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New wheat is beling brought into this market eoanwhat, at about 75 cents on the average. The ridte doma to Ypsilanti and back in the open car i.s a pleasant joiurncy these warm 'dlays. Miss I.iilian Schlee, of Ann Arbor town, has been engaged to teach one of the graanmax grades in Saline. The democratie connty eonvention, to i'lert clelegates to the atate convenTion, is in srssion to-day at tlfe court linusi'. The animal Sunday chool picnic of Zion's Lutnlerajn church was held at Relief Park Tlnursday, and was greatly enjoyed by t!ic ciiildren. By the blowins out oí the packinff in one of the joints of the water niains laist Thur.sday, water was shut off tor a short time in the afternoon. John Schwinefui-th, who has a fruit farm wuíh of the city, expects to have 200 bushels oí Baldwin apple-s and ix larger peach erop than usual. C. Baluiss af E. Ann ut., killed an 'êagle at Hilver Lake last week, whicli measured 6 ft. 6 in. i'rom tip to tip. It was a fine laoking bird. Iïe is having it mounted by Mr. Covert. On Satnrday night a camp chalr was stolen frcwn the stoop oi W. K. Childs on Maynard st. Th bazaar to be given by the A. A. V. V., at the Rink, Sept 19 to 24, will Ir somiethitig worth Savlng your money to ro and see. Every member of Co. A, M. 8. T., will le Oibliged to attend the annunl cncainpinciit unless sickness or necésvsity furnislies a sufficient excuse. ('andidiite (off congres-s, George A. Peters propases to niake a red hot ca.inpaiiiii. He ays if elected he will increasc everybody's property in valué. Dr. W. H. Jackson eaught a black bass at Wliitmore Iake the other day that weighed 6 1-2 lbs., the lar.uest that has .been eaught in the lake for miany a day. Labotr Dar, Sept. 5th, will be obscrved in Detroit, and it is expected that fully 5,000 men will be in line. Quit-e a number oí Ann Arbor peoplc are expected ta attend. Xearly all the rajlroade of the state are iïotv counplyiiuï with the law and sellins 1,000 mile tickets for S20 whlch are good for any member of the faanily fro ride upan. J. (i. Thiompson A. M., who has le"en takins a poet gradnate at tne University for the pnst year, lias been eleeted Instructor of Mathematica In the University oí Illinois. Lieut. (has. H. Kline, Q. M. Ist Infantry M. S. T., will write up tire coming annual eneampment of the state troops at Island Late for the Outing. "(liarlie" will ,see and kñow what's ii'oing on. The closing of the bank.s at three 'O'clock p. m., Is a new wrinkle that ome of om' business men are slow to appreciate. It wiíl take some tiinc for them to become accu.stomed to eueh cttified wayis. Mrs. A. H. Holmes, of Forest ave., has given the AVaslitenaw ('o. Farmers Ins. Oc. a photosraph framed, of her father, the late Newton Sheldon, who was for ïi numfoer of years aecretary of that society. Prof. Sherzer, who suceeeds C. D. Mclxwth in the Nonaal was in town Mondiay, and took a run through his new quarters. He expects to remove fpom Ann Arbor 'with His iamily at an early date.- Ypsilantian. Miss Hanford. of Ann Arbor, has made arrangement with Miss Bertha Baur, eecretary of the Cineinnati Conserva t'Ory of Music, to join said school which wae established by Miss Clara Baur, directresB, 25 years agO'. Tbere were eleven special traias whlcn paased through the city Saturday, on tli-e M. C. R. R., eontaining Knights Templar, their families and friends on the Denver jailgrinmge. It must have kept the train dispatehers busy. If the Denver tourists find the thermometer at the same high altitude in Denver that it is here, with the miercury Ivitting the top of the tube without standing on its tip-toes, they will wish themselves at the apex of Pike's Peak. Tlw?re are a large number of younjr fresh faces on our streets this week. It loofe some as if college liad commenced, but it has mot, and these pleasant faces we meet are the teachers of the county who are here attendIng the state institute in sessiou at the high school chapel. Just think of it ! There bas been no rain in thie vicinity since the -tth oí July ! Nearly six weeks. If some of th-e stornis of May and June could have been divid-ed np with this dry weatlver of Jnly and August, how grand it would have been. P. S.