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Mrs. Abbie Flagg has returned frora a vislt in the west. Dr. (!. E. WMder, of &a.nduky, O., was in town Mondlay. Paul Suauble has returned frora a business trip dkrwn east. Prof. T. C. Trueblooa returned (rom Boston, Mass., last Friday. Mrs. Morris, of Orchard Lako, is the giieet of Mrs. (leo. A. Douglass. Prof. Ievi D. WJaes and wife have retuTned from their eastern outing Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eider t are vIijiting in Niágara Falte, this week. Georg-e Blum, of the P. O. f orce, has returned from hifi two week's outjnr. Mrs. D. F. Schairer went west Monday to vtelt i-eLatives in Iowa and Nébraska. Ottmar Eberbach, accompanied by his diaughter Ottilie and hls Bister OJara, hiave been ín Marquette for the past week. Earl Ware of the P. O. force, is taking a two -weck's vacation and joins bis frunïly, who are visiting relatives near Fl'.nt. Mr. anl Mrs. A. L. Noble returned Monday from their extended western journey. D. J. Roi? had a finger on hie left hand badly lacerated by a saw last Saturday. Airs. Wam. W. Saunders, of E. Catharime st., has gone to Kinneville to viteit a Bister. Prof. Novy and family have returned froim their summer's stay at Strait's Lake. J. W. Woodman, of Sparta, is spendiing the week with hie brother-in law, Gilbert Khodes. Martin Walz, of Marshall, and Mrs. Walz. of Grand Bapids, are visitins; John Goetz, Sr. Mrs. I.ouisa Trueblood and daughter Koith, of S. 12th et., returned from Ind. last week after an absence of six ivwk!. i Thos. H. McCaain, of Detroit, was in the eity yesterdoy. on hls way home from a two week's i on on the Hu Pon river lakes. Mrs. Mabel K. Pond returned home Tiiesday eveniog from Brnnch county, where she had been visltinj; her parents and otfoer relntives. Mrs. Oh. Donovnn who has been the guest of Miss Maggte Donovan, of the Xorth nide. returned home to Sioux City, Iowa, yesterday. Thos. J. Farrell, oí Manchester, is an Ann Arfoor visitor to-day, and is ííreetinff friends lieve Witb hls usual öordiftïiity and pleasaant manner. Mlee Sara and Mfiia Susn AVhedon 'nve rc-nrnpd líame from thoir snramer tour to iMilwaukee and amone; the northern Miciiifran resorts. Peoretary Wale recelved a viit from his son Clias. F. Wade and wife, of JonesrvMle, the first of the week. M!ss Mary Du-rheilm left yesterday for MuKko-K'on. to Bpend a few weeks w:th her brother Chas. .T. Durheim. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Millen, of the North shlp are entertaining their dauffhter Mrs. Julia Ricketts, of Ohio. Mrs. W. E. Boydetn. of Delhi Mills and siister Miss Cora Robison. are expeeted h'ome from Port Huron today. "We notice that Michael (J.) Brenner Is vislting n good many of hls frifnds a bout tlue i'ounty. Good for "Mike." Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bitas have entertained their nephew Iuke Ralph, and his wi'l'e. of Ogdensbourgh, N. Y., during the week. O. E. Oodfrey entertained hiie father, Charlen A. Godfrey, of Grand Hapids, l'ast Satnrday and Sunday. It was his first vlslt here for 20 years. W. (r. Biirolificlrt expccts tn be in New Órlenns Sept. Ttli, and i f ko he will probably nee Sullivan and Oorbett attempt to knov-'k each other ont. G. Frank AUmendinffer, ivl had hite loft leg broken by a rnnaway last week, is s-etting along quite wcll. Hp doesn't onjoy tin ei-ht week's siege in bed, however. Mayor Doty aood wife returned home from their etay m Colorado last Sunday eveninc. ha ving been absent a littli' over three weeks. They had a dellghrtful trit) and have returned lnome Iiooking the pittuire of health. Rev. Dr. Oobern writos to friends here that the weather in England i fooi and deliglrt ful. He expects to sail for home Kept. lOth. On Sunday, Sept. 26th he i to occupy his pulpit agaim. Tliat will be the last Bunöay before conference.


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Ann Arbor Courier