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Council Proceedings [official]

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CYUNCIL CHAMBEH. I Ann Arbor, Sept. 5th, 1893. j Regular meeting. The Council was called to order by the President the Hon. Mortimer E. Cooley. Roll ealled. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Martin, O'Mara, Rehberg, and Prettyman. - 4. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATION FROM ÏIIE MAYOR. City of Ann Arbor, I Mayor's Office, f Ann Arbor Mich, Scpt. otn, 1R92. To the Honorable the. Common Council. Gentlemen:- August 30th uit., I had the honor to address to the Board of Health a communication urging immediate attention to the sanitary condition of the city and advising prompi and decisive precautionary measures to ward off the threatening approach of Asiatic cholera. The communica tion was as follows: City of A nn Albor, ) Mayor's Office, Aug-. 30, 1892. i To the Honorable the Board of Health of said City: Gentlemen:- It seems to me that it is imperatively necessary tliat your honorable board take immediate and if necessary summary proceedings to place our city in proper sanitary condi tion to ward off the scourge of Asiatic cholera which noy menaces the laud Almost any morning we may read o cholera making its appearance upoi the Atlantic seaboard. And then i will be only a questkm of days for it to reach the great distributing centers o the northwest to be carried f rom thence along the arteries of travel to the cities and towns which invite it devastating presence. So far as human wisdom and approved sanitary precau tion can protect our beautif ui city, it i our duty as officials and good citizen and lovers of our fellow men to exer ourselves to the utmost limit of ou authority, to protect the preciou lives, committed, in a degree at least to our official keeping. Permit me therefore, to suggest that you inaugu rate a house to house inspection of th city's sanitary coudition, noting parti cularly the cesspools, drains, closets ponds, alleys, gutters, etc, and de manding and euforcing the prope cleansing and disinfecting, or even de struction and eradication of all thing and conditions which menace tí) public health and safety. Prompt municipal and domestic pre caution now will cause the disease i it reaches us to fall upon sterile soi It is said that previous epidemics o cholera have been most virulent in un drained and filthy cities andthosewit a polluted water supply. It is possibl that the peculiar soil upon which ou city rests and its natural drainage wil afford us some iminunities f rom nox ious exhalations, far beyond those o other unsewered cities of our class But it is not possible tliat lilth and po! luted water will be any different i their dangerous character in An Arbor than in any ot our sister cities Therefore, while I urge upon you honorable board and upon our munic pal authorities generally prompt anc decisive and harmonious efforts t minimize our danger, I mi remindec that our labors will avail but little un less the citizens themselves assist by such wise and provident domeatic precautions as your honorable body maj see flt to recommend and whicli sanitarians have approved. It can do no hann at least, to boil all suspected water used for drinking aud culinary purposes, to prepare and liberally apply disinfectant solutions to closets and glitters and to cleanse and purify wherever offensive odors betray the germs of disease. Let is remeiubev that "cholera is not caused by fear,'" neither is it to be apprehended froui any particular article of (liet alone, but from the germs which directly or indirectly spread from the person or persons infected. Let us sterüize the soil upon which these germs will seek to flnd a resting place. Let us hope that God's mercy will avert from our shoree "th pestilence which walketh in darknes and this destruction which wasteth a noonday." Respectfully, Wm. Ct. Doty, Mayo Upon consultation with the President of the Board of Health I am informeel thatthe Board is somewhat embarrassed by lack of fuiuls for the proper proseeution of sanitary reforms. As the present emergeiicy will not aclmit of delay, it is my opinión that the Board ought to be authorized to appomt a sufiSciei't nurnber of competent men to undevtake