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General Bidwell, The Nominee For The

General Bidwell, The Nominee For The image
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presidency of the prohibitionists, is au old pioneer of California and particlpated in all the troublons times durinjï California' fitst colonization. In 1849 lie was a member of the firet conwtitutional convention and in the ïolloivinji year was elected to the state senate. the war he was a brigadier General in eominand of the mh California Militia Brigade and wa a membcr of oongrees from 18t4 to 18(57. In 18T5 he was a candidate governor on the nonpartifcian anti-nionopoly ticket, lut vas fleteated. General Bidwell's wealth is vnri'ouely estimated as from one mülion to four rniUlom. Hiti eail. ooanection with the KovorniiK'nt oi Oalitoníia gave him knowledge of land tlltle and he selected tlie choicest eoil in the state for his farm. 01 acraTse lie plaated graj)es and for 2t years luis name etood at the head o the list of Californias wine ami m.iudr producers. Sonic years asio Getteral BW-wiell mai-ried Tor the sccoud time and li is wife ivas a sti-ous prohiliitiimist and throusli her inüuence he beCaame a prohibitionist. All the Aincs whicli were distinctively tor the bearing of wine grapee, he rooted out and now only iiwvs table grapes. Gen. Bidwell, in spite oï hls thre score and ten years, is erect, tall full of vigor and very p-jpular. I am sorry to soy," said I. M. Westtm, proprietor of the Grand Raids Demoerat at ttoe Eichelieu yestcrday, "th&t the electi-on in Michigan is uncertain owing to the fact tliat the people's party is an unknown quantity. They draw more irom the ctemocrats than {rom the repmblú-aiK. Last election the party aolted 10,000 votes and the leadera claim twice the amount this year. 1 am gurpriBed at tlieir ticket. I thought I knew all the men of note in Michigan, but with the exoeptk of one who is a Grand RapidS man, I don't know any of their candidates. Mr. Wöston is a member of the Michigan World's Fair Board and i.s disRiisted with the attitude of eertain democratie congressmen toward the Fair appropriatlon. "I can not underBtand," he said, "what they are thinking about. I would not like to expres an opinión as to whether it would luirt the party or not, but I had much rather things were diiferent ."- iChicagoInterOcean. The New York World and the DurHam (N. C.) Globe are both defending Mr, Cleveland' pension record. The Globe is more representativo of the democratie party and Mr. Cleveland than the AArorld. It says: "The pension ïraud is a theft and we rpeat that no man can honestly defend it. Tlue south has been taxed to death to pay this grand army 01 rasacls- thieee bottle-scarred bums who reach out the empty palm; and when Cleveland struek the boggars in the iaoe te did a gooU business job. We inope to God that he may have a chance to hit 'em again. Vagrants and niendicants should be both vijíorously slapped and kicked." A. S. Dwyer, oí Slveldon, 111., wlio lias been a democrat all nis lite, and eme of tlueir prominent speakers, came out for tue republicana last week at a ireat rally lveld in tliat plaw. He saya tlie democratie platform does not reflect democratie principples. He i not a free trader in any sen&e of the word. '


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