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Motor Line Time. In effect .Wii .;, 1S92 Leave Anu Arbor, írom Court House, at 6 :í). 7:50, 9:20, 10:50. a. m.. and 1:01), 2:20, 3:50, 5:20, tí :50. 8 :20, ! :50, 11:20 p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 6 :00, 7 :S0, 9 :00, 10 :30, a. ni., and 12 :40, 2 :00,3 :S0,5 :006":30, 3 :00, 9 :30 11 :00 p. ni. SUNDAY TIMK. Lcave Aun ArDor, from court House, at 2:20. 3:50, 5:20, 6:50, 8:20,'.) :50p. m. Leave Yp8ilanti, at 2:00, 3:30,5:00, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 p. m. Cara run on city time. Coupon tickets, lo cents. or sale by conducto BEALpreg_ OPÍIÍG AND "cLOsTmIf TEE MAILS OÍ'fT'ICK HOUE8. LOCAL TIME. ( 7.30 A. M. tO 6.00 P M. General j (o P. to 7.30 P. M. Money-Order and Registry Departmeuts 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. Carrier Windows 60 p. M. to 7.30 P. M. Sundays- General Deliverf. Stamp and Carrier Windows. 9.00 A. 10.00 A. M. Maiis Mails GOIMG EAST. Close DistribUTED. Express Pouch to Detroit 7.80 A. M Detroit & Grand Rapids X j. o ■ ■■ 10.4o a. M. 11.S0 A. M. Detroit 'Chicago R. P. O. 5.15 F. M. 6.50 P. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. h.00 p. M. 7.: A. M. Express Pouch to Detroit 8.00 P.M WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. P O -Paper Train,".. ■ 7.30 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.35 A. M. 9.15 a. M. Detroit, Three Rivers & Chicago K. P. 0 9.3o A. M. 10.1o a. M. Express Pouch trom Detroit ■ d-" p. MDetroit & Grand Rapids r p O ■ !)-0 M' 6-0" M' Detroit 'Chicago R. P. O. 8.00 P. M. 7.30 A. M. (iOIN'(i XORTH. Frankfort & Toledo E. P.O. 7.20 A. M. 8.20 A. M. Express Pouch from Toledo J2.45F. M. ï'rankfort & Toledo K P.O. -1.25 P. M. : 5.15 F. M. GOING SOUTH. Express PoucU to Toledoi 7.0Ö Á. M. Express Poui'h to Milau.. 7.W) a. m. ... 4 Toledo R.P.O. 11.20 A. M. 12 45 p. M. frankfort; A Toledo R.P.OJ 8.00 F. M. 7.30 A. M. MESSENUER SERVICE: Mail leaves for Welnsbiirgh, Tuesdays and Sat urda 12.00 m Muit arrivés from Weiusburgh, Tnesdays and Satnrdays 5.45 p. M. Mali arrivés from Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdflys.ThursdaysandSaturdays, 11.00 a.m. Mail leaves for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdavs.ThursdaysandSaturdays, 12.00 M. EU GEN E E. BEAL, Aun Arbor, Midi., Jttnc 189. Poslmaster. WANT COLUMN. iliort advertUeinentss uot to exceed three lines, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wants, etc. inserted three weeks for 25 cents. ■ Situations wanted. f ree. F PUND- August 8rd, 1S1I2, ou the T. &.A. south bouiid train a shawl. The loser can have tue same by sending a descriptiou of it to the Leader O ilièe, Milan, Mieh., and pay for this ad. 26 FARM FOK SALE- I wish to rent my farm of nio acres in the tmvnship of Salem, 10 miles northeast of Aun Arbor. Tor further information. enqulre of Chas. Kingsley, 13 S Thayer street. 26 TO n office suite over F. & M. Bank cor. Maiu..jd Hurón sts. Apply at Col kier Office. FOR SALE- A complete boardin? house outfit for sale at 48 S. State street. Inquire at 49 S. Main street. 27 WANTED WASHING - Will go to private houses or do it at my resideuce. 23 Hiscott st. Mbs. E.milk Buchhoi.z. CtALESMAN" WAXTKD- Valuable commisÖ sion offered. $20.00 weekly earaed by many of our agents. Samples free. P. O. Box 1871, New York. 82 FOE SALE- Eleveu acres with improvements.on Washtenaw avenue. Forterms cali on or address J. t'ERDO.s, +26 Wasliteuaw Ave FOR SA.LE- Ten room Queen Aun cottage, 87 W. Huron street. All modern improvements. Apply to C. B. Davison, 45 N. Main street, or at the Courier Press Rooms. FOR SALE OR TO RENT - Several good farms, also city property for sale. A part of the price ou time if desired. Also a farm to let. 31 F. L. Parkek, Aun Arbor. FOR SALE- 1,000 shares of Michigan Iron Mining Co. stock. Office of the company is at Ypsilanti, Mich., where inquines as to the mine may be made. Address for price of above stock, R. R. Metheamy, 27 Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SALE OR RENT- Three story brlck octagon d welling jus t across from University campus, at No. 11 North University avenue. Four lots and a fraotlon. Fine grounds. Cellar under whole house. First floorflnished in oak. Steam heated. Barn and greenhouse. For informatiou address H. V, Winchell, 27 Miuneapolis, Minn. FARM FOR SALE- The Bullock or Everett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles írom Aun Arbor, eontaiuing 109 acres ; house and barnes, stock, and welt water, timber; school and church within a inile. Land naturally the best and cultivation good ; ftlso forty acre farm for sale, the S ]2 of the E. J of the S. E. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-Nortl) place north of the Oounty Farm ; "3 miles from MacU &Schmid's," 1% miles froui city limits. First-rïlass land for peaches. Prices and terms seasotiable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibron, 32 Mavnard St., Ann Arbor Household Goods for Sale. Consisting of organ, sewing machine, silverplated ware, carpets, etc. All the above goods have only been used two years and are iu good condition. Reasou for selling, property sold and goiug to leave the city. Inquire at the house. E. L. öcotï, 162Jw3 2." E. Ann. IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persous indebted to the Estáte of Michael Weiuman, are respectfully requested to settle such indebtedness at once. If not paid soon the undersigned administrator will be obliged to report all delinquents as dead beats, unwiHing to pay their nones t debts. All accounts cae be paid at L. C. Weinman's meat inarket, or to Fred B. Braun, Admiuistrator. Ann Arbor, Aug. 3d, 1892.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier