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I OFFICIAL.! COUSCIL CHAMBKR. I Ann Arbor, Sept. 19th, 1893. Regular session. Tlie Council was ealled to order by the President, the Hon. Mortimer E. Cooley'. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Herz. The journal of the last session was approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Council: We hereby submit for your approval the Lawrence plat, provided that Mr. Lawrence furnish the City Eugineer "with a copy of center stakes of streets and alleys, and witnesses of the same. We further recommend that the grade be changed on Catherine street, between Observatory and Thirteenth streets, as per profile submitted by City Engineer. We further recommend and ask for an appropriation of $80 to build two crosswalks on south side of Washington street, at alleys between Main and Ashley streets, and Main street and Fourth avenue. By order of the Board of Pubh Works, W. J. Miller, Clerk. Accepted and referred to the Street Committee. A petition from residents and property owners on the street lying east side of James B. Gott's second addition, praying for the changing of the name of Mie street called "Summit street" to "Louise street". Accepted and referred to the Committee on Streets. A petition signed by Charles Tessmer and eleven others, residents and property holders on East University avenue, city of Ann Arbor, asking that sidewalks be ordered built on the northerly and westerly side of Eas University avenue. Accepted and referred to the Committee on Sidewalks A petition signed by Geo. Allmen dinger and seventeen others, resident andproperty owners of First ward, ask ing for the abatement of the nuisance of hog pens in the vicinity of South Fourth avenue. Accepted and referred to the Inspector of the Board of Health. A claim of Florence V. Stnith, o the village of Schoolcraft, Mich., se ting forth that on the tenth day o October, 189], she sustained a ver severe injury to her right limb, by detective sidewalk on East Ann street Accepted and retened to the City At torney and Sidewalk Committee. To the Commou Couueil of the City of An Arbor, Mich ; Your Board of Health beg leave to inake th folio wing report, vlz : The sankary inspector re progreesing rapidly with their'inspection in the various wards, and fïnd much hvbor t be done, in tnstructiug the various resideuter when and how to remove nuisances. Most o the complaints thus Tar are being eompliei with wiuiout legal prosecution. The resolution your Hon Body ofreretl, ask Ing for a report to the " Covincil at their nex meeting, etc, etc." We respectfully cali the attention of your Hon. Body to section one page 118, entitled An Ordinance Belative U Slaughter Houses. We therefore recoramend said ordinance to be enforceü or repealed. The Board of Health earnestly recommend that your Hon. Body adopt such measures a they deein proper for the speedy constructioi of a Kewer system. The construetion of sucl an improvement to the city would abate raanj nuisances that are now existing. Until such raeasure8 are adopted, we would earnestlj recommend that a city scavenger be appointei for the removal of garbage, and to emptv clean and disinfect vaults owned by non-residenters; and such other persons that are too poor to bear the neeessarv expense. Your Board of Health flnd it very difflcult to enforce non-vesidenters to comply with notices sent thein either direct or through agents. An ordinance empowering the city to do said work and spreadlngthe same on the tax roll Tor the poor, and taxing non-residenters for the cleanlng and dlsinfectlng, would seem advisable. Ei,i W. Moork, President. Martin Clark, Health Inspector. John Kapf, Health Offlcer. Accepted aud placed on file. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. OKDINANCE. The second reading by sections of an ordinance relative to the use of sidewalks, and to section three of an ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the use of streets, alleys, and public places. The second reading by sectious of an ordinance relative to nuisances and to prevent the burning of refuse matter after twelve o'clock, nóon, within the city limits. The second reading by sections of au ordinanee relative to nuisances and to regúlate the confinement of swine within the city limits. STREET COMMITTEE REPORT. To the Common Council: Your Committees on Streets and Sidewalks, to whom was referred the petition of Hon. N. W. Cheever praying for a change of grade on Chapin street', and Ieave to construct a sidewalk about six and onehalf feet f rom the property line, respectfully report that they have had the matter under consideration, have inspected the loeality and wouli respectfully recommend that the prayer of said petition be denied. Hespectfully submitted. Cniu.vriAN Martin, A. P. Fe kg u son, W. L. Tav lor, H. G. Prkttyman, W. G. Snow, A. J. Kitson, A. II. FlLLMORE, J. O'Mara, Krnest Ueiibehg, L. D. VVines, Street and Sidewalk Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be, and the same is hereby approved and conlirtned. Adopted. To the Gomimon Couneil: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the recommendation of the Board of Public Works, asking for an appropriation of $75 for to do the necessary grading at the new culvert on Felcli street, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter af the said recommendation nnder iODsideration, and would report that the appropriation of $7-5 ought to be ïianted. We f urther report that the sum of $50 ought to be granted from the Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk Fund, Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the following resolution: By Alderman Tayler: "Resolved, That the sum of seventyfive dollars be, and is hereby appropriated from the Street Fund for the purpose of grading Traver Street, adjacent to the property of Nelson Rogers and Mr. Allmendinger," respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said resolution under consideration and would recommend that the City Engineer flrst bring in a grade for said street. Respectfully submitted. Christian Martin, A. P. Ferguson, II. G. PRETTYMAN, W. L. Tatlor, W. G. Snow, L. D. Wines, Street Committee. Aid . Ferguson moved that the report be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed. Adopted. To the Coinmon Council: to construct a stone crosswalk along the north side of Ann street, crossing Main street, and herewith submit proper resolutions for such appropriatiODS. Respectfully submitted, Chkistiax Martin, A. P. Ferguson, H. G. Pkettyman, V. G. Snow, W. L. Taylor, L. D. Wines, Street Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Fergusou, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley. - 12. Nays - None. SIDEWALK COMMITTEE REPORT. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the several petitions for sidewalks nowon file, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said petitions under (jonsideration, and flnd that the grading and construction of the following sidewalks are all necessary public improvements, and would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered graded and constructed, viz: On Catkerine street, along the south side, from Clark to Thirteeuth streets. On Clark street, along the west side, from Ann to Catherine streets. On Huron street, along the north and south sides, trom Seventh street to the city limits. On Packard street, along the east side, from Madison to Thompson streets. On Detroit street, along the east side, in front of Miss Christine Gillshannon, and the Lucy W. Morgan estáte. We recommend that an appropriation of $150 be made from the Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk Fund for to build three crosswajks on N. University avenue, crossing Twelfth, Ingalls, and Thayer streets. We herewith submit a resolutiou ordering the same. Respectfully submitted. Akthur J. Kiïson, A. H, Fillmore, J. O'Mara, Ernest Rehberg, d. f. schairer, Sidewalk Committee Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be, and the same is hereby approved and conlirmed. Aid. Prettyman moved as an amendment to accept all of the report except that part of the report recommending sidevvalks on Clark and Catherine streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, ïaylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 8. Nays- Aid. Snow, Ferguson.O'Mara, Rehberg.- 4. The motion as amended then prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 9. Nays- Aid. Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg.- 3. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter oí' grade and sidewalks on Clark and Catherine streets be referred to the Street and Sidewalk Committee, to report at our next meeting. Adopted. KEPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The City Clerk reported a summons erved on him in the case of Jacob Jengler et al. vs. City of Ann Arbor, John F. Walter vs. City of Ann Arbor, and Spencer Crawford vs. City of Ann Arbor. On motion the City Attorney was ordered to deferid said suits. The City Clerk reported two notices erved on him from Board of Health f existence of nuisances on streets in be Fifth and Second wards. lleferred 0 the Boitrd of Public Works and City Attorney. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the gradimiundeonstruction f the sidewalks herelnafter mentioned is eemed and declared to be a necessary public nprovement. Tiikkefoke, It is hereby ordered thatstone Idewalks be graded, built, and construeted on nd along the east side of Detroit street in ront in Miss Christine Gillshannon and the Aiey w . Morgan estáte property, That such sidewalks be graded, built and onstructed iu the manner, within the time nd of the material prescribed by the ordiance relative to sidewalks, and on the erade to be established. Which reolutiön prevailed by ;i yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Gilmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, lehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, res. Cooley. 12. Xays- X'one. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That tbe grading and construuting the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is eemed and deelared a necssary public ; "ovement, Therefore, It is hereby ordered that. plank dewalks be graded, built, and construeted 1 and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz : On west Huron street along the north and gouth sides frorn Seventh street west to the city limits. On Packard street along the east side frora Madison to Thompson streets. That all such sidewalks be graded, built, and constructed in the manner, within the time and of the material prescrlbed by the provisión of an ordinance ' Entitled an Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and on the grade to be established. Wihich. resorutiou prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley. 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That tbe widtta of the sidewalk on the east side of Detroit street be üxed and established as follows, trom Foiuth avenue to Catherine street such sidewalk to be eleven feet in width, and from Catherine street to the Michigan Central railroad to be six feet in width. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the sum of $150 be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund for the construction of three crosswalks along North University avenue, crossing Tweifth, Ingalls, and Thayer streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines,Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Tayior, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whekeas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the e&st side of N. Ashley St. ought to be ehanged and fixed and established. to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aiid along the east side of N. Ashley St.. from uorth line of W. Xorth St. to south line of Felch St., be. and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At northeast corner of W. North and N. Ashley St 787.34 ft. At 200 ft. sóuth of south line of Felch St. 774.90 ft. At southeast corner of Felch aud tí. Ashley Sts 774.11 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and rhe grade lmes to eonsist of straight lmes oeUveeu the several points or stations above stated. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and aiay vote as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettvman, Pres. Cooley.-12. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Councll the grade of the sidewalk on the north side of W". S'orth St. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such si reet may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the north side of V. North St., f rom west line of N. Main ist. to east line of N. Ashley St.. be, and the sanie íb hereby changed, nxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid sliall be as fol!ows. that is to say : At northwest corner of X. Main and VV. North 8t 809.7 ft. At 12U ft. frora northwest corner of N. Main and W. North Sts 803.81 ft. At Kiü ft. froni northwest corner of N Maiu and W. North Sts 800.S8 ft. At 200 il,, fruin northwest corner of N Main and W. Norlh Sts 79Ü.95 ft. At northeast corner of N. Ashley and W. North Sts 787.3( ft. theelevation given being above the otlicial city datum and along the center line of such walks and the grade lines lo cousist of straight Hnes betweeu the several poinu or stations above stated. Wïiich resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Tavlor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Whekkas, iu the opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of N. Main Si. ought to be changed and tixed and eslabli&hed, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therelore Remlved, And it is Hereby ordered that the grade of ttie sidewalk on and along the west side of N. Main St., Irom south line of Whitmore Lake Koad to north line of W. Summit .st.. be, aud the same is herei'y changed, nxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to sav At south line of Whitmore Lake " Houd 778 87 ft At northwest corner of Charles and" N. Main Sts 777 71 ft At soulhwet corner of Charles and N. Main Sts.„ T76.61 It. At northwest corner of VV. Summil and N. Main Sts 773 85 ft the elevalion given being above the ofticial city datum undalong the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Whieh resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote a.s ïollowa: Yeas- AM. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of S Ihayer St. ought to be chauged aud flxed aud established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public ' travel, therefore Resolved, aud it is herebv ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aloug the east side of S. ïhnyer St., from south line of S ümversity Ave. to uorth line of Mouroe St , be, and the saine is hereby chauged, fixed and established, so that the grade of said , walk 011 aud along the street aforesaid shall be as tollows, that is to sav : At southeast corner oi S. 'ihayer aud ' S l'uiversity Ave 871 24 ft ! At uortheast corner of S. Thayer and ' : Mouroe Sts „_ 871.89 ft. , the elevation giveu being above the official City datum and aloug the ceuter line of such walk, and the grade liues to eousist of straight ' Unes between the several poiuts or statious ' above stated. , Whieh resolution prevailed by a yea ' and nay vote as follows: Yeas- AM. Wines, Schairer, Martin, ; Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Naye - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión oí the Council the I grade of the sidewalk on the south side of I 8, University Ave., ought to be changed and I nxed and established, to the end that such I street may be made suitable aud safe forpubI lic travel, therefore Bemtved, mul it is hereby ordered that the I srade of the sidewalk ou aud aloug the south I side of S. Uuiversity Ave., from east line of ' 8. Thayer St. to west line of S. Ingalls St , be, I and the sume is hereby changed, üxed aud I established, so that the grade of said sidewalk I du aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as I follows, that is to say: At southeaat corner of S. Thayer and S. University Ave 871 21 ft. I At southwest corner of S. Ingalls St audS. l'niversity Ave- 871.82 ft I the elevatie n giveu being above the official I 3ity datum aud aloug the ceuter line of such I ivalk, and the grade lines to eousist of straight I lines betweeu the several points or stations I ibove stated. WliJch o-esüluiion prevailed by a yea I and nay vote as follows: Continued on Page 8. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continuad from Page i. Yeas- Akl. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Gilmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, lehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, 'res. Cooley. - li'. Nay.s - Nona. By Akl. Kitson: Whebeas, in tne opinión oí the Oouncil the rade on Maynard St. ought to be changed ud fixed nd established, to the end that such treet may be made suitable aud safe for pubic travel, therefore Rcmlvtd, aud it is hereby ordered that the rude of the sidewalk ou aud along the west ide of Maynard St., fiom south line of E. Jberty St. 'to uorth line of E. Williams St.. je. aud the same is hereby chauged, iixed nud stablished, so that the grade on and along uch street shall be as foilows, that is lo say : At southwest corner of E. Liberty and Mayuard Sts 869.91 ft. t northwest corner of E. Williams aud Maynard Sts - , 889.91 ft. he elevntion glven heing above the omeial ity datum and aloug the center line of sucn valk, and the grade lines to consist of straight [nes between the several points or statious bove stated. Wkich resoluttan prevailed by a yea and nay vote as fodlows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, iehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, ■"res. Cooley. - 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas. iu the opinión of the Couueil the rade of the sidewalk on aud along the east ide of S. Main St. ought to be chauged and xed aud established. to the end that such treet maybe made suitable and safe l'or public ravel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade ou the east side of 8. Main St. from outh liue of E. Liberty St. to north liue of E. Villiams St., be, aud the same is hereby hanged, fixed and established, so that the rade of said sidewalk on aud aloug the street foresaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At southeast corner of E. Liberty and S. Main Sts. 837.70 ft. At uortheast coruer of E. Williams audS. Main Sts 839.12 ft. be elevation giveu being above the official city atum and along the center line of such walk. nd the grade liues to consist of straight lines etween the several points or statious above tated. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vore as ïoüows: Yeas - Akl. Wines, Schairer, Martin, ■"illmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, iehberg, Taylor, Kitsou, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, That the sum of ñfty dolars be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund to build rosswalk from Summit street crossing Jetroit street. Referred to Sidewalk Corainittee. -tsy Aiüerman n erguson: Resolved, That the Ann Arbor Water 3ompany is hereby ordered to extend ts sixjinch water maiu along Observaory street from Ann street extensión end to Geddes avenue and to connect with water main thereon, and to place one fire hydrant on Observatory street where designated by the Water Coinmittee. That a copy of this resol ution be erved personally on A. W. Ilamilton, Secretary. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines. Schairer, Martin, Tillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, iehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, 3res. Cooley- 12. Navs- None. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the sum of flfty dolars be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Orossvvalk Fund and exeuded in the construction of a stone crosswalk along the north side of Ann street, crossing Main St., and the City Engineer be directed to give a proper gratie. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Filimore, 8now, Ferguson, O'Mara, ftehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, fres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, Thai the sum of seventyflve dollars be appropriated from the Street Fund and expended in the gradng of Felcli street at culvert over Mili race. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Liehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the matter of slaughter houses and the question of their removal outside of the city limits be referred to a special committee of ;hree and the City Attorney, with instructions to report to this Council at the next regular meeting, with recommendations. Adopted. The President appointed the f olio wing committee: Aid. Prettyman, Taylor, Ferguson, and City Attorney. By Aid. Schairer: Resolved, That the resolution offeied by Aid. Wines allowing the Ann ArborGasCo.'sbill at $107.40 be reconsidered. Adopted. Aid. Wines moved that the bill of the Ann Arbor Gas Co. be allowed at the amount of $107.40, and a warrant be ordered drawn for said amount. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays- None. By Alderman Fillmore: Resolved, That the grade heretofore established on Chapin street be reconsidered and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. Adopted. By Alderman Snow: Resolved, That Milo Pulcipher be permitted to cut down two trees in front of his residence on North Main street, to be replaced with other trees Adopted. By Alderman Taylor: Resolved, That the City Clerk and Finance Committee be empowered to purchase and procure suitable supplies for the November election, and also i: they shall not be able to procure propei places in which to hold such electioi in the First and Second wards, then to purchase or cause to be constructet proper buildings in said wards for such purposes. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara Rehberg. Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman Pres. Cooley. - 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That Aid. H. G. Prettyman be permitted to remove two dead trees in front of nis property on Washington street. Adopted. Ou motion the Council adjourned. W. J. Millek, Clerk.


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