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Trof. Abbott has removed to Evanston, 111-, with bis family. Mrs. O. M. Martin returned frorn her Washington trip last Friday. Mrs. McPherson nee Kathbone, is in the city visiting at Mrs. H. W. Hogers. Miss Elizabeth Campbell has returned home trom her summer's stay in the east. Miss Edith Atkins, lit., '90, is a teacher oi Latín in the Lausing high school. Mrs'. John tí. Xowland, of E. Huron ski bas as a guest Mrs. W . tl. aoyi, en Flymouth. Mra. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw's sister, Mrs. Cofliu, bas returned to lier boine iu Chicago. W. JX Adams went to North Adanis, Mass., last week to atteud the funeral of a relative. Prof. I. N. Uemuion and f:mily are at home again from tbeir summer's stay at Charlevoix. G. V. Doty is eonfined to the house by serious illness, at the home of his sou, Mayor Doty. Mrs. Chas. W. Wagnér and fauiily have returned froni their summer home at Wequetonsing. Mr, and Mrs. II. Kandall have returned froin their summer's stay in Boston and the east. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene i. üeai, anu son Rice, return Tuesday evening from their Washington trip. Chas. S. Millen and W. S. Hicks were registered at Nbw York hotels last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Fred W. Blake entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallington, oL Detroit, over Sunday. Mrs. A. Lawson and son, of Detroit, have been the guests of Mrs. S. W. Beakes during the week. Rev. J. Neuman has been entertaininr Ttev. G. Berner, a minister and author, of Buffalo, H. Y. Mrs. John Johnson, of Packard st., has returned from a visit of several weeks in New York State. A. F. Freeinan, ol Manchester, is in the city, attending to sóme professional business at the probate office. Rev. Dr. C. M. Cobern, pastor of the M. E. church, returned Saturday from his suinmer's stay in Europe. Perry F. Powers, of Cadillac, was in the city Saturday, and called at the Courier office for a short time. Wpslev flicks has soné to Kalamazoo to Bupérintend the erection of a new depot building for the M. C. E. Mrs, A. L. Flagg returned last week from a four weeks visit with friends and relativos in Kansas City and Chicago. Mac C. LeBeau, state agent of the National Life Ins. Co., "old, tried and true," Detroit, was in the city Saturday. , Theodore Wetzel, of H. J. Brown's lrug store, has returned íroni his visit :o the upper península, Milwaukee and Chicago. Mrs. Viola Newton, of Allegan, and Mr$. Marión Crawford, of Burlington, Wis., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Travis. Wajter Maek and Miss Florence Kinkel are to be married to-day (Tuesday) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliristian Mack, on S. Fourth ave. Hon. Chas. R. Whitman and tamily returned home last Friday f rom tl e season's stay at their summer cottage in Charlevoix. It bas been a very pleasant season for theni. Mr. and Mrs. Huil Sherwood, of Cooper, Mich., are visiting tlieir daugbter, Mrs. J. E. Travis, on E. Williams st. Tb e y drove through from Kalainazoo, and had a pleasant journey and a good view of the country between tbese two places. Louis J. Liesemer, Arthur Brown, S. W. Beakes, Gus Brehin, Z. Roáth, M. J. Lehman and Jacob Jedele, were among the faithful who went to Monroe to-day (Tuesday), to attend the democratie congressional convention.


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Ann Arbor Courier