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GET A. TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And vou are entitled to a cholee of Thellorae Instructor. Uie Lite of Geueral herman, o the Life of P. T. Baruum Uree) . when cash parchase to tlie araount oi $lo.0U has been made. THE HOME 1ÜSTOTH, LARGE OCTAVO. 478 PAGES, IIXUSTRATED. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day hfe. AÏomplete and perfect guide to Hfe m public and private. THE LIFE m DEEDS OF GEN, W, l mm. EROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLU.STRATED. v sraphlc narrative of his boyhood and eaïly life, education, career In Florida and ,4jifornia, military achievemeuts, Ufe asa -pn.last stckness and death; witU noe Síérortrait. ilL-Or?, TJAUra The World Imnú Shovaar., CKOWS O9TAWI' 520 PAGES, ILLUSTEATÜC. His early life apd strnggles, bold ventures andbrilliantsueceas; iis wonderful careei bis wit, genius and eloquence, hls life as eitlzen, etc- to which Is added his famou boos, "The Art of Money Gettins." W. F. L0DH0LZ 4 & 6 BROADAVAY. 1640 Estáte of AVilliam Gkeve. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteT a's'ession of the Probate Court for the Coïintv oí Washtenaw, holden at Probate Otflce in the City of Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the' first day of September, in the vear oue housand eight hundred and umetv-two. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro''Yn'the matter of the estáte of William Greve.deceased. c On reading and filing the petition, duty yerified of Anna R. Greve praying that administration of said estáte may be granted to herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the third dav of October next, at ten o clock u the forenoon, te assignea lor me ueariug L said petitiou, and that the heirs at law of aid deceased, and all other persons intersted in said estáte, are required to appear at a ession of said Court, then to be holden at the 'róbate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the praver of the petitiouer should not be grauted. nd it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the penüeucy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by.causing a copy of this order to be published in the Anu Arbor Jourier, a newspaper printed and circulated m said ('ounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of lLILIjAKD raBBITT, (Atruecopy) Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty. Probate Kegister. FRM FOR SALE- The Bu Uock or Kverett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles from Aun Arbor, containing 109 acres; house aud barnes, stock, and vel[ water, tlmber; school und church within a niile. Land uaturally the best and cultivation good ; also iortv acre farm for sale, the S lA of the E. V?. of the S. E. qr. of sec. 34 of Anu Arbor town, being part of the Howe-lNortb place north of the County Farm ; "3 miles from Mack & Schmid's," 1} miles from city limits. First-class land for peaches. Prices and terms seaaonable. Cali on or address Audrew E. Gibron, 32 Mavnard St.,Ann Arbor FOR SALE CHEAP-Four coal stoves, at 33 Ann street east. Prepared with scrupulous care. Hignest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avo.d imitations-and insist on having th NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse. N. Y. WANT COLUMN. Short advertisemeuts not to exceed thvee linea, or Lost or Fonnd Houses for Sale or Rent. Wants, etc. iuserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wantod, free. mn KENT- A ten room lioiise nearly new, 1 plentv of water, bara. fruit tree,: and also stven acres of land th,n goes w' house, wm rent with or without land. Mr. Liddell.Oak View, Miller Ave. i YOUNtí ladv desires a place in a private A farailv wherb she can do light work Ing turn evemug iui ut .vw- M ftliis oflicc. OR SLE-A couch. 3 coal stores aud a sewing machine. Om of these stovea isa double-helter and In good order. Applyin persou at 2S Williams st. oi FOR SALE-Brand new CMokering l'pnt at a sacrifico. Those deslrlng a flrai clnss instrument will do well to investígate this. Addresa 79 South State st. _ WANTBD TO RENT - Three furnished rooms kitchen, bedroom and fnrnace uated dTn nS room for light house-keepinp at 28 E. Jeffersou St. Work taken m paymeut o( rent. 2i_ X ADY'SCOLUMBIA BIC YCLE, 1891 pattern, ƒ for sale at 75, cost 185. Inquire at d South Main St. "' mn RENT - Va office suite over F. & M. Bank LcorÏM'ainajd Hurón sta. Apply atCouRiEE Office. TT1OR SALE- A complete boarding house out ut fnr a.ilfi ut 48 S. State street. Inqiure t 49 S. Mam street. " ANTED WASHING - Will go to private h'ouses or do it at my residence. 3 Hlscott 'st. Mes. EMii.E Buchholz. F" OR SALE-Furniture consistlne of bed teads. tables, ehairs. etc; also large ange nearly uew, at 20 Jefferson streef OR SALE - Good secosd-hand Billiard Table in excellent condition, with rack and cues. Enquire at the Coukiek Ofeice. SS FOR SLE- Onegood two story shed 16x32, one open buggy, one 16 bbl. tank, good re mir, cheap. Also several old sheds and barn md secoud-haud lnmber. F. M Hiülock. S&.LESMAN WANTED- Valuable commis'siou oftered. $20.00 weekly earned by mans of our agents. Samples free. P.O. Box lol New York. ' FOK BALE- Eleven aeres with improvements, on Washtenaw avenue. Tor terms cali on or address Fekdos, _,; Washtenaw Ave FOOND- August 3rd, 1892, on the T. & A. south bouud train a shawl. The loser can have the same by sendlug a description of ït to the Leader Office, Milan, Mlch., and pay lor this ad. _ FARM FOK KENT- I wisli to rent my farm of 100 acres in the township oí Salem, 10 miles northeast of Ann Arbor. For further information, euquire of Chas. Kingsley, 18 S Thayer street. ADY WANTED - Salary and expenses. j Whole or part time. Selling roses and slmibs. All stock guaranteed. Profitable employment. Outfit free. Browx Iíhos. Co., Xniserymen, Chicago. S FOR SALE- 1,000 shares of Michigan Iron Mining Co. stock. Office of the compnny is at Ypsilanti, Mich., where inquines as to the mine may be made. Address for pnee of above stock, R. K. Methkamv. 7 Grand Rápida, Míen. FOR S LE- ïorty-six Madison street, one door frora State street, two doors from University campus, southwest. Thirteen rooms in house arrangcd for suites or single rooms, aud barn. At a bargain to parties who eau assume obligations and pay balance in cash. Consult Noah Butts, Ann Arhor. or address with offer Charles E. Lowrey, Boulder, Col. XoTICE TO CrEDITOP.Ï. OTATK OF MICHIGAN', Couuty of Washte""Noticeïshereby given, that by au order of the Probate Cou'rt for the County of Washteuaw, made on the twenty-uiuth day of August. A D 1892, sixmonths f rom that date wereallowed for creditors to present their claims agaiu"t th estáte of John II. Foeerty, late of siiid county deceased. and that all creditors of said deceaied are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for examlnatiou and allowance, on or before the nret davof Marcb. next, and that such claims will be"heard before said Court, on the tweiityninth day of November and ou the nrst day of March next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon Judgeof Probate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier