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A Perfect Surcpss. VIL The Rev. A. Antoine. of Refugio, Tex., writea : Ab far as I auj able to judge, I think Pastor Koenig'8 Nerve Tonio is a perfect euccesa. for any eme who suffered from a most painiul nervouüneas as 1 did. I feel now like myaelf agaiu after taking the Tonio. Sï. Vincent's Hospital, Toledo, O., June 9, 1890. We used Pastor Koenigs Nervt' Tonio ior epileptio fits in the case of a Mrs. Gorman, and it etopped the fits froiu the time slie oomiaenoed taking it. We wish you au extenblve sale for thiB henefieent rotuedy, SISTER BUADY, Seeretary. Gband Kapids, Mich., Oct. 8, 18'.)0. I nsed Pastor Koenig's Norve Tonic in Mrs. Suliivan's case, and i t gave entire satisfaction, and she has no end of praise for it, and never iorgets to recommend it to the sick and sufferIng. I have heard ottiers say they used it witb the same good results. THOS. KEATING. pñPP-A Valuable Kook on Nervons b UL L ' UlseiKen s.-'.t Iree lo aoy uddreos. f il f and poor natient can also obtain I ElLLi tliis medicine f'ree uf churre. This remedy has been jprepared by the Reverend Pabtor KoeniR, of Fort Wayne, Illd., siuce 18ÏC. and ienowpreparedunderbis direction oy the KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Drusrgists at SI per Bottle. S fop S5. Uarse Size, .1.75. C Uottles lor 9. VIGOR OF MEN Eaeily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. "Weukn'!!, Xervnimi-M, llebllHy. and all tbe train of evils frora early errors or later excesses, tbe resulta of overwork, Bickness, worry, etc. Fult etrength, derelopment, and tone Kiven to every orjrari and portion of tbe body. Himplo, natural metbods. Immedlate tmproveoient seen. Failure impoesible. 2,000 references. Book, explanationa nd proofs malled ealed) f ree. Address CRIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. B PUI S CURE Bick Ktaddche and relieve all the troublM inofdont to a büious state oí tho ystem, such mi Dízzíecbs, Nausea, Drowmness, Distress aíter eating, Pait. in the Kie, kc. While their mot remarkable iuccesa bas been ihown in curing SICK Beadacbe, yet Cartería Littlo Llver Pili ara oqually valnable in ConBtipation, curing and pre ventiug thieannoyingcomplaint, while they alio correct all disorders of thestomach.itimulatetho livor and regúlate the bowels. Lven í t they only HËAD Ache they wonld be almos t priceloss to those who eufferíromthisdistreBsiDgcomplaint; bíflfortunatel y i hcirgoodnesa does notend here.aud thosa ■who cnce try them will find these li ttlc pille valuaMeín FOiaany wayathat they will not bo wüiing to do without them. But af ter allaick heal ACHE 2s the Vane of eo many liveg that here Is where we malie our great bonst. Our puls cure it whila other& do not, Curtcr's Littlo Liver Pilis aro Yery small and "Verr easy to talie. One or two pills inako a doee. TLey are strictly vegetable and do not gripO or imrge, tont by their geutloaction please all who up'i them. In vialsat 25 ceuts ; flvo for $1. Sold by druggists everywhra, or sentby mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE C MlMed hts Opportnultyï HOX'T Min ■ Tourt, lCeadr. Tüe majority iiociect theïr opportnnities. aml from tliat canse live In pnvtrty and die ín bcnrity t Hurrowing despair U tlie tot f iiuuiy. as tiiey lonk back on lost, forever lost, opporttmicy. IJ tel m mn. ingl Reach out. Be up and doing. Improveyour opportnuity, and secure pi osnerity, prominenc peace. Itwassaid by a philosopluT. tliat "the Goddes if Fortune ofifurs t golden oppot timiiy to oftch person attomaperiod of lito; eiuin;ice tbe clntitce, uridïhepoiii-s outlior richon; fail todo B una slie dop ris. uw to return." Hw shiill ynn find tbe goliik.v nni.öt r-mityr Investíanle ■ , -rv clwnce that ppears wortliy. and of fair promi-e: : ni what all sncceshfnl nniii no Mure R an oppoi ttmiiy -u i t isnot often lah..nne poople. Inipm. Litwülgivs, at leait, kimuI Bturt in lile. TbGOUn nrttinity fot iiiany ie h .■■:■. M nnoy to be imuie rnpiilly d lionortbly byanyindnstrioii8[. er-on of either (ex. Al! iíl'B. Yon can áo the workmui Uve ut lionm. u-(n-ti'vor run re. Eran beÉTinneraareeii-ily eiirninp froni IDUS to flílO our dar. Yoa can doMwellifyon v'll wnrk. nm too lianl, imt Indvatrl posly; andyon can Incrénae rom ;■ yongoo. Yoh c&Dgive pare itineoiily, orall jur MniQ to t'hework. Eay to learn. Capitl nut reiitúrod.' '.Va .tir i yn, Alliicomparatirely uw. iind reully tvoiifluM'til. We initrnet and nbow yon hinv. free. f'uHnto hhI.-íiimth niiinnr onr worken. No roem to axpMn l.ere. VVrÍM nnd Iftanj all fre, bv return muil 1'n.nx to linlity '. .: 'r. ■ t onca II. Areyle, Wis., suya: ■ 'gS, IJL C" The accompanying statement Wegkt Ho iV.' 25 ibi tTiS of my weight and Bu.t ... 4Sin. ssi" '10 n mente will show the reeults of w.ut.. ; in! si to 11 L flve moutlue' treatment. Hipi.... ss m. 411 10 13 to' PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. IlLrinlfu, fcnd with ■ ■tarrlny, Inconvenince, or bmii ffecU .■or particular nddreu, wlth fi cíiitt in lUmpt, BL 0. W. r. SHTDER. MV1CKEIS TMCtTEI. CHICAGO III RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constnntly oa hand BREAD, CRACK ERS. CAKES, etc, for Wholesale aud retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of STVIFT & DEIBEL'S FEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOrR. BÜCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEKD, atc, at wholesale and retail. Ageneralstoekoi GSOCERIES ant PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold ou a reasonable terms as at any other house In the city. Cash paid for BÜTTER, EtíGS. and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. (ioods delivered to auy part of the city without extra RINSEY & SEABOLT. Beware of Swindlers. We hia-re expased, duirimig the j'ea.r, niamy gwindlere wïvo advertís?, u-ndor tino name of medicine, vile compouinds wlAli only incre.asfi human suifferlng. To all --vo need a pure medieme and blool purtfier, we can h;cxnestly reeomniPiKl Sulphur Bitters. -Editor 8 un. A qiwer utory- Jack and lbo beanStalk.


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