolvester Enterprise. Liiglitning struek the large barn on tlw Ijaphiivm farm near the churcli last Sunday afternoon a.bout 5 o'elock and tive KPrrap of farm buildings were burncd to the ground. A large erowd lof people was attracted to the place but could do nothimr except to save thte liwuse. Tlie buildings were insurvd in tlve soutliern Washtenaw farmers' mutual for $1,800, but nevertliiele'ss thre wili be a heavy toes for tlie (ywner to baar, as there was th whKIe of tliis .vear's erop of wheat and Hav destnoyed. - ter Enterprise. A fair áttendance waa in the house of woi-ship. nlthough the öay was warm. Gaily tiip blute-tailed ily !mzzed a bout tlie room, lighting alike upon thp bald pa.te of the acred donocm, and the pink ear of the blushing raaidcn. Tilue last stroke of the morning foell Wad sounded and the man of God was preparing o read his morning Ieísson, wlien clear and sweet as ü flowing brook ramo floating in upon tlve c-alm Sabbath air, the ing, from the open cliureh door: "Yes I always put my beans asoak the nitfht before, because I think it makes tlirm more digestable and they will brown fx much bet - why btess me ii si-vk-es Imven't commenced !"' and the fair wor.shipper sank confuspdly into a seat while the services proceeded. Nota Reans ! Ladies should alwaye drop all worldly conrercation before reaohing the ehurch door.- EiOChester Era. Petty lrorglartas are bei tig eommitted at Milan. In tli1 wlieat threwhing aiwut Mooreville the yield ko far is reporteJ at only 5 to 15 husliels per acre. A ipoor yield. A. A. Buckelew, of Webstor, had a uarrow escape froin deatlv by falling off a laad of hay receiuly, and striking on hie head. Aocordinfiito the Leader, the Daugliter.s ai Rebekali will hold a lawn social at (. M. Ëlackmer's residence on Saturday Aug. 6th. A student; lookiug for proteetion (une ti t'hí-' hoiroe of Dr. and JIrs. D. P. McLacM&n Sunday. A 12 pound boy. - Saline Observar. Lee Hitdicoek has bouglit out W. R. Needttnajn'e bakery and stock of land has moved the ín into tuO new PalimiT blonjk, at Milán. Thíe So. Lyon boys must be awful slow. The girls recently got up a picnic all by themselves, but of course they diiln't have a very good time of it. ToucSi not (ruit while it is yet green or bef ore it ruddy glow appeareth -on its cheek, for at last it gripetli liki' a vire and "biletü" like a voli-ano. - Chvl.-ea Herald. Detroit real estáte bnomors are buyinjí up farms at Wayne and plattins t-liem up into village lots. Tliis i probably preparatory to taking the village into the Corporation a la Chicago. A Dexter township farmer wás lamenting 'over the great cbst per acre for binding twine, 33 cents. Guess he Bever went tiirousrh the raking and binding proces in his harvesting. - Dexter Ieader. An Indiana editor says: "To all th'Ose wlio are in arreare one year or more, wlvo will come in and pay up and one year In advance, we will giTe a first-class obituary notice in case it kills tlvem." On Wednesday August 3d, will occur the marriage of Rieinhold .1. Joaenlians, of Mooreville and Miss Emma FreundlicJï, of Evansville, Ind., the eereiwony to take place at the latter city. - Milan Leader. Au old lady over in tire Southern part of this coiinty, near Lambertville wh!o sCemed to le bos of all she aurveyed, tlvresilied her hired man a few days aj?o for uttering cuss words in tïie .presence oi lier young son.- Dundee Reporter. 0 Mr. W. S. Han.-ock, -n'ho for about thfee years has bewi agent for the United States Expres.s in this city, lias been promoted by that company to its asrency at Akron O. As the promotion carnes wlthi it the comfortable increalse of $500, in salary, Mr. Hancock is correspondlngly pleased. He will leare for liis new field of labor to-day, and his place here ■wlll bp taken by Fred Huntoon, of of .Tackson.- Ypsilanti Commercial. Tf tüi'e land speculators and boomers are anxious to pret rMhl fast they will find it to tiheir advantapre to purcliaso land lwre, and plat oait for a Villaje. "Witüi the advantapres of nat ural ffa aroamd here, proposed Detroit & Ann Arbor street railway, telephone connections, milk 'depot, fritera tor and farmma; toóla manufa.rtory, etc.. it Iswms to us tliat tlwre are wo bett-er points in this country tibian Intoster for a genuine boom. - Oor. Wayne Review. The -vreather editor of the Chelsea. Herald gays:- TUi'ere are many natural barometers, -which, ín a general ■n-ay, are just as reliable as the best aneroid instrument tlrat ever carne from the faetory. A pïUK of tobáceo by lts mnistiire and softness vrilJ indieaté the appi'Dach o? a storm, a Ücrrwe window cord "vi!l tishten up juist betore a rain, and a pfftf of irloves orclinnrily titrlit nn tlie hand, iviii iici omo íilmixi baygy on tire ap:)ru,]'h oï bad "wi'atlvpr. Th'e members oí tlie Baptist ehurch sfi'in tío havte auslit the progressive spirit ,oí tlwir Methodist brethren, and nre makins extensivle ropairs upon tlveir i-lmrcli building. The roof i.s repairod, and tire oiitside of the building, frwn tíie pinnacle of tlve stepple down, nioely repainted. Tlie inside fe being cfeaned, and O. E. Thompson & Sons have the contract for frescoelag ttiie interior TUve new grand Yorftan hiae been ordererl of one of tlie largiÉrt firnrs of organ builrters in the T'nited Staten, and wlH fte put in po'Kition as soon as it is oompleted, AltoR-ethier, membere of that church, ■w'hen Psturning (rom their vacations tliis fall wlll hardly kawv thoir place of ■worSii'tp. - Ypsilanti Commercial. It is a mean man wli'O is ncrt meroiful tío hls honse tliis kiml of weathf.r. Ticílnt oheck reins ought to be toosened or cfiéea-rded. Strict attentiionsliioiukl be paid to watering often, and to keeping: the horse as comfortable a. possible wh'en at work or at. rest. It is not only mncln more agreeable tío tli animal, but it pays Ín eoabling him to do a great deal more work and with better results. The lvorse has more sense than lots of men, and lts intelligence slio"ull meet witlu such treatment aa to a waken luis gratitud, and at the ame time lts interest and ability to do its work. An uncomfortable liorsse can not do as well as one that Ib inot sufíerinj?. And tlnen, too, common liumanity should teach us to be kind to the animal who does bo imicli lor man. - Fowlerville Observer. Hood's Sa.rsapariilla nbsolutely cures all Tiseases caused by impure blood and it builde up tlhie whole systm. Ufiider tlie yoke- Oxen. AlUce as two peas- Four Come to grief- Undertakors. If out oí order, use Beecliam's PLlls.


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