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"where Is He At."

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Our friends of the other side are just now in quite a qunndary about ttoeir eongressman. They dare not turn Goman down for a nomfnatkm, and at the im( time th.-y realice hiin to be the weakest man they oomld put np to run. He has made noi record, except on tree silver, which is a bad ome tor him; im has had no toflunce, except witto the house eominittee on irrifiation. where hls extensive cxperience in "Irrlgating" has been oBeful; he Ivas dome nothing, so that tMfl district has pvactieally heen umrepresentteè in oongrass. He has been in his wat SO gfeldtwu that when iHje did so blè had to aefc "Wbre was I at '!" Conieinin.t; h:3s römonination the Washtenaw POKt says: "A great Mono in til way oí tlne renominanatton of Hon. Jame Gorman for representativo in ccmgress in tlie 2d district of Michigan, is his ideas on freo ilver ffotnage. In Wb voting upon sui-li a law in the house oí represent ativcrt at Washington he voted with tihe silver cranks, and acted dlrectly ar,'iinst tÍMe platíoirm of the democratie party. Thore are araong the domocrate oí t h Ls district, especially in Washtenaw, iM'omroc and .Tackson coimties, very few wlw favor the free oodaage swindle, t'luerefore tlie actton of Mr. Gorman is incomprehensible to tos. Pet'haps he does not care fot a ri'nomination."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier