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Senator Hill Is Silent But Not

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5ng Judge Itorse "vill Stad re-morse in iris nibevnatorial aspira tions. It te a f act that the only States ■tt'here conylote are üisod to work in ooial m:iiies are dpnvooratic states. The (lcittOí-ratíí should venominate their wortliy i-hampion, Squawbuck Fridlcnder for the Btate senate. If not, wfiy not? 'All ivo wamt of t-hc farmers is to get thcir votes," is the ivay the democratie party pu,t it when Winans was kieked mirt. Tlio reöord of Lieurt. Gov. Stronji, o-f Monroo, is ho stronj; that it -vvill reniain a stencil in the nostrils of Jids O"vii party even, for generations. Bancroft, tihe historia-n. nays in vol. 1, p. 146: "The mecessity, far regïjlating cowimerce gave the immetliate iimpTTl&e to a perfect constitution." Wh'o sairt avc eo-tild nor. manuFaemro a&mfmk to tuiw country? The ree trade democrat. Did h lie about it? Ho did. AVho saüd we oowld not manufacture Moei rails in this CJOuntry? The democratie lree trader. Did he lie about It? He did. j ■ Mr. floveland finds titfi free trade lijad a ïiracli more diffioult one than the "tarlfl for revenue" river, up ■n-host ealt waters he ascended four yeare ago. A prominent pliysiei.-in of this city, fe nt a loss to knoiv tohibh wou ld be the greatept calamity, a stege of AsiclHilrra, or another democratie vk-tory aioxt November. Daniol Webster, in a speech delivorCd at Alba.n.v, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1844, Baid: "Proteotion of American inuBtriee was the leasing motive for lic U .nnation of the ïiew governW?3ït," Sftncc tbe polk-y of protection waa StíJopttrd by the repúblicas party, in Í861, thpe has been an average yearly itooreass of national wealth of $1,500,000,000! Tliat is a fact for (ree tra ders to tumble over. The íight te now on between ChairBian I)i -lUnson of the national democratie cpmmittee, and CSialrman Campan of democratie state couimitt. Whcu last hcard from one ha,d liold of Secretaiy Honsford's heels aoid tke othor lus cai-s, and thcy1 Wre pullins vi-nrously, each desirtng to vetafln him as a polittctil lackey. WeH, it nmt be confeseed in that capacity Borsford is a good one. Grover? Grover?- Hu'll luy over Four years more. Out of clover- Poor old Grover Does feel sore. Thf worW'a fair: They are all a round lis. A im-k.v 18: The l:; original colooíes oí Únele Sam's. It Ks altiogetber probíibte Tliat Mr. (orinan wai ni be rononiinated in tlvis district. Tlie oilils agalnst him are too gpeat. The peapie sftould nemember that this timo the mask has been thrown off. It is not "tarlijf reform," it Ie is the pure arttele of free trade. AVhcn the ctemocratic state ís made np for pepreserrtatiive ta this district, the mame otf (that huestling young attomey (3has. A. jviine wlll probably 16 fenind tlioreon. The oíd Cleveland ery of four years agcy. "Don't. don't, don't be afraid; Tariff reform te jiot free trade," can naw be made to do service ín this way: Down, down, down the grade, kt 'workTiwn's waigeg if TW! got fi-ee tradie. Tli-e report oí the Labor CoinmisBjponere of Vdi'k is an eye-opáner to th followerti of Mr. Cleveland who lia ve belteved hLs utterancea upon tlie tnri'ff question and nerer paused to whether said utterancee "ere i'iniit or wrong. Juflge Jí is safd to have nnsworcd a friend whi; asked him to vote for dopt. l'.clkn.-ni tof congress: "No, Mot for in.v oivn fathier, if he was on the repuMcan ticket." And Mr. .Mdi-sc is oeektng rcpublican votos bérausc h-e is au old soldier. Will he get them? It loiokis very jnucli as if the people of tli!,s tountry will be scared tx death whether the cholera ever reached here or not. Everything KlwimSd be (luie that it is possible to dl to prevent tliie spread o: the, buit tlnere is ur ue of being bo noisy alxurl" it. Aft-en tlw (h'ino;-rats had trierl the "slidtag n-du-etioai" of the tariff from 18-t( io 1857, James Buchanan was ínrreri to admít 'a his animal mesfeagi DficinliiT 1s.-iT: "With unsurpas,scd plenty in the elenients of natioiiiil wealtfi, our manufactures have ïUBpéndted, our public ivorks are reta nied, ir pi-ivate emterprlBee abandiniecl and our laborera thrown out of oniployment and redn -od to watHi" Onë of the Chicago Times reporters askod Sam Steele, the veteran, y it was that iln twenty-five years oí service he had nevor rilsen higher than a pepcÖrtereSbiïp and why he left when lie aeented mst needed. "My boy," replied tire oíd ma,n, pulling his long wMte niioiuistaelie, 'M ymi had eeen thO p-poeesslón oí ghoste ot' managing and clty editors flir down tli'at elevatir Efhtatft Hifi-t-, as I have seeni them, ywu woúldlnt ask that question."- Tiic Bpeclmim. Durlng the pertod preeeeding the adoption of the constitution we had frcc' trnde, and the' years from 1783 to 1789 saw nearly all the money of tliis country pass into the possession ol BritiBh mamifacturers, while our manufacturera were ruined, our laborers baggared mul our farmers unable to gathier enotugh nxoney to pay their taxcs. Bankruptcies, jndgments, executioras, mortjiages, auctions -vvere the onl'T ol the day. Free trado was more cruel tha-n war. Palitfciíuis in and about the Saginaws are h&ving the laugh on the demorratk1 state convention -which thought to put on an influential Oerman flor eecreüary of state, but it timan out that Marechke is a l'olack, wlio lias been unable to get into any of t.lve societk's of Saginav. The Uemiocrati; committee are said to bc vory indilgnant at th'e ones who put u]) Kuch a job on thera. Tliis goes to Hliaw tliat they in.ade up their ticket thi year in as caretess a manner a thoy did two ye.ars agoi wlien suoh weak. timber a Stooe, Strong, Ellas and Soper, Avere throivn . in, witlwut recrard to ability. Did any onO asaert that tin plate could irot be snainufactured in this country? Yes, the "tan-iff for revenue only" prevarieator. He said tin plate cooild nat be made in this country. Did hé teil the truth? ' He dil not. Over 20,000,000 Ibs. wei-e made in 'the Uatted States in 1891, ainld tJi induatry was only in lts infiuit ry. AVül the Vaited 8t.-i.tos soon produce all the ttn plate ifs peole COII'S-UIIIC'.' It wijl, and liave oane to spare. Has price tuf tin raised sinee the M'oKimley tariff --ent into effect? It has not. On the eontrary the price decli'ned d-uring the past year. fiov. Wümahs lias appainte-d W. S. Webber, of tecÉglngw, Redtfeb Goodrieh f Traverse City, and James H. Kinnane oí Kalaauazoo, as nwmbere oí the commksKion to Investígate and report to the next legislature a bilí Cor the iimpro-rément of the highwaya ■of the [state. This a-ctüon was authorized at -tlw recent special session of the l-gilature. Erery citizen shcrald gtro tlifir aid to this commission. The Ctourier lias waged a warfare for good roads for thO past ten years or over, and now rejoices in noting ewn this much progress. Good roads slumkl commaud the attention of the general public and of the farming ocannmnity especially, for thcre is nothing whdch affecte them more maberially. If this cotmmission could persme the Oourier columns for several yeai-s pat it would find many yalualile augigeetiOBs.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier