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How Our Laws Work Injustice Sometimes

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A pecuíiarly sad stqry oí two entire families benig broten up by the Chinese exclusión ïaw is related in áffldavits sw.irn to before United States CommíNsioner Hoyne j'esterflay. The afíidavitM were made by Torn Do Jong and Mong Tin Dock, both wfeálthy merchaiits. comprtoing the firra oí Quong Ong Chong, of No. 329 S. Clark street, wíulch has several brancli Stores in Cliieago. Both men carne to th'is country orer flfteen years agpi, leasing thteir families at home. They proppered and carne to Chicago, ietendlng to send for their líes, imt meanwhile the exclusión act was pais.sed. The vh-es oí both mon sorac timo ago died. presumably of srief for theii busba.mfa, whom they could not join. Eaclr k'ft a soin alone and frientlless but as the ladis were each about 18 year oí ajf;1. they were able to Biipport themiselvíís. Sorae time afio the fathers of the two boys arrived at Ne-che, a town on the Canadian border, and presented aífidavits shoAving tiiat they were the eoins of wealthy men in tnisiness here. The affid-avitK nlo showed tha.t their fathers liad purchaeed an entire store in Cliicago, aind filled it Avith giood.s ready for the lads to. fío into business. panyfrvg these affidavits were affidavit froim leading business men in Chiago eertiiytng to the good business standing of Wong Tin Doek and Tom Do Jont;. All these were of no avail, and Ooilector Ntelson at Neche refused to admit the boy because thpy did n.ot liave certifica.tetü from the Chinese (iovernment proving that they yere nn?rchant's. The boys have been waiting at Winnipeg ever inee this unfavorable decisión. Meanwhile iniluential iriends have presented the case to the government at Washington and the Chinese inlinister, but thue far nothing has been done in Washington toward ge1 the boys acrass the line. The afi'idavits sworn, to yesterday afternoon before Commisioner Hoyne aver that the parents are ly anxious to have their sons Wltü them, and, being their natural protectors and guardianis, have a natural riglit to their chlldpeo. They a ver t.hat if the collector at the C'anadian border wiïl permit their soas to enter they wM send them tQ' school at Aun Arbor Collecre, Mlie'hift-a.n, and give them an educatton whleh wlll make them gwxl and useful members of society. The fact that the young men are men-hants and net laborers is alEtt set forth. The papers, togethér wïth otlior do:-um?nts whoHving the repectab;'lity and business standing of the fathers, ivill be fovwarded to their dewtiilation to-day. The two boys are named Mong Tit and Toni Bew. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier