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Peaches and cream! Oh, yum! yum! Oounty iailr at Ann Arbor, Sept. 27 to 30. Demiofratic caucus in Scio townsh-i'p tioniig'lit. The price of co'al imakes one shiver even these warm days. Geo. W. Bullís is building a new lucrase O'n Washtenaw ave. hustlers these days are niostly hustling after ecxme office. The opera house will open here Sept. 24th, wltïh a ISoeiul Session. The New York Tribune and The Ann ArWor Clounler botli oue year i'or $1. ThO circuit eo.urt Btandte adjournel until next Tuesüiay, Sept. 12th. ■ Democratie town caucuses will be held im Ann Arbor, York and Sliaron on Sept. 17. Quite a nuniber of Ann Arbor peopte contémplate taking in the Dundce fa ia next week. Many residences about the city are Tieing win-ed fov electric lights. That is the coming light. Rev. A. W. Stalker, of Clinton, will iill the pulpit of the M. E. church next Sundiay miorning. "Wm. Tate, oí this city, and Jliss Lottie Hinckley, oí Paw Paw, were married liaist Thursday. Tlie gentle rann which descended Suniay night and Moaiday morning, was thíuikfully recelved. Luick Brote. aTe tO' erect a Cleveland & Stevensóm pole at their planïng miü on N. Foirt-h ave. I{ the School of Music is not a lair s-ruccess the iiVst year Prol. Stanley will be somewhat dLsappointed. The sndden changes in the weather appear to be bad for peopte who are subject to bowel traüble in the least. Street Ooimmiwionier Sutherland is il'oing ome good work about the city in putting in erossiiifjs. ïhoy are hubt anti al. Pi-etty good authority adviseti farmi ih nit to sell tlieir whcat at present. It will be wort li more and not probabli,v wort li lew. J. D. Ryan tas put down a ik-v walk on the north side oí his store, the foi-riHT liangstvripr block, on Washingtoin st. A. I). Seyler wa.s ruu into bya horse and bug-gj' which was being drlven by two la dies last Tirársela y . He escaped with a orn overcoat. The classic sha.des of Ann Arbor are beiïng tiiod by new searchers after knowledge. Strangers are coming withiü our gates daily these days. Mrs. Mary DoForest, of ann Arbor town, relict oí Aaron G. DeForest, died Tlrarsday last, aged 67 years. Funeral services were held Saturday. John Walz, Jr., xind Ed. C. Greve, of the Wulveriine Bijeycle Club, are takimg a 600 nnille trip to Jackson, MaTShall, Kalamazoo, Grand Kapids, etc. The campaign in hls county will piHobiably be a short one. The republioan convention will not be held until Oct. 6th for nominating county officers. The croas walk froni the post office corner to Jlr. Duffy' store is in a very la(l condition, as every rainy day provee. It ouight to be replaced toy a new one, and the street railway grutter running througli it should be in solne manner diepensed "villi. AU the c-ounty fair authroitie.s ask for is good -weatliLT for the great show. They will have a crowfl this year. tail-end demócrata are quite Hable t'O was the bark end of the democratie dog in this count.v this f all. Lieten to the tune they'll play .Sept. ËÖdl It miffht be well for young ladies to notitp that doctors all áígWe that ifce cream and ii-cil delicacies oï all kinds fiho'ii'ld be.avoirted in this cholera breeding weather. Furnitui-f dealers are reaping a liarvcst just now. All these new liouses have to ba furnished, and atudent'fi rooms in frbe oM houses burnished up with a few new pieces. The father of Miss Alk-e Hunt, teacher of drawing in the public scïools, died at Clinton, Masis., last week. 11. will be remembered that her niother's death occured lat year. Prof. Bman'uel 8chmid, of ColumbOB) Ohío, who han been visiting friends here duriBg the summer, expect tiO1 eroct live ncw dwelling houes here next seajaicm on lots 'ie lias reoeBtly purchaised. I'rof. Wiïlhs Bouiglvton, lit 'SI, now f the Ohio umi'ver.sity at Athens, has a critique on Walt Whitman in the Septeniber Arena which is a cmnprehensive analywis ai that strange wrlter and his Avork. The M. E. Fioreign Miissionary Rociety annual mite box opening will tafee plat-e at the residence of Dr. O. Ci. Darling, on E. University ave., at half-paist 3 o'clock p. m. Supper will be served at 6 1-2 o'clock. Ediitor Swekiey, of the Hausfreund, üias been in Chteagk the past week toofei'ng aiter the welfare of the democrat-Hc campaiign at that end of the lime. He