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A Million Friends. A friend in need is a fríend indeed, and not leas than one million people lave found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Co-lds. If you have never ueed this (íreat Cough Medicina, one trial will convince you that t has -vonderful curative powers in all dieeases of Throat Chest and LuHíTS. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or nioney will be refunded. Ti-ial bottles free at Eberbach & Son & Geo. .T. Hauseler'8 Drus; store, Manchoeter. Iarge bottles 50c and $1.00. Bl!ue grass. liike other grasses, is v'atuable where irt nountóhee. A t'oo coacemtiratieidl fertid.rzer is liike too' coiaoemtra-ted food- imjurious. ff '11 ' feat Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations- and insist on having th NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TVi T?C! TRY DK. I,E DUC'S " PEJ_jÜ.LJLJ1jÖ RIODICAL" PILLS trom Paris. France. Estobllshed iu Europe ÏSW, Canada in 1878. Kor 8upire3Sions. Irregula'rities, and .Monthly Derangcmeuts. A reliable nionthly medicine. They kIwmvs relieve. Any druggiet. tí. A.merican l'iil Co.. Proprietora Spencer. Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., wbolesule airiiits. nnd 11 otber drnggiatB in Aun Arbov. These pille are warranted to bringoti the " chnuge.' ünlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Blto&CLl Breakfast Gocoa, which ië abaolutely pur and soluble. It has more than three times the ttrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, tosting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nouriehing, and iaiut DIGESTF.D. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. HJHfnoS For twenty-five years the esperience of miliiona of snfferer8, old and yomig, male aud feraale, iiava gratefully endorBed tbe miraculouti virtuos of This Pharmacentical Paradox of the Age A vitalizing stimulant without al cohol. A nerve sedativa without narcotice. A blood puriñer ■without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eecretion, exeretion and respiration. A life-giTing tonic, pure and simple, without the disastrous reaotions of the deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usuaily sold as bitters. Was never iaown tefore In the World, Ita diBcovery nmnng the medicinal fruiU, rootl and herbs of Calumnia IVAS A MIRACLE, and their combination into a Hfgiving tonio A TKMJMPH of the CHEMICAL ART. The only change made in tbe formula duriDg twenty.five years has been to present It in two combinationa. The oíd oHfiinal remain unrhanged, bufc beintf stronger, more laxativo and better. A new fonn more agreeable to the taste and better adapted to delicatttirorten and i-hiidren, but compriaing the game tunic properties, is iiow madn and tha Mrienceof the world ia chatlengtd to producá the equal of this TRÜLY k OKLT TKMPEREKCE BITTEB8 KNOWS or to produce a purely vegetable bitters or medicino of any Vind. irhose action Is at once o safe, so eertain and comprehensivo aa the n CAUFOBNIA VINKGAK BITTERS, or any componnd which from its varied aetioa uyon the vital functions is equal to the CURE OF 80 MANY DISKASES. Their nnme is lefrion - Rhcumntipm. Neuralgia, Catarrh, Jauntlire, Kidney Iis'ape. hrrofula, Stia DiBcaaea and lioils, ConsuTOption, Piles and all diaordera ariBing from indigestión, lmptire blood, nervons prostration, and dilnpidated constitution from any cause give way to it like mist before th Bun, while its eiupiilar power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMKIPRESEXT BACTERIA indirates its snpcriorify in all diseases of malaria] origin, and renden) it the BEST VERMIFUGE KNOWN. So family can afford to do without a bottlo of OLD AND KEW STTLE YINEGAR BITTEE8 in the house, as expresfled by thousands of teith monials. Send for beautifnl book. Addre3s, H.H. JMvDONALD DItUG CO., New YoiV


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