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How'sThis? We oífer One Hwndred Dollars Re? ■vrard í'or any casO of Catarrh that camiot l)e ciired by HalI's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the uindersigned, haye known F. J. Cheney tar the lawt 15 years, and ■believe Mim perfectly honorable in all trajsiness transactioms and financially ible to oa-rry out any obligations made by their firm. Weet & Traux. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldinff, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggierts, Toledlo, Ohio. Hall's Oaitarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upom the blood and mncous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Iruggists. Testirmoinials free. $ " WORTH A OPIWEA A BOS." I 1 COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AND SOLUBLE 60ATINB. !For SICK HEADACHE,! 2 Dizziness, or Swimmlag in the Head, Wlnd í Pain, and Spasnu at the Stomach, Palns in the Back, firanl, and Hflng Pata in lie Body, BhcnmaUsm, etc. 3 Take íonr, firo or even 8iz of Beecham's cj Pilis, and t)t fifne eaw ouí 0 fnt (Ay will ffive 4 ? reiwiiiíiMii minuut; for the pill will ko direct 1 ' S to and remove tba cause, thr. tayut being no 5 more nor lesa than wind, together with 4 Ï oqb and doxíoub vanoors, and fiometimes 1 J nnwfaolesome food. ) Ot all drugglsts. Prico 23 cents a New York Depot, 865 Canal 8t. flMBHRBiaBUaF'' f rtFroni Mrs.X. O% Jk B"TVef?EP ofBillii;,-. Kaa.J, V7 I ÍOl "When I b.c.n XVV eihust(i by allnunts tbat I cou'.i nct Bífore. After. Lois. fio r.T work. The ccompUTlDg ÜE-:Vei?hl 515 Iba 195 lb 50 Iba EresíiowtheresultofSmonthí' treau Buít 48 in. S' In. 11 in. CMnt I now ftíel iike anw bpi:i:. Ills Waifit... 40 In. 2S tn. 11 (n. aadpainsareallgone. Mv fricnj re Hipi.... 57 Ín. 46 Ín. 9 Ín. nrrrited. Will cheerfoily rcplv to lnquirieí wlth itarnp incioted." P?TIENTS TRESTED Y MAIL. CPNFIDENTIAL. Hirmlell. So Starrln(. Scnd 6 cenU in statrpi for particular! to SR. 0. W. F. SHVDEI1. liViCKER'S THEAHR CHICAGO, ILL


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