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Right No Longer On The Scaffold

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New York Times: In a fair Contest for juist wasi'S there is 110 occasion for ïorce and no justifieation of vtolenoe. lf Btrlbera find it necessary tO' reeort to toroe or violence in order to maintain thcir ground, it is proof tliat tlieir ground te wrong. If they ivi'ir rinlit they oo'Uld maintain it by nirrelv standing :lrm and proving that their places cuukl not bö filled without conuintr to their fcerms. They iiKike i serióme mistake when they nssunie to take virtual possession oï the property of employers and díctate the terras under wliioh it can be uMd. Sucli a proceodiiig can never be toleruted in a civilizad community. The owner.s of the property have a rijiht to hold and to uso it and deiend it against tpeepaseers. Tlie objection oí working"men to the employïucnt oí a special forcé o! protection uf property that is liable to be attacked is fouiided on no sound pricniple. The real ovil is not the cmploymcnt of men to protect property, but its liability to be attacked. Xo employcr would go to the expense anfl trouble oí employing Pinfaertoos, or any other s]KHial torce oí men, if striking workmen rfrowed no dísposition to forcé Or violenee in ínaking th'eir contest. Men do not like to take the risk of haring productive property destrpyed simplj1 beeause they can cali upon the putolic authority ior irotection after un attaek lias been made and get reparatiun in the course of time by litisation. Nor are they legalJy oblified to take that risk. The grentest mistak-e of all is for vrorkmirmen 't o reöltsrt public authority, even when it is supportert by au overpowering armed force. It puts tlieni on the wrong side of the law, and forfeite the sympathy of law-abiding people. It te further evidence tliat thcv %vere in the wrong at the outset. It leade them into a contest ttuat is sure to fail, and it makes negotiations for the settlement of their disputes out of the question until they have yielded obedience to law. Tliese variouB mistakes have apparently been illuistrated in the Homeateaú diffieulty, though it is not yet set t led "vhether the workmen were 'absolutely wrong in their contention or not. Tbey have theniselves prevented the settleinont of that question tlnus tar. Iíev. ThOs. Dixon, of New York City, wluose scathing excoriation of Tammany was recently published in the OcniPler, was at Bay View the tfher day and in an interview publishvd in the Reporter, said: "Whiat did Tamraany dO' with me? Oh, they dropped the prosecution quk-k enough when they found I ivas ceady to stand trial. You see it was in the OOUiee of a defense of Dr. Parklnirst that T made the statement tha.t Richard Ooke, the re-appointed eommissioner, was a criminal who Crught to be in the penitentiaxy iind who would be if he had liis deserts. Oí course Mr. Coke was rijrliteously indiguant and had me arreetied tlie neit day and made a rreat hullabaloo. Probably thought bocause I was a minister I would back water and apodogize. Did I ? Well, I gtiess nat. I told Mr. CoUe I was ready to stand trial and would brlng evidence to prove that he ought to lx.' in tin' penitentiary. I covild done it, tow. The district atCorney woiild lvave been in a pretty siuvation, proweéuting me for what he tnew Ooke wa.s gnilty of and of whfch (hle hiniself had the evidence ! Mr. Ooke continue the prosecution ? DropIed it like bot cakes. It wouldn't iiave ben safe for ulm to have continued it." Is it not a fflKime that the good eitizcn pf New York are obliged to .suffer tnie disgraee spoken oí by Dr. Dixon ? T.Vith evidenee in their hands and in the hands of the prosecuting oificere to prove the rascality of officials, yet Tammany is so powerful tli'at nothiñg can be done to mitígate the eTil. There are certainly enaugh well-minded people in New York, if t.licy would only rise up and throw off the terrible inenbus, to do so. And tJiey wlll eome day, even as the people of Trance did in the terrible days ol '48. Jones, who used to pay the freight, sec-ms to be out of wind, at least no ■one has lieard trom him for some time.


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