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Will Some Of The Calamity Croakers

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please teil us if th-cre has ever been ft tinne, wten labotring men could earn as niui-h money as they can today ? Ií so, wluen ? Th ere must be sorae wealth in the upper península, for Houifliton county, wit'h a populatíoo of but 30,000. lias ;m assessed vahiatiou of $40,000,000, the third larest oounty in the state in this regard. The present cangvess has passed bilis aggregating $44,000,000 more tlian tht' much tallced about "billion dollar congreso." And thfii the World'a Fair only received $2,500,000 aid. But the sonithern rivers and harburs farad well. The iKiopli; of ttois uation- the workIng people of this nation- think too (mutli of their homos, their families and tliE workshops and industries tliat support them, to yive up the protectivc polity. Tliat's Wliy the i-epublk-anM will win in this campaign. T1h Industrial World, published in Tjondon. Eng., imder date of July 15, Ts'.il', s;iys: "Wagea in Anu'ri,-a are at preeent abo'ut doublé what the.v are in Engl&nd. l'.ut if AmeHca adptcd ii-ec trade they voould probalily be pechioed by onc-hali, and beuirnc equal to the wajres paid in Kiijiland." 'J"Jiiit'. Iliv sDlution of öhè tree trade problein èvtery time The shmrtase of tlio late seeretjary nf statie, Daniel E. Sopor, is announccil as $1,1J2, -whii'h annount Auditor Cencral Stonc has deinandcil of "Mr. Soper. The quiesttón is: "Will lir get it " 'I'lii' iirevalent opinión is tliat lic Will bot et it. That Bïiiortage is a trifle, however, compared witfli the Bhortage in honèety an?d ooanmon decence of the squawbiR-k leglelatupe. Proliibiiion is not a success in Hillsdule i..()i,iiit.v, wiiere the people voted in favott" of local option rccently, it is to be judifed by tliis tram the : "The bn&ineas of maklng drunkarda gioTO merrily on. ïhe slierifl' says he will arrest anj'oo found witli uquor n his person. It mígrht be a good idea to arrest sorac of the dispensers of tlK' stuff. It would doubtless be a urcat surprise boh to them and the public; but the latter, at least, could tand tilt' shock." Tlic "canato" same astronomers profetss to have discovered on Mars, as signáis the inhabitants of that planet dug to attract the attcntion of the mhabitants of this earth, has eaiused eonsternation in the demooratie rank. Grover Cleveland, while looking through a glass (darkly) the other evening was sure he observed a alt niist arising frora said excavation, and he iminediately tumbled. It was a new rout-e up Salt rlver. Tlie New Yo'rk Herald, a Cleveland democratie organ, says: ''One big strike drives move American money toto bondis and securities than all th-e traiLHUlantic tourists take to liurope in a year. Thi.s very money misiit oitfiierwfeé have gone into industrie-i and inereased wages of skilied wotrbmien by creating compctiitioii in the labor inarket. When two tr more employers iiire bidding for tlie saane man, that man makes his own ttanmB. Strikes are costly." Hon. Don M. Dickinson, oi this state, has bt'en namicd as ehairman oï the democratie cainpaign committee, a Kulj-c-ommittue of the national coinuiittee that has considerable ivork to do in the euuipalgn. Mr. Dickinson would luave been an excellent chairman of tQïe nati-onal committee. He has the interest of Mr. Cleveland at heart, and would make a gallant figlrt for tJw mam of his choice. The republicana lof Michigan are satisfied, howevi'r, to have that gentleman in the background womewliat. All American travellers returning froirn. Europe agree in telling of the great interest there over our apjiruacliiiiis electrón. MeKinley and hts bill are cordially hated, espeelally thraughout England and Gfermany, and tliey are oordially hoping for Clevela:nd's elcetiO'ii, so that tliey raay iiigain e our markets t'hrown open to their surplus goods. We uave befare us a. copy of the London Times, of July 20, 1892, wMch has over a column editorial on our elections, and it Cló&es with these significant words: "Englhshunen can feel Httlo Bympathy for eithier of tte parties engaiged in tinte Ignöble tstruggle, but undoubttagij our interests as a trading community must make us wlwhl success to tlue democrats, wlilo now for the first time ko to tibie polls as tlie avowed ohamptons of free trade, rather tlian ta the aiutliiors and defenderá of the ■medieval McKinley tariff." ïherc is a great deal fr Ameritans to think ubomt in tliosc wishes of our ooanmerclal rivuls over tlu; water. Wihy Bhiomld we be in liaste to do just uimt thiey want, against our best interetB ?


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