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Nartliíville is to have a new refrigerator factory. New wheat is mJdng lts appearance in market. A 1.000 ib. bell has been placed in the chiirch at Roger's Corners. Nissly's pmiltry farm at Saline is ending "goods" to Australia .and Mexico. Nearly erery farm has its hay stack this yeir. Hay will be plenty.- Enterprtee. The best looking baby about Dundee will reeeive a prlze at tlieir fair thin yiear. The Catholk1 I.ibrary Association at Cheteea have leased the hall formerly occupied by tlie O. A. R. A very wvoro storm passed over Fowlerville and vlcinlty last Wednesday ervienlng, doing much damage. IWivn in Wayne tiiiey liave 4-leg);ed rats thiat eai lemoms, according tol tlie Review. A pretty tart story thiat, The faline Ölwervêr saya that "Edgar Rogers threshed out Bomething over 1,000 bushielu of wheat this ■Week." The extraordinary (Iemand for whortleberrics tliis eeason lias kept the price up Motwithsiniidins tho enormous erop. The complalne about bicycle ïWers running into podestrians, women and ohildren especially, on the Kid-ewalks of that place. After a niontli's vacatlon whlch he will spend in tlue east, Itev. Mr. Oonrad, oi Clieteea, will beoome pastor oJ the Baptist churcta at Salem. The state teacher's institute for Livingston connty commencee Monday, Aug. 15, at Howell. Prof. Delen Fall, of Albion college will conduct it. George 6. Wlieeler, of Salera, has taken tlie cojitratit to furnisli the troops at Islaiul 5afae witli milk during the encampment, commencing August 17th. Dog , without inuzzles wandering about Pinokney will be promptly ehot by the marshal. Pinckney people are not afraid of barks, but they don't want bites. There íb a great demand for harvest lvands in the Dakotas, and the cheap rates made by the railroads trom ("hicago, will induve many young men to go thiere. The Btate teacher's instituto for Lenawee county will be held ut Adrian oomimenciiiK at 10 o'clock, a. m., Monday, AfUgust 1", and c-loaing at 4 p. m., Frklay, August Üötlv. Five residentw of thv oast side stepped upon the hay-wales together a few days agio and tipped the beam at 1200 pounds. - MuiK'heKti t Enterprise. Evidently well-fed over that way. The membera of the wchool board in thls district are putting foi-th every effort to make the l-'owlervillr ruien School one of the best edueatlonal faeilitieS n tlie state.- l-'owlervilliOtaHRjwr. The vi lia ge lia been miusually quiet tuis weck- all becuueu ''the glrls?' :uv oabtping at Silver Iake.- So. Lyon Pieket. if ttaoee irte d'oa't glve the man who wrote that item, a livi-ly racbet, it will 1h a camtkm. Farmére ín otli-r iart.s of the Ktat have dleèövered preseuce of a Mmall fly wlilcli li;ht uion the beafe of cattte the horos. It i said that it ík the fly that killed wo m.uiy cattle itn Ohio e ii'v .mits kgo. - Herald. It has beeome thé cuetom of farmera all over thé Btate who are desirous of protecting the quail, now rapidly developinfi: into toothbome breakfasts to post notices waxning hunters off tlwir premiees.- So. Lyon l'k-ket. Th Stoekbridge races liave come and gone; and mnv raany of ourcitizens are ásking thfeinèeïvesj da thcy pay V- Sun. Tliwe citizens evidently bet on iliv wrong lxorse. A Dansvilk' farmer is the owu.t of a yonng colt iiiat goee up stairs to the hay luit amd then Jumps out of indow. a deecent of 12 feet. What a circus horse he will make whea iull grown.- Willtemeton Enterprise. 'Ilio reopening exerciBee of the M .E. cüurcD at Pinckncy will tnke place Aug. 14-, we lea rn froni the Dispatch, and several ministers will b present, ü is expected. On Xucsday veiling the 16tai, the tadiea will give ui elegant tèa. H'on. I'eter N. Opok, of Corunna, who is chairaran ol tUe committee trom the board o! regenta wJUeh ha diarse of the Unlversity museum, te the hueband of onc of Dexter'a tonner brigM school glrls, Miss Mary Botan. - Dexter Leader. Tlvere will not be many '. A. R. boys fi'Oin this sectiou who will go bo Washington. Mast of ttiem were in tnat -ity flii a Wg tramp once and they don't care to takt anothep, and ihcy ■ouldn't afford t U they did.- Manchester Enterprisr. Brethren nmt dweil together happily i 11 Manchester accordiug to tliis trom the Eiiterprise: "The ladies of the Methodtet church vill wil Ice ■ iraní at the partera of the Preebyterian church evcry Saturday during the sumnrer, from 3 to ' o'clock p. m." There has boon juist as much inipro vemen t of late years in our farm stock as in the Implemento wlth whlch we cultívate our land. and it will pay the (armer even better to keep up with the modern progresa in this line than any öther.- CbelSea Herald. Eanil E11L--, who lives live aud onehalf miles west af the village, (our farmer (Supervisor) reports that his wheat erop fo former years has U-veraged 30 tashiete per acre i'oir eral yeare. This year lns 'JO acres ttveraged 18 bushels per acre.- Dundee Reporter. This is the season when the farmer's wile is very popular. Her city relations remember lver, and In return for a CuriistnKHs card, left over froni the year before, and magenta tobogg-an caps eent to the children at lioliday time, the city friends take up their abode under her hospitable roof during the coming weeks. The name of W. M. Horton, of this place te being roentkmed as a candidate for nomination for state senator on tliie repbUoan ticket from this district. Mr. Horton is an agriculturist, a practical business man and a ütaunch republican, and should he reoelve the nomination his popularlty in this county would aid him in rolling up ft very large vote.- Fowlervilh' Obseier. An excluange tells hOW to secure a premium at thie comrng county fair, as folio vk: ■'Select a large variety of tomatoes and after thie fruit hals began toi swell soime, pinch off all frenh sprouts. Thin the fmit to. about three specimens to tlite bupili, keep the groiund clean and water twice a week with liquid manure. Squaslues and pumpkins can be treated in the ame manner." A Harrisville man answered tho oíd clu-stnut advertüseiment of a "sure death" potato-bug extermtaator. He sent Uíh $1 and got in return two blocks three inehes square wlth tlie followrng direction: "Iay the potato bus on bloc'k A, setze biock B Tirmly -nitli the riht hand and brlng it doAvn uipon bltx'k A with suffitient forcé to kill töe Ima;. Remove the bug, pro!_'ui-e another and próceed as lefoi-e." A tory with a moral (rom the Dexter Ix'ader: "Two prctty twelveyear oíd K'irls indu-Ml one oí lh-xtcr's liiti-hearted citizens to row them up the race to the mili pond last Sunday afternoon for tlie purpose oí gaktjjeriiif; Kome water IíIIích. A they tarted OTit they looked the very pink of perfect ion; but wlwn they returned, Oh my ! they wre loaded with water 1í11ímí and drippint? from tlne effectw of a diu-ki'iig That boat always apriete on Sundays."


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