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The Value Of A Ton Of Pure Gold Is

The Value Of A Ton Of Pure Gold Is image
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$602,799.2, $] ,000,000 in gold coin weighs 3,685.8 pounds avoirdupois. The value of a ton of pure silver is $38,704.34. One million in silver coin weighs 58,929.9 pounds avoirdupois. If Mr. Cleveland agrees, in the event of his election, to surrender tlie public patronage of the presidential office to members of the Tammany gang, what becomes of the claim that "Mr. Cleveland is better than the worst element of this party ? " The Hillsdale Democrat advises tlie eouncil to learn of the Methodist conference how to dispatcb business. They might also with profit inquire what they must do to be saved. - Adrián Press. That might apply to Hillsdale and Adrián perhaps, but here in Ann Arbor salvation is free. The democrats down in Georgia have eompelled Candidate Weaver of the Populist party, to abandon his speeches in that state. They propose to mob him if he attempts to make them. " No forcé bilí ; no negro domination : no free speech ! " Talk about Russiau barbarity and despotism ! Evangeline is one of tlie finest poems ever written in the Engliáh language. It made Longfellow famous the world over, and lias been translated iutoevery European language. The Courieb ofl'ers a handsomely bound, flnely illustrated, beautifully printed edition, a book that vould ornament the center table of anv ae in the nation, as a present, a gift to its subseribers, the only condition ïieinfi that tliey sliall pay for the paper one vear, $1.00, in advanee. Beciuise the ability of Mr. Burke, the president of the national league of college republican clubs, is bringing him into prominence, the Ypsilanti Sentinel emite this billioia sentence : "One can hardly realize that he was n student only in name, was kicked out of his own club within a few weeks of its organization, and has never been auything but the paid tooi of that master "of republican corruption M. S. Qnay." Xot one statement of the several made in that sentence is true. Each and every one of them are unqualifiedly ialse. Verily, the political convert receiveth his reward if lie only waits with patience. There are several more yet to be augared off in the local democratie camp. Mayor Duty, in hisnominating speech Eor Capt. Schuh, said that Jacob served seven yeara for Rachel. There are hundreds of good men who believe that Jacob was foolish. Capt. A. G. Weissert, oi Milwaukee, V-.. was chosen Commander-in-Cliiet' of the G. A. R. at. the Washington, I). C. eneampment, He was the choice of the Michigan department officials. Major-General John Tope, once commanderof the Army of the Potomac, and who attained great promiuence as a Union General during the rebellion, died at the soldiere' Home inSandusky, Ohio, last Friday, aged 69 years. One by one the sireat leaders of the tïO's are passing away. The persistent democratie persecution of Labor Commissioner Peck, of New York, proves how desperate the democrats are. They will find out that it does not pay a party to prosecute and persecute a man for simply telling the truth, as every man makes oath to do wlien he takes an oflicial position. Gen. Weaver and wife have been rotten-eggl init of Georgia. The General was down uth many years ago, buthe liad lots of company then, and remained antil lie got ready to come away. He thouglit there was a new South, but he found the same oíd mauners, Acept that they used stale eggs for Urts this time. Could a free ballot and an honest count of the white votos of the southern states be secured, it is believed by good judies, that at leïist three-fourths of thciii would declare, by a good round iiiRJoritv. for the republican doctrine as laid down in the platform of the "Jeflersonian democraey " of Álabama, "the lariif must nut hc ivdmvd bevond the reqnirements of protection to American industry." English live traile, and what it means, is iully portvayed by the navigation act of Hie Ënglish parliament, in 1699, as follow? : "Atnerican ships or ariy s mannedby cpKesr than an Englióh uiill nol be jSéAnitted to ditcharfae its cargo in Hnglanil under penalty "Í farfeiting both aftyj and eargo and o of $2,500 foreóch offence." That is a specimen of what England would like to do now it she could. How fast they come ! Itis alniost impossibl-e to keep track of the procession of eminent converts to republicanism, the ure coming so fast. (_tne of the latist islWallace 111 Phelís, edibr of the' Dailjt Review, of Alhance, Ohio, wlio was the democratie candidate for congress against McKinley in 188(j. He has l)ecome convinced that he was wrong on the taritf question, and now comes out unconditionally for republican principies and the republican candidates. The democrats of this county have been very kind to Anñ Arbor in their nominations tliis year. The list is something Iike this : Sheriff- il. Brenner Anu Arbor. 'k'rk- A. Brown " " Treaurer- P. Kuekey " " Prosecutlng Atty.- T. D. Kearuey - " " Ct. Ct. Com'r.- P. MeKernan,.... " ■' Ooroner- Jf. Clark, " " Kepresentative- C. H. Kline, __ " " -F. E. Mills, " In the case of Mr. Mills and Mr. Suekey, they are both credited to Pittsfield, where their resideuces are, but their business is here in Aun Arbor, and they are clainied as Ann Arbor men. It certainly is a proud day for this city when she is able to exert so much influence in the councils of the dominant political party of Washtenaw. The maddest men in ten states are the honest money democrats of AVisconsin. Their party leaders have endorsed the People's party nominations of Weaver and Field, representiug the most decayed of all possible soft money fallacies, and withdrawn the democratie electoral ticket. The only thing now for honest democrats, who are democrats from principie, to do in that state is either to stay away from the polls or vote the republioan ticket. Many of them will do the latter, and many more will not do anything. The sell out of the Wisconsiu democrats iucludes an indorsement of their state ticket by the crazy moneyites. It is an unnatui-al alliance and will result in an overwhelming triumph of the sound principies of honest money, glorious reciprocity, and safe protection of the republican party. The old saying"what shall we do when doctors disagree ?" ought to undergo a change, and be made to read, "what shall we do wben doctors do agree?" The doctors appear to be a beligerent class. It is difficult to secure two of them who wil] agree upon any important question. At New Vork in the cholera quarantine the New York state doctors and the New Jersey state doctors and the TJ. S. doctors were not in harmony, and in Detroit on the same question of quarantine the municipal doctors and the state doctors are at "swords' pointe," aud so it goes. The doctors usually have a good command of the Englisli language, and are seldom backward about using it. The public quite often conceives the idea that the doctors care more for what they are pleased to term their " medical code of ethics," than they do for the safeíy of human lite. They ought to study the golden rule. The American Architect, a non-partisan paper, in a recent issue, after the fullest investigation, asserts that there are 52 tin plate milis now in operation in this country, and that th goods that they manufacture will save $75,000,000 a year to thia country. And vet, oven after this unbiased testimony, there can be found men right here in Ann Arbor, so blindly, partisan that they will teil you that there is uoi a pound of tin made in this country. Here are some figures tor pur democratic friends who are howling for economy to ponder over: The expenditure from the state treasurer's office on June 30, has been as follows for three years : isgn Ï3,O9O,1T4 2li 891""" I - 3,107,931 T, 1392 minimi- - - 3,193,505 40 It will be noticed that Gov. Winan's adininistration for the past year cost MORE by $103,881.14 than did the last year of Gov. Luce's ádministration. The tax levy for 1889-90, Gov. Luce's administraron was $3,085,268. For 1S91-92, Winan's adniinistration, was $3,288,915, nr $18,650 MORE than that of Gov. Luce. This is democratie econorny. How do tax-payers like it? Now the bicycle is ahead of both the trotter and the pacer, as the records stand, for. all distanties from a quarter of a mile up to 100 miles. The feat of the Minneapolis rider, Johnson, in covering the Indeiendence track in 2 minutes 4J4 seconds seems almost incredible in view of his very moderate ability compared with several other racing men, hut tlie record was made at the same place and under the same auspices as the famous 2:0514-of Kancy Haaks, and the indications are that Ziminernian, the champion bicycle rider, can go a mile 011 a good kite-shaped track in two minutes or less. This is a proud year for the wheelmen, and henceforth they will be able to look back complacently upon all harness horses. Perhaps as desperate and dispicable a íniud as wan ever perpetrated is being done by the democratie state central committee in circüla,tfiig what purports to be a circular signed hyold sóldiers of Lapeer county, agreeing not to support Mr. Kiel). The circular ia an old one, gotten r.p by a sorehead when Mr. Rich ran tor congresa sume eight years ago, becauseof a postoffice appointment that some of tlie party criticised, aud bas notlimg with tlii.s campaign. One of the signers, who npw lives in Manistee, writes that his name was forged thereto, and that he never signed t, and every old soldier's name thereon, who now lives in Lapeer county, bas signed a card to the public, stating their unequivocal support tiiis yoar of Mr. Rich for governor against Judge Morse. So much fon that load oí mud which hafe been brought into the campaign. That brave old democratie one-legged soldier, Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, of Xew York, at the reunión of his old army corps at Washington last Thursday, paid Caudidate Grover Cleveland this lefthand compliment: " You are going home now and there is something I want you to take home with you. Ponder it ; teach it to your children ; teil it to your neighbors. It is this trutli that the people of the United States will see that no man is ever elected to an office of trust in this country who oppose the payment of pensions to the sóldiers of the rebellion." The speech was not only cheered to the echo, but the speaker was given three times three for those words. Thus the great pension vetoer of Gray Gables was guillotined by a leading democrat before an audience of democrats, for Sickle's old brigade pride themselves on their democracy. Tlie chairman of that famous "Jeffersonian democracy," anti-Cleveland, and anti-free trade convention, recently held in Birmingham, Ala., said this in oue of his speeches : "Take warning by what you have seen. Heretofore you have had to deal with poor, half blind negroes at the polls on election day. These are white men, like yourselves. From now heuceforth and forever the free white men of Alabama mean to throw otf the shackles of ballot-box stuffera and election thieves. Let them try the old game in November and tliey will be indicted under the laws ui' the United States, and native white southeru citizens of Alabama will go into the jury boxes and convict them." Doesn't that sound glorious coming from a southerner, at a meeting of southerners, in a southeru city? The solid south is doomed ; and with it will go a solid north, which iskept solid only from uecessity. A free ballot and a fair count in the south does not mean "negro dominaüon." It means liberty; it means freedoni in truth as well as iu name ; it means a country re-united aud grand ; a country invincible on land or sea; a great and glorious republic, and a home for the oppressed of all nations. Speed the day.


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Ann Arbor Courier