a house to house inspection under the direction of the Board, that tlie purchase of disinfectants be autborized, and generally that the Board of Health be authonzed and directed to take all necessary and proper proceedings to place the city in good sanitary condition. I sincerely hope that your honorable body will anthorize Board of Health to make such necessary expenditures as ill accomplish the foregoing object, t is also to be hoped the various deartments and officials of the city ivernment will co-operate for the anitary inspection aml purification of ie city. Kespectfully, Wm. G. Doty, Mayor. Accepted and placed on file. ETITIOXS AND COMMUNICATIONS. 'o the Common Council: We respectfully recommend and ask or an appropriation of $75 00 for the rading of Felch street, at the newculert over mili race. _ . . Uy order of the Board ot "umie Vorks. "W. J. Millbk, Clerk. Accepted and referred to the Street ommittee. A petition signed by Wm. C. Jacobs nd eight others, residents and proprty holders on Clark and Catherine treets, Fourth ward, city of Ann Yrbor, asking that sidewalks be rdered built on the west side of Clark treet, frorn Ann to Catherine streets, nd on the south side of Catherine treet, from Clark to Thirteenth treets. Accepted and referred to the üommittee on Sidewalks. A petition signed by J. C. Preston nd ten others, residents and property olders on W. Iluron street, city of Ann Arbor, asking tbat sidewalks be idered built on the north ahd south ides of W. Huron street, also asking or the erection of two more electric iglits west of Seventh street. Acceptd and that part as cto sidewalks re' erred to the Committee on Sidewalks and that part asking for lights rei erred o the Committee on Lighting. A petition signed by Louis P. Hall and twenty otiiers, residents and property holders of the Sixth ward, asking for an electric light on the corner of Olivia avenue and Hill street. Accepted and ref erred to the Committee on Lighting. tEPORTS OF STANDING C03IMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Honorable the Common Council: Your coiiimittee on inauce respectfully report that they have had the 'ollowing bilis under consideration and would recommeud their allowance at siims stateü. CONTINGENT FUKD. W. J. Miller, salary 66 66 E B. Norris, salary 28 lU Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, janitor t 26 Sid W. Millard, printmg 3 Uu Ihling-Bros. & Everard, justicedoekets 14 5U Telephone & Telegraph Conetruction Co., tor 3rd Ward telephone at W. H. Mclntyre's house 8 28 Win. G. Snow, hack and horse hire 3 00 Dr. Jolm Kapp,4 mos. salary 50 00 W.J. Miller. supplies 6 20 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., Street lightins 540 00 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office 2 00 Total TC4 80 STREET FUND. Felson Sutherland, 6alary, 66 6 Geo. F. Key, salary SU "0 James Neleon, labor 4 A0 Chauncey Dugdale, labor 41 40 Clarence Pray, labor 6 75 Antón ütto, labor lüñu Geo. Johnson, labor 4 50 Peter Carey, labor 9 80 Jacob Michelfelder, labor 12 00 Patrick McCabe, labor 27 0 William Kuehn. labor Vi 20 Oville Sage, labor 6 00 Ezra Bowen, labor 1 75 Cha ríes Long, labor 3 00 Willis Clark, labor 75 Michael Kenny, labor - 35 40 Lawrence Hughs, labor 10 65 Joseph Hutzel, labor 16 05 Frank Sehuitz. labor 33 82 Frank Heary, labor 4 95 Andrew Ziegler, labor 14 25 Kar! Joerndt, labor ;i 00 Gustavo Walters. labor IB 95 Chrietian Jetter, labor 15 00 Frank Sutherland, labor 43 SO Thomas East, labor 8 00 HenryTeamann, labor 3 00 Seth Drake. labor 15 75 Albert Peuys teaming 12 26 George Weeks, " 140 Nclson Sutherland. horse and cart 35 75 iRrael Clark, teaming 16 45 Michael Heary, " 22 75 Eunil Baur, Street cleaning 18 00 Clancyi: Co., labor 4 00 John Allen, teaining 1 75 Thomas Eagle, teamiug 17 50 SethDrake, " 1165 William Magon, paving stones 15 25 Ann Arbor Afrricult'l Co., plow point 40 Oscar O. 8or(r, suppües 70 Sweet & Bycraft, sand 65 F. M. Hallock. lumber 110 77 Schuh & Muehlig. eupplies 64 68 Louis Kohde, brïck and cement.. 4 50 Hinsey & Seabolt, supplles 1 00 Total 830 98 BRIDGE, OUÍ.VEHT AND CRO8SWALK FÜHD . Christian & Henry Koch. Felch street culvert 475 00 John littumgardner, crosslDBtone 173 02 H. Hammonii, labor 7 50 Christian Jetter, " 6 00 PeterCarey. " 4 50 Patrlck McKabe, " 2 25 Wm. Kuehn. " 26 10 Michaei Williams, " 27 4") Joseph Hutzel, " 25 86 Lawrence Hu(fbs, " VI il Michaol Kinne, " 150 Willig Clark. " 10 HO Christiiin Vlberliach, suppliíu 6 0ñ James G. Bnrchfield, labor 10(10 Gustave Walters, iubor 75 Michaei Williams labor 18 60 James Tol hert, lumber 210 29 George Walker, building tar crossings SI 50 William Nimtz, labor S 88 Newton Felch, labor, 8 ■-'.") Claramon, Pray, labor 5 25 James Tolbert, lumber for Bridge No. 1 118 13 Total $1,183 89 FIKE DEI'AHTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, sahxry 60 00 C. A. Rdwards, salary 50 00 Henry McLaren, salary SU 0 Ú)uiB Hoelzle, sabiry 50 00 Charles Carroll, salary 45 U0 Max Wittlinger, salary 40 00 Krauk Kapp, salary 4 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kim, ealary 8 00 Louis Weininann, ealary 8 00 John Kenny .salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Albert Weimer, suD 6 00 Aatrick Keed, sub 2 00 Allmendinger&Schneider, bran 2 10 Heinzmaun & Laubengayer, oats 19 00 Charles Cubitt, straw 3 68 Manu Uros, supplies 3 2u Total if 442 98 PÓLICE flIND. James 11. Murray, 6alary 65 00 David Colllns, salary 60 00 Noble C. Tice, salury 50 00 Total t 165 00 CKMETERV FUND. Eli S. Manly, labor J 50 Samuel Uwen, labor J " Matthew Luippold, w Total ie 0 POOK FUND. Fred t-iIJley, salary 10 00 Edward Duffy. groeeries 00 Ana Evans, aid 8 00 C Eberbaeh & Son. medicine 1 6 John Qoetz, & Sou. grocerles - n JohD GOBtzJr., gTOoerlea Jacob Henae, (rroceries s "0 W. F. Lodliol?.. (rroceries 1 4J WilliamH.Mcintyre. (rroeeries 1" w O'Haia & Boyle, groceries 2 3 Kineey & Seabolt, (rroeeries o HU Caspar Kinsey, groc-cries i '- Wm. G Snow, hack to County House. 1 00 Total 51 le KECAPITULATION. Contingont Fund f Wj J Street Fund 830 98 tniljfp, CulvertandCrosswa'.kFund.. J,183 t9 Fire Fund U j Pólice Fund lg 00 Cemetery Fund l J Poor Fund 6118 Total i.ï 29 Respectfully submitted. ' W ALTEE L. TAYLOK, WlLLIAM IlEKZ, A. H. FlLLMORE, Finance Com. Aid. AVines moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered dravvn for the sunis stated there'm. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. VVines, Schairer, Herz. Fillmore. Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley.- 9. Jfays. - None. Aid. Wines moved that the bilis for three years' insurance on Firemen's hall be allowed and warrants be ordered drawn in favor of Jas. B. Bach for the sum of $67.60 and Beal & Pond at the sum of $37.50. Lost as follows, a majority of tlie Council not having voted therefor: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Kitson.- 6. Nays- Aid. Herz, Taylor, and Prettyman. - 3. Aid. Wines moved that the bill of the Ann Avbor Gas Co. be allowed at the amount of $107.40 and a warrant be ordered drawn for said amount. Which motion was lost, a majority of the Council not having voted therefor. Yeas.- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Snow, Ferguson, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley. -6. Nays.- Aid. Herz, Fillmore, and Taylor.- 3. ORDINANCE. Aid. Wines, leave having been granted, introduced an ordinance entitled an ordinaiice relative to nuisances and to regúlate the confinement of swine within the city limits. Which was read the first time by its title and referred to the Conimittee on Ordinance. Aid. Wines, leave having been granted, iutrodnced an ordinance to amend section three of an ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the use of streets, alleys, and public places. Which was read the flrst time by its title and referred to the Conimittee on Ordinance. Aid. Wines, leave having been granted, introduced au ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to nuisauces and to prevent the burning of refuse matter after twelve o'clock, noon, within the city limits. Which was read the flrst time by its title and referred to the Committee on Ordinance. REPORT OF LIGHÏING COMMITTEE. To tlie Common Council: Your Committee on Lighting, to whom was referred the petitions asking tor electric light on the corner of Main and Catherine streets, on corner of Gott and Summit streets. on the corner of Brooks and Summit streets, on Spring street, half way between Summit and Chubb streets, on Geddes avenue, on the corner of Hill street, on East University avenue, corner of Hill street, respectfully report that they visited the different localities on Tuesday evening, August 23rd, in a body, fully inspected the same and would recommend the following, namely: That the petition for light on corner of Main and Catherine streets be denied for the reason that there is on all four corners one bloek away a light and by putting the light on the corner of Fourth avenue and Catherine street on a pole 60 feet it would lighfc that vicinity well. That the petition for light on corner of Gott and Summit streets be granted and the light located on the northwest comer of Gott and Summit streets 011 a OOfoot pole. That the petition for light on córner of Brooks and Summit streets be denied. That the petition for lieht on Spring street be denied, and light on córner oí' Summit and Spring streets be raised 12 feet. That the petition for light on Geddes avenue, corner of Hill street, be granted, said light be placed on a 60 foot pole, and that light on Geddes avenue, in front of A. F. Martiu's residence, be also placed on a 60 foot pole. That the petition tor a hght on corner of East University avenue and Hill street be denied, and a light be placed on tlie corner of Hill street and Forest avenue, said light be placed on a 80 toot pole, and that the light at the intersectiou of Hill and Ingalls streets be placed on a 60 foot pole. And we ïurther recommend that at the intersection of Clark and Ann streets, Observatory and Ann streets, and Belser and Übservatory streets, three 65 candle power incandescent lights be placed. We wonld also recommend that the light on the corner of División and Detroit streets be placed on a 60 foot pole. Your committee noticed in driving over the city that there were many localities where the lights were too low, the heavy foliage preventing the streets from receiving the full benefit of the liehts. Respectfully submitted. William Herz, Arthur J. Kitson, D. Fred Scdairek, Lighting Cominittee. Aid. Ferguson moved that the report be, and the sanie is bereby approved and confirraed. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas.- Aid. VVines, Schairer, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley.- 9. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASUKERS REPORT FOR THE MONTH EN'DIXG AUGUST 31, 1892. lo the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand as per last -imoto report " i,Ub..f HONKT KECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Milier, licenses Í 21 oO Flremen'8 Fund- Slpfley, Duilding permit . 1.00 Pólice Fund - Murray, offleers' fees 15 Delinquent Tax Fund- Couuty Treasurer 15 60 Total 42.55 (7.106.84 MONEY DISBURSED. Contingent Fund ï 898.55 Street Fund 9W.OT Kireinen's Fund 4(ih.-"J Pólice Fund 187.00 Poor Fund l1'-' Soldiere' Belief Fund Ü3.0Ü Bridge, Culvcrt and Crosswalk Fiiml -'46.71 Total - 2.852.70 4,263 04 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 1,257.66 Street Fund. overdrawn 8,tl.UX Firemen's Fund 1,533.57 Pólice Fund 644.23 PoorFund 1.2JI.9T Water Fund 1.0M.T1 Ceinetery Fund 167.55 Soldiers'"Kelief Fund. 803.64 Univeréity Hospital Aid Hond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,030.27 Dof? Tax Fund 100.00 Uridge, Culvert and CrosswalkFund,.... 1,450.60 Total 9,109.53 $4.857.2!) Total Balance on hand t 4.253.Ü4 Respectfully submitted, S. W. Bbakbs, City Treasurev. Ann Arbor City, September 1, 1893. ANN ARBOR SAV1NGS BANK, ) Ann Arhor. Mich., September 5, 1892. ( T the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: This will certify that S. W. Beakes has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer the sum of Four Thousand, Eightj"-Six and 38-100 dollars, ($4,086 38). Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The reports of the City Clerk, Marshal, and Superintendent of the Foor, were read and placed on üle. