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- 'THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN LiMITED," AND "THE BIG 5." two grand trains daily between the woeld's fair city and the foothills. one night out or one day out. take ïouk cho1ce. business demands it and the people .must have it. The popularlity of "The Great Ilock Island Boute" as a Colorado line - it liaving long time since taken iirst place tt.s the people's favorite between the Lakcs and the Mountains - has comïjelled the majiagement to increase its present splendid service by the addition of a train that is one night on the road from Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs or i'ueblo. This train will be kiiown as the "Rocky Mountain Limited," and will be put in service May íirst. Leaves Chicago daily at 10.45 a. m., arriving at the above cities In the afternoon of the next day, earlier than any of dts competitors. Especial equipment has haam built ior this train, with the Yiew oi making it a limited in every eense of the word, and best of all, there will be no extra charge. The route of this exceedingly íast train is by the Koek Island Short line, and a few ol the larger cities through which it passes, are Davenport, Des Moines, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Beatrice, Jt'airbury, Belleville, Phillipsburg, Colby, Smith Centre and Goodland. This makes it the most desirable route, and particularly interesting to the traveler. Another point: The popularity of our dining-car service is stlll on the fncrease, and no money spared to make this service what our patrons always say, "the best." uur "Bug 5 will continue as usual, leayimg Chicago at 10 p. m., and arriving at Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo the second morning, being bnt one day out, and this fast and popular train goes through Omaha. Our No. 11 will leave as heretofore at G p. m., arrive at Kansas City at 9 a. m., and will reach Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo the second mornins?. Our Colorado service is made perfect "by this new "Rocky Mountain Ldmited" and the "Big 5," and gives to the traveling public two ilyers daily. Manitou passengers should consult the map and time tablea of our line, to fully appreciate the advantages in time eaved by taking this route, when when on their summer vacation. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 36 G. T. & P. A., Chicago. FUewhq 'IQBRCCQ CATCHES THEM ALL READ THE FOLLOWING. "T CHEW Jolly Tar because 1 it gives me more good, solid Tobacco for the moneythan I can get in any other brand." " TOLLY TAR suits me and I J mean to stick to it. It is the largest and best piece of Tobacco I have ever been able to find." 1KN0W a good thing when I see it. Jollv Tar filis the bill. It gives both quantity and quality." ve"B.iVetsv'v. "1 7HEN I chew I want the VV best. I have tied to Jolly Tar and could not be induced to change." x2 'E.wcruvfcCY. "T AM of the same opinión as 1 Bill. Jolly Tar is king of them all." XC; YweAWttW. " I E fellows want the iïioLt for VV our money always. Jolly Tar gives it to us in good Chewing Tobacco. It is our stand-by." ANDTHUSTHEY ALLSAY. JOLLY TAR IS A GENERAL FAVORITE. JNO. FIN2ER & BROS. LOUISVILLE. KY. Low Prices HU Honest Goods Are always to le fouud at umin "-. Rememberwe lead tliem all. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, Xo. 4 S. Main St. 1111 : Rolls of Wall Paper W A-r- GEORGE iáHR All liew Spring designs. Lf2 Look at the low prices: Fl? PER ROLL Best Klanks at 4, 5 and 6c Bent Gilts at . ■ - - 8, 10 and 12c Fine Paper at - - - 15, 20 and 25c PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. GEORGE WAHR, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, Í5 S A5S ARBOR, MICH. W. W. NIOHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Bauks, Opp Court House Square. VITALJZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and do prostrating effects follow, while teetn are extracted without pain. Chas. W. Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh. and Salt Meats. Poultnj, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN Ko. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kind.- of Fruit. Ornamental Tree3 and Flowers, ironi Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Sjrups, Medicinal Wjues. Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandelion and othcr Doniöstic Urape Winea, prepared especiall; for invalids. Pure Ph uiouth liock EggS. EMIL BAUR, WesthuronSt, Ann Arbor. MTHMA? SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure Never fnils to give instant relief in the worst oases, and effect cures whci-c otliers fill. Tri) Paekag FliKK of Droglitta or hj flail. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER, My doctor says It acts gently on the stom ach, liver and kicineys, and Isa pleasant laxatlve. This drink is made f rom herbs, and ia prepared foruae as easily astea. Itlscalled LAÑES MEDICINE AU druggists 8ell it at 50c. and $1.00 per package. Buy one to-day. Lane's Family Medicine moves the howels eaeh day. In order to be healthy, taia i3 necessary. TO MACKIHAC 3UMMER Tours Palace Steamcrs. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND P-itoskey, The Soo, Marquette, aüd Lake Harou P orts. Every Bveniniï Betwoen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND SuLtl&y Trips during June, July, August aud Stteiutier Only. OUH ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, a:d Excursión Tickets win be furuished ty your TicketAgenr, or Address A. A. SCHANTZ, AaB'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., VHE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM KAV. CO SPBND TOUR VACATIO3Í ON" THE GEEAT LAKES. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island It will only coat you aboiu $13 from Detroit or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip, including meala and berths. The attractionsof a trip to the Mackinac región are unsurpasaed. The island itself ia a grand, romantic spot; its chínate id u.ost invigorating. Save your money by traveling between Dütroit and Cleveland, via the D. & C. Line. Fare, $2 25. This división ia equipped witti two new steamers, "City of Detroit" and '-City of Cleveland," now famoua as the largest and moat magniñcent on fresh water. Leave every night, irriving the following inorning at des; ination, making sxtrf. connpction with all aiorning trains Paltóe s'eamera, four trips per w;ek between Dttroit, Mackinac. Petoskev, the "Soo" ánd Jlarquette. Send iiV illustrated pamphlet. Address X. A. Schantz, G. P. A . Detroit & Cleve-1 Steam Xav. Co., Detroit, Mich. Why Suffer? When you can be Cu red Thousands are suffering witli Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestion, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every ye?.r; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply you DBMi DIEFFENBACH'S f síSUTfr. PR0TAG0N CAPSULES; jrvS Sure Cure ior sk Men, aa JVT mI& provedby reporta of leadinppfayfón siciana. State age in urdering. juHSA éSk 7lPrice. 81. C'ataloeuf Free. Kü. , VS Ö áfl O A A 'ufe and speed; I iyA llNN cur0 for eicel, IQBHnllí IM WH Strlcture and all D Ëv unnatural discharges. Price$2. WPt Ó.REEKSPECiFIC n,...;. máOÜtr M:ind Skin IUeanen, Scrofnlonft Sores anJSyphilitic AfTectlonst witíi ontmercury. Price, Ssi. Order f rom THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL CO. ïï, 18 WiacoMJn Strjet, MLLWAÜKEÏ, WIS, FsTATE OF ADALIXE KeLLV. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At asessionof the Probate ('ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otüce" in the city of Ami Arbor, on Tuesday, tlie twelfth day of July, iu the year ouè thousand, eiht hundred aud niuety-two. Present. .1. Williard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Adaline Kelly, deceased. On reading und tiliug the petition duly verified of Adelbert L. Noble.praying that the Court adjudícate and determine who are and who were at the time of the death of said deceased tbe legal heirs of said deeeased, and the shares orportions which they are eutitled to iuherit. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the ninth day of August next, at ten o'clqck in the iorenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all others persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, Aud it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persous iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by'causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive week sprevious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A true copy.) Judge of Pkobaie. W. (i. DOTY, Probate Register. UJUTCP'? MCTAI I IP made from the nflLltn A mtlALLIÜ be8t brands of roofCtTTTlkTflT Td '" tin Plate, and SHINGLES L %&Éf them painted or not. Our Galvanlzed Shingles are rain and rust prooi', without tbe necessity of painting. Our painted tin shingles are more durable and ornamental than it is possible to make a tin roof, put on in the old fashioned style. Write for priee list R. The National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 9 Clifl St„ New York


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Ann Arbor Courier