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Ci'orüc E. Sperry s in Muskegon vlsitïng friends. Tj. ï. Heesler, TVife and snn are visiting l'rienite in Veiter. Ervin Schmid has gone to Sand Lake for a ïew days. B. J. Ootnrad and famil.v have returned trom Mackinac. Paris S. Bftnfleld and faniily are camping at Portage Lake. Miss Pa.uline Schnedder is visiting friends in (rand Rapid, etc. Mrs. 6. M. Momroe is entertaininc llrs. Huldali Monroe, of Kalinp. Harry Hall, dent. '92, Bpent Sunday wlth friends (?) iji the city. Mrs. H. N. Chute and dauKhter Blrdte, have fforie to Dcvil's Lake. Miss (k'rtriKle Divine has returned froim a visit wlth ïriends in Ohio. Mra. C. A. Maynard, and family are vi&iting relatives in Langing, et-e. Frank Ie)rg hia been "under the weather" for a few days wlth rheumatism. Mrs. Doyd, of N. State tt., has gone to Lapeer to visit her daughter, Mre. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett and son Harold are visiting friends in Mt. ("Ifinens. Mlafftin SeatboOjti, ojf Manfetee, is spending n few weclaB with his father Miois Seatoolt. Stewart Millen and George Clancy are expected home thi week from 'Brltjgh f'nlninhin. MiwMary E Triimiti lias returned homïe aft er a lew week's visit with friends in Detroit. ■ I). F. Sclrairer and ïamily rpturued Satorday, frnm their vi.sit with friends in the west. Mrs. Goodrich, oí S. State st., acoompanied by her daughters, have gome to Devil's Iake. Miss Clara Waterman, oí Detroit, ie the guest of her Bister, Mrs. G. M. Monroe, of Spring üt. Miss Mary Duffy lnas gone to Marquette for a fe' week's Btay. From tliere she goes to Chicago. I' rank Iatson, of Jackson, has beeu vteiting friendo in this city and in Webster during the weet. Miehael Herey and liis daughter Jennie were ealled to Portland Frlday by the 3&ath of a ve la ti ve. Mm. .Tndsíe I,nni', of Adrián. Ib vislting her párente Mr. and Mrs. E. .T. Kniowlton, of N. State st. (leorge E. Stanley, of the SingelSewing Machine Oo., has gone to Lapeer Hor permanent reeidence. Proï'. Eugrene H. ïtolxrtson has rereturn? dto Ann Arbor after a visit to his home in Lenawee county. JIrs. C. Maok Is in Denver, Ooi., visitiing her dauiffhter, and new grandobild - Harry Hawley's wiie and baby. Miss Allee Port er and Miss Nellie LCVlng leave to-day for Catawba Island, Iike Erie, for a few days p]eanre. Grien V. Mills kept reurjr quiet about it, but neverthelesis he Rmiles gweetly 'dauwe it's a girl. He never smokes, however. Chais. Dietas and wlfe. of X. Ashley st.. have been entertn,inlng John Hanstine and' il'. of Detroit, durins the we pk. Mies Mayme McLonth. of WagUlngton, D. C is the gueist af Mr. and, Mrs. Mrs. A. M. Ooty, of E. Ann st.. for a few diays. Mrs. A. Kearney, of X. State st., has been reoeivliiK a visit from Her dau'tfhter Mrs Firestone, of Des Moines, Iowa. Editor Suekoy of the Hausftvund, celebrated his 3-tth birthday last Sainlay, which l'riends made a pleasant occasion for htm. The iamily of Kew Henry Ta tin -k are in camp at Xorth Lakè, and Mr. T. expecte t o join them to-day for a three wwk's 8tay. Miss ("a.rrie Danforth, of N. ünlversity ave., who luis beien away for lier health for Kovoral mionthg, has returnad muoh improTed. Jir. and Mrs. P. I.. Pat;e are receiviiis a visit froim their sons Henry Pase. ll-t. '81 and Dëeatur Vage, dent. 'S. of Decatur, 111. Peter Pnqnett-e- Picket for short- ;s lioini' ii-oni the Soldier" Home at Grand Rapide, and not very mucb in love with that institution. Hon. James S. Gorman, member of songreee irom thus dfetriit, has been in thí" city a. day or so, lookins affer his politicnl fences, presumably.


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