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To Washington

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The following is a General Order, issued by Department Coumiander, H. S. Dean, which is so full of informatiou that it has been thought best to give it to the public. There wijl be hundreda of people going on this excursión who will desire to learn all they possibly eau of it. The outlook for a large attendanee of Michigan veterans at the 2öth National Kncampment of the G. A. R., to be held in Washington, D. C„ Sept. 19-24th next, is very flattering. Up to date 3000 have secured quarters in that city aud quarters for 1,000 more have been applied for. Not a moment should be lost in securing quarters by those who have not already done so. aud intend to go. In addition to the special train to be run over the T., A. A. & N. M. Railway from Frankfort to connecf with the Headquarters train at Aun Arbor, the Chicago & West Michigan Railway will run specials from Benton Harbor and from Petoskey, concentrating at Grand Uapiils with a special on the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Railway, running through without change, via Howell Junction to Ann Arbor and Toledo, connecting with the Headquarters train at Ann Arbor. The rate ot tare will be at the lowest short line rate. The L. S. & M. S. Kailway will sell tickets from pointe on their main line and branches, via Toledo and the Pennsylvania róad, tlius enabling those who desire, to joiu the Headquartera train at Toledo, l'arties taking this line should be sure to be in Toledo by 8:30 o'clock p. m., Sept. 17th. The Grand Rapids & Indiana will also sell tickets and run train! via the l'ennsylvania road, connectiug with same at Fort Wayne, Ind. The Clncinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw R. E., running trom Allegan southeasterly through Battle Creek and Marshall to Toledo, will sell tickets, via the Penusylvania road, and connect at Toledo with Headquarters train. The Michigan Central Kaihvay will sell tickets via its line through Canada. This road has declinad to sell tickets from its Michigan stations via Ann Arbor and the Heudquarters train. Persous desiring to go via this train, and living on the M. C. R. R., should take other lines at uearest point tliat will sell tickets as Üiey desire. Those desiring Sleeping Car modations on Headquarters tram should apply at once to these Headquarters and remit price with order; $3.50 ior doublé berth, $7.00 for section. The Sleeping Coaches are nearly tilled at tliis date. Any reputable citizen can secure these accommodationa by applying now, as the rates are the saine ior veterans and citizens on this grandest of all excursions. Be sure that your tickets read via Fennsylvania Kailroad from Toledo, if you desire to go with Department Headquarters Train. See that your baggage (if you desire to take other than hand pieces) is checked as you desire. Mark every niece, either pkixtbu or plainly wuit'tex. witli name, home address and State, number of Post or Corps, and the name and number of street you are to be located upon in Washington. Even your hand pieces should be thus marked, jf theu you loose them, your home address will enable you to be found. All railroads to Washington are quite positive that they will enable you to reach that city on schedule time. Past experience shows that upon Xational Encampment occasions, the trains seldom arrive on time. No real blanie can be attached to the railroad companies for these delays ; they simply forget that when the veterans move, it is like their answer of years ago, "We are coming, Father Abraham, 500,000 strong." ' To avoid any disappointment because of delays, let every one go prepared for a delay, and with a feeling that disappointment and discontent will not add to their own, blit will mar the pleasure oí oth'era. Where Posts intending to go as such or where they intend to be grouped in County Battallions, it is hope'! that the Post flag muy be shuwn iu the parade of September 20th. Let the Stars and Stripes be prornmently displayed in the Micliigan line. Posts will report to tliese Headquarters by September lst, the numljer ol men tliey will have in parade, and whether they desire to be assigned as I'osts or County Battallions. üiiless Posts provide theinselves with drum corps or bands, there is liable to be a hiek ot music lor our btate contingent. Aides-de-Camp, intending to accompany the Department Commander on parade iu mounted form, should notify the Assistant Adjutant (jeneral at once, remitting the pricé, $7.50, which is the cost of mounts furnished by the Washington Coinniittee. Let every Michigan veteran Register at Department lleadquarters, ArKngUm Hotel, Washington, as soon after their arrival as possible. Books will be open aiter V m., September lytli. Bv Command oi HEXKY S. DEAN, [official.] Department Conimander. C. V. II. Pond, Assistant Adjutant-General. Sinoe the above order was issued the Assistaut Adjutaut General has received notice [rom Washington that the Comraittee ou Horses has established a rute of Í9.00 for horse with niilitary eiiuiyments, which gave the owuership of equipments, after parade, to party using them. If the party did not care to' owu the eiiuipments the price of uiouuts would be $5. Ou, People go to Bay View, Charlevoix, and otlwr northern resorts, it is alleged, for rest and quiet. A glance over the columns of the Iaily Kesorter shiowö that tliey ha(A'e red-hot kurse races, boat races, numerous theatricalw, "Pygmalion and (jalatea" for intstauce, lawn socials, swell partie, and all sorts of people lectuiins to ttoem; in Jact it had the appearanoe to a person way down here In the quiet of home, that tlie "seasom" is in iull blast up there, and that inHbead of qutet and rest it is but a round oí galety and excitement, But tlie -vorld & f uil of niisnomers, and thu people of the world delight (sometimes) in professing but not practicing.


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Ann Arbor Courier