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the north side of ilill St. ought to be chauged and flxed and established. to the end thal such street may be made suitabie and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and alons the north side of Hill St.,from west line of S. State St. to north line of Packard St., be, and the same is hereby ehanged, flxed and established, so that the'grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesatd shall be as follows, that is to sav : At Northwest corner of S. State and Hill Sts 846.95 ft. At northeast corner of Packard and Hill Sts 839.87 ft the elevatiou given being aboye the oihcial city datum audalong the center line of such walk. and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated. WWch rosolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 9. Nays - Xone. By Aid. Kitson: Wukkeas.iu the opinión of tho Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of Hill St. ought to be chauged and lixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therefoie Resolved, aud it is herehy ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on audaloug the south side of Hill St , from south line of Packard St. to east line of South Mum t.,be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grilde of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the south line of Packard St - 835.02 ft. ' 375 ft. from south liue of Packard St 820 57 ft. ' 450 ft. 818.54 ft. " 750 ft. " " " " " " 814.34 ft. "1275ft. " " " " " " 818.73 ft. T.&A. A. R. K 817.78ft. " southoast corner S. FourthAveand Hill St 820.84 ft. At southweKt corner S. Fourth Ave and Hill St 821.80 ft. At sontheast corner Brown St. and Hill St 828.77 ft. At southwest corner Brown St. and Hill St - 830.05 ft. At southeast corner S. Main St. aud Hill St - 830.94 ft. the elevation elven being above the official city datum and along the ceuter liue of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. ■Vhieh resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Sebairer, Herz, Fillmoie, Snovv, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitsoii, and Pres. Cooley - 9. Nays - Xone. By Aid. Kitison: Whereas. in the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk ou the south side of Hill St. ought to be changed aud fixed and established,to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for pxiblic travel, therefore Jtetolned, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and along the south side of Hill St., from west line of Forest Ave. to east line of E. Unlversity Ave., be, and the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established, that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloi'g the street aforesaid shall Ue as follows, that is to say : At southweat corner Forest Ave. and Hill St 802.21 ft. At a point 50 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave and Hill St S60.66 ft. At a point 100 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave. and Hill St._ 859.00 ft. At a point 150 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave. aud Hill St. 857.56 ft. At a point 200 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave and Hill St 850.21 ft. At a point 250 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave. aud Hill St 850.G1 ft. At a point 300 ft. from southwest corner Forest Ave. aud Hill St 857.55 ft. At a point 3.50 ft from southwest corner Forest Ave. and Hill St 858.77 ft. At southeast corner E. Uulversity Ave. and Hill St 867.0") ft. the elevation given being above the ofUcial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to cousistof straight linea betweeu the several poiuts or stations above stated. Vhicli resolution prevnileC by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aids, Wines, Schairer, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Fergusou, Taylor, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Kiton: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the west side of Thirteeuth St. ought to be chauged and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and along the west side of Thirteenth St., from north line of E. Catherine St. to south line of Kuiler 8t., be, and the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established, so that the g'rade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At northwest corner E. Catherine and Thirteeuth St 840.81 ft. At 132 ft. from N. West corner E. Catheriue aud Thirteenth Sts. 834.78 ft. At 260 ft. from uortwest corner E. Catherine aud Thirteeuth Sts 823.51 ft. At 385 ft. from northwest corner E. Catheriue and Thirteeuth St 810.7-1 ft. At 600 ft. from southwest corner of Ftillerand Thirteenth St 800.05 ft. [Concluded ou sixth page.]


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