expects to secure a place on the 1-iist of free traxle orators. Eev. E. E. Scrutigs, for some time pastor of the 2d Baptist church of this city, has resigned the charge, and Ttev. .T. D. rndierwood, of Adrián, has accepted a cali to that pulpit tendered him. He 'is said to be a very briglut preacher. The Young; People's Christian Union of Ann Arbor, composed of all the young people's societiies of the variouis churches of the city, will give a reception to the high school students, at Newberry Hall, on Saturday evening, Sept. lOth, from 8 to 10 o'clock. The Illuistrated American of Sept. 13, hais seeral pages devoted to the Denver Triennial K. T. conclave. One of the pie-tures represents the Ann Arbor Ocmmandery on the march, and the faces of several of the Knights can be recognized It iw a number in whioh Ann Arbor people will be intereisted. Tliis is fro'm tlie Adrián Press: "In Ann Arbor, hired gLrls demand and sometimes receive $3.50 per week, in private familia, with the privilege af pie lunch for their beaux, every Sund'ay night. The hired girls of Ann Arbor are among the mosti wealthy and independent citizens of the place. firey Mars is still playing its pranks in the heavens. Last Saturday night he was payimg his reispects to our moon and at 10 o'clock ivas so near her that it looked as if au osculation would occur. Astrouoin-ers say Mars has two moons ad that ome rises in the the east and ortlier in the west. The c'ounty committees in several eounties are appointing delegates to the republican state convention, to be held In Grand Rapids, Aug. 27th, to nomínate a eandidate for Justice of the supreme eourt. This is necessary because of the short notice given and beeause of the laek of interest in the matter by the people generally. Wm. E. Clarke, of this city, died last Thursday evening, at the home of luis diaughter, Mre. Praf. W. H. Pettee, om Thotopson Bt., aged 84 years. He was boirn in Massachuéette, Sept. 2, 1808, and his remains were taken toIassachusetts ior burial avcompanied by Prof. and Mis. Pettee. He had been in feebls health for 'several months. Miss Mary Mo&es aoid Mr. Will F. Ijodholz were married at half past 9 a'clock yesterdi'iy morning at the residence of her mother on Broadway They left om a trip for Ohio. When they return tliey will go. to keeping house Ti Mr. Lodholz's neiv house on Wall st., Noirth side. Here is to a long and happy for the eouple. Tiicy have inany friends here who will wlish theim joy in their new rela tiwns. The anii'O'Uneement is of the approaehing nuptials of James L. BabÖOik, Esq., of tlKS city, and Miss Ella Stanley Butler, af Waukesha, Wis., tormierly of St. John's, Mich., to take place in that city some time this month. By this marriage Mr. Babcock will ecmie i'nto possession of a large fortune left by hiB unele LutherJames, om the oondiition that he should marry within five years. Mr. Babcock's fitne resddience on N. División st., has been thoroughly refitted for the couplo. "" iA funny man was asked, "Whore is the state of matrimony?" received the folio w ing explanatory answer: "It is i'n the United States. It is bounded by hugiging and kissing torn one sidie, and sra.dles and babies ■on the other. It ehief produets are population, broomsticks and stay out late. nighte. It was dfecovered by Vdam aud Eve whiile trying to find a northwefit passage to paradise. 'Tlie clilme is ratlier sultry until yöu pass the tropics oí housekeeping when squally weaither generally sets in with isutïicient lower to keep all hands as cool as ctictimber.s. For the principal road to the interestins Btate, consult tbe first pair of blue eyes you run against." - Ex. P,us;i!ness at the Ana Arbor Agricultural Oo's Works te Uooming. Gov. Wiíuarua has orderert a state quarantine against the cholera for twenty days, Gteorg Walir hais fetaked out a new house on N. IM visión, st., next Bouth ot the formier Royer hou-;'. lí'.'nscy & Séabolt are putting down a One imtm-al stjnc sldewalk in front oí thefcr torea on B. Washington Bt. To-morrow wiil be a great gatlieriug of Cerniaiis at Vpsilanti. The motor liine will oarry for the round trip for 20 cents. The "unión eervjeea will be continued thiiouig'h September, beiug held at the M. E. cliurch next Sunday 'evening, when Kev. Carman wMl preaclx. II. J. Hioward, oí Superior, has