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The Detroit Exposition

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Th? interest taben by amateurs in he athletic eventa and blcycle conest at the Dvtroit International 'air and Exposition, has lnduced the directora oï the association to set part tv days, instead oï one, or these oo'ntests. YVednesday, Aug. '4-, wül be Wlneelman's Day, when will be a grand parade and ten bkyele races. The prlzes oïfered aggregate $1,000 and some ot th-e most (Dipemost wheelman in tlie country Have xignified their purpose to parIlelpate. Satnrday, August 27, will do At'hletic Day. Offlcera üf the Ceutral Associatiou A. A. IJ., who will award the $1,000 in premiums offered, promise the best series of athletic contissts ever seen in tflils country. Mr. Janu-s E. Da vis has resigned lis posltion as secretary and Mr. T. F. B. So Uva ni has been eliosen to the position, in addition to that oí general manager. Mr. Sotham has een vevy fortúnate in securing sotue of the most competent men in the country to act as udgee of stock, men víio could not be induced by a money consideration to undertake the thie d'utics of ttosc poBitlons but who .onsent to serve on account oï the unexampled premiums olfered and tlie hiuh c-liaractcr of the entrles. Last year's elettrical exhibit, whieh was a vry popular feature, will be much surpnssed by tlris year's display, ïlie Commercial Electrical Oompany, of Detroit, will have a very large baw of eleetrlcal raachinery and appliances, and exhibits havt; also bfen sucurcd ïrom ChicaKO, New York and Philadelphia. The Iatest addition to novelties in fin? ivay of races is the acquisition oí a paiT oí moose wliich make a mile to hirnes.s in less than 2:40. Tlw-re in no otlver fair or exposition in the country that has anything like suth accommodationü for business as those arranged for this year's Detroit expoBltion. At most fairs, no matter hoV far the site inay be from the railrond íreight depots, it is necessary to go to the depots in order to obtain rates or to bill freight for shipment. At thie Detroit exposition tliere is au Eugent with an office adjoining the Ireiglit platform, where all hiqiviries and arrangemnts can be made. Herte the lowest ratea can be obtained and freig-ht can be billed to any part of the United States or Canada, a facility whieh every exhibitor wlll appreciate, ivho desires fo sell ais exhibits or sliip to some other fair before returning to the original point of sliipment. The fa(.ilitii-'.-; for sending goods by expresa are siüperior ev?n to those for sliipping freigüit. The American, United States, Paciflte, Nattonal and Canadian expresa oompaniea all have offices on.tiie grounds, where they will either receive or deliver paekagps. All exppesfl matter so marked in shlpping -(vill be sent direct to these offices. Transportation facilities are further improved by the establishment on the irounds of ticket offices for all the lmding railway and steamboat lines, wiiere tickets can be purchased to all points and at low ratea. In the niain building tliere will be a brant postoffice, whine mail will be received and dtepatphed several time.s diiily. Anotlier business accommodation, whlch was first established at the Detroit expotsition is that of banking. One or more of the city banks vill open braneh offices in thie main building wliere acoounts may be openrd, ctoecke cashéd, drafts ptu-chased, and in tact any kind of banking business 1 pa nsai-ted. A iclc.iii-aph office and teloplione station complete the equipment ïor general business, and wit"h these eom.bined iacllities, the visitor may ionduet all Iiis aJfaira on the expositkm grounds. The arraníícments for the heulth, comfort and saïety of vlsitors are alBO tvnsurpassed. Tliey inelude ampie restanraárte and lunoli rooms, -a barfber öhop, va--sh rooms and pareel rooms and a fnlly equipped hospital witfa ambulance ready lor instant cali and competent ph-ysicians always in attendance. Artded to all tlutbere is a binmii oi infovmation t the maan office, wtore all inquilea wfll le o.herfully answered and irectiooB glven to places where board and lodgings can be ubrained at reaonable rotes.


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