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Geo. Ticknor Curtis Converted

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Mr. George Ticknor Curtís, a listinguished constitutional lawyer and democrat, lias repudiated the íree trade plauk in his party's platform. He writes the lollowing letter to the American Economist : Bichfield Sprixgs, N.Y., Sept. 10. Sik - ín common with mauy otlier demócrata, I cannot follow the leaders of the party iu denouncing republican protection as a fraud upon the labor of the great majority of the American i people for the benefit of a few ; nor eau I subscribe to the doctrine that a protective tariff is unconstitutional. I have no pecuciary interest in manufactures, hut I know what protection has done and is doing for tliis country. If it operates for the benefit of the few, I am not one of that few. I am one of the niany, one of the great majority beneiitcd by it, including those wiio denounce it for the sake of obtaining political power. If the leaders of a politica! party, assembled in national convention for the purpose of nominatiug candidates for the preSidency and vice-presidency, choose to stultify themselves by falsifyiug history, they cannot expect to be foflowed by others who have any habita of independent thought and action. I canuot, at the bidding of these gentlemen, unlearn thelessons of my whole life. The greater'part of my long life bas been passed in the study of American political history and constitutional law. If I cannot claim to be an authority on such subjects, lean point out to others the true sources from which to devise interpretation of the constitution. These sources are not to be found in recent congressional speeche.s, wliether made by members of one party or another. They are not to be found in the interpretations given to the constitution by the firstcongress, by Washington's adininistratiou, and by the succeeding administrations of JeffersonMadison, John Quincy Adama and Jackson. I have been requested by the secretary of the American Protective Tariff League to give my views of the protective issue, as it bas been made by the two parties in the present campaign. This I shall do in a communication to be addressed to him, of which he will make such use as he sees fit. I am, Mr. Editor, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George Tickxor Curtís.


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Ann Arbor Courier