shicd hdS castor into the democratie ring and i.s a, eanxlldate Cor regteter of deedis. The more danuers tlic merrier the dance. See! Hoin. Daniel Dougherty. known as the wlver tongued orator," died at I'hiladelphia yeterday. Jlany oí our citizens will rememb-er of meeting him here a year oír so ago. The Germán M. E. cliurch ík being 'th'oroughly renovated and placed in better condition than ever betore. For WMeh impi-O'vement'S the congregatibn deserves moichi praise. Regent Henry Howard, of Port Huron, has been having a ditficult task in getting his famJly, who have been in E'urope for th summer, through the quarantine at New York. In order to accommodate those who deodre to arrange tor work in the School of Muaáé, Prof. Stanley will be at hte residience fronu. 12 to 1 a'ckx-k daily, except Saturdays. The pvogramme lor the speed contesta to be held at the coming county fair in this city, Sept. 27-30, is out and being distributed. (Jet one of Secretary Mills or President Braun. The motor lime will mate a continuous round trip rato trom either terminal lor twenty cents, and it is bei'ng taken advantaige of by parties who want a niice moonlight ride down and back. W. C. Coup & Co's Equescurriculum and But-kley's Lond'on Show, togeth er with Trof. Freyer's educated dogs, is what will be seen every day at the eounty faïir, free to all who purchase tifc'ketis to the fair. ThO bast oi'fer ever made those desiring g'oo-d reading matter is made by this office. We will send to all eubscribers paying $1 in advance The Courier and the X. Y. Tribune one year. Xext Frilday evcning th-ere will be en entertainment and' social given S;n the cliapel on "Wall st., by Miss MiSinie Kent. For tlve benefit of the chape!. Refreshmenta will ba served at Mt. Chas. Witastaw's. Tlvere iis a nasty looking worm that is denuding the omk trees about the city oí tlilr foliare. The trees in fro'üt of Judge Kinne's are especially troubled wïth tliem. There seems be no way of kMling oïf the pests. Xesterday morning the sprinkling wagon and a etreet car carne in contact while on S. Main st., opposite Burt Schumaeher'íí etiope. The sprinkliníí apparajtu.s tipped over, and the driver Torn. ifeK-eraan was thrown off and Bomewhat injured, thoug-h öot serio-usly. Alderman Kitson, n offering a resolution in regard to the removal of the slaughter houses, lias takeu a c o ra geo us step in tlue right directíO'ii. If cholera lurks anywhere in Ann Arbor it will be there, right 1111derneath tlie noses of fche 5th ward school attiendatits. Rev. Edward M., at present rector of the Episcopal church at Hani.ilt'oai, N. Y., has accepted the posStiooi of assistant to the rector of St. Andrew's church o thLs city, and curator of Harris hall, vacatecl by Rev. Robiert A. Holland, .Ir. Mr, Du ff is a yoaing man, a gradúate of Harvard and oí the Episcopal Theologieal Seminary at Cambridge, Mass. The Board oí Health in view of the pocs.sible approach of cholera to this vkinity, have appointed a sauitary insiKvjtor for each ward in the city and they hope that eveo' pers-on will ■hiave theii' premisas in a complete sanitíwy 'jondition when called np011. The inspc.-tors appointed are: lst wéLrd, Martin Clark; 2d wárcl Lee Kapp; 3d ward, W. J. Clark; 4th ward, Frank O'Hearn. 5th Ward, John S. Carroll; (ith ward, I.--aac Noble. The iipw Ypsilanti man on the Daily Times seads this to his paper: "Every tdtmie I see the motor cara go by," saild a traveling man whose ■home is in Y'psilanti. "I thank fortune that I live in a town where tliere" are a few men who sometimes think how they can h-elp their own city when they invest their nxonej'. Undiombti'dly something could have iK'i'u i'oumd wliieh would have bixught in fully as large a return for the moniey invested as the A. A. & Y. St. Ry., and not have helped a.nyone else either, but luckily thcro a.i-c a few cirize.ns who don't look at ithin.irs tha.t way. I was recently in a tiown, not 50 miles from hiere eithcr, wbere everycme swore by one man. Mr. M. mvni'd thiis and Mr. M. owned 'that, but Mr. M. did mot own anytliinii that bfenefited anyome but himfeelf unless i't was nvoirtgages on his mieilgluboir's property, if the statements 'M' somO politieiaus are true that miortgages show prosperity."


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Ann Arbor Courier