- Yesterday's shower don't eount. Our firey plaaiet Mars, after getting near enouigh to the earth, say 35 millioms of miles, has gone to flirt ing with Diana pur mlld-faced moon.' Last Sunday nlght the pair carne very uear to each other and presentad quite a love scène. Flowers may be .kept fresh much longer by picking tliem before the sun has ebone npou them in the morning or after It has been down an hour or so at night. A little nalt or a pinch of soda added to the water will also help keep them fresh. I,ast Thursday and Friday the board of school examiners for the cioimty held an examination of teachers at the Bouwt house, at which 98 young ladies and gentlemen appeared. These were inastly old teachers, and as a consequence a larger per eemt. oí tlve candidates are expected to pass. ■ Broadway, in the 5tU ward, is betng improved. Titus Hutzel has grave to Detroit t'O oversee th laying of eeveral hundred feet oí water maim in that city, wliicli the (nu luis the contract for. A pan oí honses belonging to Alphoiise I.cinlikie, of this city, ran away Momlay, and one of them was killed by running IntO 3 telefone pole. Ed. H. Pierre bas picture of President Hai-i'iivoii thiat he has painted fuam a Wanner that will be brought out at th iirwt republk-an proceswian. It is ,1 lKindsome portrait, and th work iis well executed. People wanting anything in the line oí prtnting will do well to cal! at the Oonirier office during thi.s month. nor the next few weeks, in order to keep all hands employed, the Courier office will offer special inducementss in the line of job work. Cali and be convinced. The Daily Reporter of Petoskey, has tli is item: "Bon. Edward P. Allen, of YpeSl'anti, is rr.istei-ed at tlie New Mackinac. Captain Allen has a contii-essional and war record to be proud of. He is spendlng his vacation here, accompanied by Mr. Sherwood, also of Ypsilanti." George H. Wardell, of Michigan ave., Detroit, was arrested yesterday on a warrant r'rom Saline, charging him with false pretensas, and brousht to this county. Tlie pri-oner had been ill for some time with scarlet fever, and Health Officer Duffreld has SO' informed the authorities here. Por a cou.ple of pails of buttermilk the Courier force return thanks to Ex-Supervisor Fred B. Braun, of Ann Arbor town. They iced the fomented and oil extracted lacteal fluid and regaled thenKselves thereon all of yesterday, when the thermometer was almlost at the 100 mark. The Oounty Fair Premium List for 1892 is out, and is a very inviting book for those interested in our county fair willen takes place in this city on Sept. 27, 28, 29 and 30. Get one and look it over, and perhaps you will oonclude to take some of the premium money home with you. The animal premium list 'of the Wahtenaw County Ag. & Hort. .Society in dow being distributed. The premium list has been considerably reviised and the managers say that they will have attraetions enough this year to please everybody, and everybody ought to come and see them. The Xorth side Athletit; .Club haring rented ground by the year trom Geo. Rhodes, they are nmv, through the kindness of the Dixboro club (who praetice en the same) putting them in firet-claefe order i'or their sports. Teams, pïows, drags and rollers are busy reducing the same t-o the proper shape ïot the uáe to which the gioum'g are to be put. To th'ase who wlsh to raake exhibits ot' squashes and pumpkins at the fair here we would uggest that they (select now line specimens' and with a pen knüe cut their name very shalknv, merely throu'h the skin, and ai9 the fruit grows the scar will heal, but will leave the name. Sucli specimens when neatly ttone, attract the attention of visitors.- Dundee Reporter. A successful camifr of fruit has kindly riiven her receipe which we publish for the benefit of our readers. Pili the cans with freeh uncoioked fruit as full ae they will hold. Then. a thick yrup made of clarified sugar, quite hot, Ks poured over it when to each one qiart can is added one teagpoonful of salasylic acid. Seal tight and put in a oool place. This lady has usvcl this procese for eiglit years and has never had a eau of fruit sj) oiti- dhielséa St nïdard. The Ann Arbor Coinmandery started for Denver last Saturday from this city on a special train of three coaches. Two of the coaches were filled lnere and one at Ypsilanti. There were aböut 200 people down to the station to see the pilgrims off on their journey, and aa the train pulled out at about half-past 2 o'clock, they were greeted with the waving of handkerchiefs aml nli'outs of "goodby." The day was a pteasant one and the journey to the City of the Plains was made witliout any unpleasant incidents. On Thursday last James Wm Hayley, of thfe city, and Miss Anna May Bearl, of Elsie, were united in marriage, at the home of the bride's brother In Ithaca. The couple ca me to Ann Arbor, which is to be their tature home, and on the evening of the same day were given a reception flrt the house of the groom's parent's Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Hayley, of E. Washington ist. Their residenee will be at N-ó. 17 Geddes are. The couple h'aTe ,m,any friends in the city wlio wh-h them a h,appy and prosperoua journey through liïe. So far City Treasurer Beakes has reoeived only $15 .ïor tlie ïire sufferers at Bay City Of this amount $10 was given by au elderly lady whio stepped into lite office, hamled out thiat amount and refused to allow lier name to be given, saying that it was f rom e friend. The remaining S.'i was imm a gentleman who is always forennost in works of charitj') Thois. J. Keeeh. It is not to the credit oí Ann Arbor tlvat so small a sum shüuld be sent to Bay City. Ann Arbor oug'hit to ratee at least $200, and there is ao doubt but mudi more tliau that wauld be elieerfully given if the matter was brotught to the attentiora of our citizens. Many of the fire sufi'erers at Bay City were poor people whio owned "the homes that were burned and have lost everything1. This is charity at home that oug-ht not to be neglected. , Mrs. Sellick, formerly Miss Cathelia Allen, daughter of Jolin Allen of Miller ave., n'crw a resident of Bay City, has leen here ,with her daughter visiting at her father's. Mr. and Mrs. Sellick owned two atores iind eight housee th-at were burned in the recent disastrous fire in that city, including all thelr h'ousehold goods. The loas comes ,very hard on them, as they had accumulated sufficient property to nmke themselves comfortable, and now lose about all they had. An expert fisJnerman gives the follwving receipt fop eatching buil heads: "Use a piece of ílann-el and a sinker buit no hook. The buil head will bite the flannel and hang on nntil his tail touches soniething. Lift them into the boat and lay thein down and the fisli will then let go and there is rao bother from hook." This may be a valuable piece oí information to the ladies who angle for bullheads, but whO' would not for the life of them "take one of the nasty things off the h'o-ok." The fad ïii'ws reacUd this elty last Sunday oí th death of Charles stuart Draper, of Saginaw. Mr. Draper died Saturday, quite suddenly, on board the steamer Columbia, on which Jie had taken passage for home. It will be remembered that Mr. Draper went to Carlsbad same months ago, in Tery poor health, and it was supposed that he was improving, so t'hat his death will be a great shock to lus many Irlend. Mr. Draper was ia regent of the University, and was Fibout 50 years oí age. The democratie politicians are in the city froim all sections of the coimty. It will take 5-t of them to fill all the delegatiwu-s tliey are to eleet ta-day, state. 'co-ngressional and senatiorial. There is not mucli excTtement on the outside, but underneath the feeling against renewninating Gov. Winans is boiling and seething, altlïoavgh the governor hais been very kind to WaslDtenaw county. It is altogether j)robablo that Judge Moree can luave most of the AVashtenaw deliegation if he -wants it. The village marshal of Dexter, shot an unmuzzled greyhound belonging to George F. Higgiins and suit was brought before Justice Pond, of this city, by the owner, to recover the vtaïïue of the dog. It seems that the imai'shal was a little premature, and did not wait for tlue ordinance relative to shooting unmuzzled dogs to come into effect, and consequently the plaintiff reoovered. The jury rendered a verdict, giving Higgins $2ü. If the officer had waited a couple of days the law would have upheld him in the killing of the animal.


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Ann Arbor Courier