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O'donnell For Congress

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The republica.n congregslonal convention tor t1h 2d district niet at Monroe Tuesday, to put in nominai ion a candida íor congress. It was a gttthering of earnest and enLaétic republicana, and every ■uunty ui the district was well represented by moae oí the b'.st men of tiif party. Burtxm Parker, of Monroe, was made chairinan, and &&orgfe A. Danron, of "Washtenaw. se.retary. The vice president for Waslitenaw county was Hou. Peter Cook, of Urania. Pending the report of the various immit tres speeches were made by Mr. Parker, oï Monroe, Grant Fellows, of Lena wee, and others. ïlic oiily nominatinK speech was made by Col. C. V. De L,and, of Jacksou, who presented the naime of Congreösmian James O'Dajmell. This was seconded by all tiie other connties, uint il AV.-iislitenaw was reaehed, when Dr. P. K. Owra, f Ypallantl, on belialf of Wiashtenaw county, moved tliat Mr. O'Doanell he nomina te d by a cela mat ion and by a rising vote. WUifch wils aft-reed to and tliree roing eheers were ven for the nominee. A ('oaniniitce was sent out and lirouglit Mr. o'Donnell into the convention, and in a very neat and effect-iyé speech hé aeeeptèd the nomina tío n. The comniittee on resolutions reported a series oJ reóolutions appr'oviing of l'residcnt Harrison and his adniiinistration; of the gubernatorial caudidacy ,,i Umi. John T. Bich; and of the pri.rcssive and succésifül policy of the republican party, which were unanlmously adopted. Win. 1-. Séafcon, of Jaek.son eounty, jfered ei Pollpwiag reaolution, whk-li 'was 1'iahiis.iasfically adopted: 'Rewolvd, That this convention heartily approve the ooarse of Hon. B. P. Allen, white congiessman froui this district, commeniding espi'cially his action in regard to the tariff, penision legislación, and upon all the great questions of the day dividing the fwo politieal parties, and that we look wlth pride ipon tlie commanding positiou he took while represent ing this eonstituency, and upon his ability and eminent fairnese whenever called to preside over the deliberatiou.s of tlie House of ltepresentative's, wlii.-li honor was so írequently conferred upon liüm by that sterling patriot Speaker Keed." Senator McMillan, who was present, m:uU' some very enoouraging reniarks a. to repúblicas prospecta, as did alwO' cmH. W. R. Bates and other republivans preeent. At'te.r ttoe convcntion was over Gen. Georfie SpaulcLilrug, on belialf oí the people of Monroe, took the delegantes to the rïver in haoks wliere they lïoarded a little erteamer that took them down throujih the fammis Mpnroe "mashes," and fiSWng and lmnting grouniLs. The ride was a yeiy pleasant one, appi-eciiated by all. It also served to remind Consressman O'Donnell that an appropriation was needod to dredge the rïver and harbor.


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