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E. F. Mills & Company

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20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. maKm 1ÊBm ■ ■■ 'm (■■■ ONE PRICE DRY GOODS, Our Fall Stock is now complete. The last month has been one of preparation. Preparation that has told in results. To-day we are enabled to offer our patrons the CARPETS fine and best assorted Stocks of Dry Goods' OarPets' Oloaks' &c" ever athered 1U nTherprogress of American Manufacturen and the competition of foreign EVERYONE. CLOAKS, houses has made many lines of goods cheaper than ever before Never m the history of the country wouid a dollar buy as much in Dry Qoods as to-day. Never m the THAT history of Ann Arbor would a dollar buy as much as it will now m Our Store. We CURTAINS, offer Vou qualities, the best that can be obtained, Styles such as can usualiy only be pRICE had in Detroit or Chicago, Prices that are guaranteed as low as the lowest, and on PPWTS' this basis solicit a share oí yonr trade" We can gain IUr COnMenCrÍyr,fÍfííí THE LOWEST GENTS dealing, and to this end we guarantee every thing exactly as represented, and refund purchase money in every case where goods do not prove perfectly satisfactory. Oan ALWAYS FÜRNISHINGS. you ask more ? bib m I This is a department in which we have taken the lead for several seasons, and have fairly earned the title the ladies have given us of "The Dress Goods House of Ann Arbor." ïhose who have in the past gone to the large cities for Novelties have found it unnecessary longer to do so, while those who prefer Staple Goods have found a line that excited the admiring comment of every buyer. Thiê season we have outdone ourselves, and place before our customers a bewildering array of Dress Fabrics in every conceivable shade and style. 200 Novelty Dress Patterns (no two alike) from $3.50 to $15.00 per pattern, attract all eyes. Special lines of Staple and Novelty Dress Goods at 50c, 75c, and $1.00 are offered in quality far above the average sold at those figures, while 25c per yard is the price for excellent styles worth 30c and 35. Our 54 inch lmported Broadcloth at $1.00 is worth $1.25. The 52 inch All Wool Ladies' Cloth at 50c a yd. is decidedly cheap. Our 40 inch fine All Wool Serges cost 60c elsewhere, we sell at 50c. Our Black Goods Stock is the most complete in the city. Full lines of Priestley's Celebrated Warranted Black Goods, and in addition every weave you can ask for from 25c to $2.00 per I sis, I The growing popularity of tliis department lias not been a matter of luck or chance. Reliable lines of staple goods at popular prices. together with an exceptionally fine showing of noveltiss have won the patronage of the people. We control for this market the celebrated GOLD MEDAL BLACK SILKS and request intending purchasers to simply I compare them, price for price, with any other line. To enable you to do this we cheerfully send samples upon request. Every yard of these goods is fully warranted. Surah Silks in all shades, 25c, 63c, 75c, and $1.00 32 inch China Silks, all shades, 50c and 85c. Special values in Black Surahs at 75c and $1.00. Handsome Novelties at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, and up. i MI We are agents for the famous "P & P" Kid Gloves, every pair warranted! 5 Hook "Chaumont" Warranted $1.00 7 " " 1.25 5 " "Pontaine" " 1-50 7 " " "Real Kid" " 2.00 "Berthold" Suede, 8 Button length, Warranted, - - - 1-50 E F. Mills LCo's. Famous Biarritz, Warranted, - - - .98 Driving Gauntlets, Fine Grade Warranted, ... - 1.50 Evening Gloves in 16, 24 and 30 button lengths. Childrens' Kid Gloves in all sizes. "Deeided Bargain" in Gent's Kids at 1.00 All Gloves fitted to the hand. - A Complete Glove Department. - Not an old Oloak in stock, New department just opened, consequently every garment new. In this, as in every department we have opened, we have at once gained the popular approval. Styles and prices both contribute to this end, and the perfect fitting qualities of our garments surprise those accustomed to seeing badly cut and badly planned Cloaks advertised as " perfect fitting." We propose to sell a large proportion of the Cloaks sold this season in Ann Arbor if prices will do it. Buying as we do in connection with a syndicate of the largest buyers in Michigan, we are enabled to offer inducements not offered elsewhere. We have the agency of the famous " Sealette " warranted Plush Sacques and invite a comparison with other lines. At $4.98, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00, we offer garments equal to those our competitors ask $1.00 and $2.00 more for. If you want a cloak that you know is new, and want it at the lowest price, we can certainly please you. I FRIDAY AND SATÜRDAY SALE ER I (THIS WEEK) I SEPTEMBER 23rd AND 24th. M I L L S I TxUS WILL BE THE 0PE1OTG SALE OF THE SEASOK MILLS 2000 yds. 50c Doublé Fold, all wool, Fall Dress Goods at 39c 1 Lot Colored Silk Velvets, best shadings at 59c 500 yds 25c. " " novelty " " " " 20c To advertise our Cloak Department we shall offer for & these two day only: O1 Lot Haudsome 25c Towels, extra value at 19c j V 1 Lot Tan Diagonal Chevoit Jackets, latest cut, Opposum 1 Huck Towels, 18x32 inches, worth 18c, at 12c Col]ar and Trimming8) value mm, at $7.98 1 " Huck Towels, 15x28 inches, worth 10c and 12c at. 7c i Lot Black Diagonal Cheviot Jackets, notch collar, ex1 " Ladies' 25c Handkerchiefs, embroidered Patterns at 17c tra good value at $7.00, for this day only 4.98 Q# These goods at these prices for Friday and Saturday only. _lt_lt km


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