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WANT COLUMN. 3hort advertisements not to exceed three lines, or Lost or Fpund Houses for Sale or Kent. Wants, etc, inserted three weeks for 2 5 cents. Sitnations wauted, free. FOR SALE CHEAP- A one lmndred aud tweuty acre farm for sale cheap. Located abont two miles from city limits on one of the best rouds leading froni Aun Arbor. 40 Enquire of J. T. Jacobs. NOTIi'E- To my Friends and Patrono and the public in general: My Chrysauthemums are in nice blooni and ready for salo right away. Come early for choice. George Marsden. Chapín St. FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. Xorth's farm near county farm and Bulloek-Everett farm in Salem town. Andrew K. Gibsou, SO Mavnard street. Ann Arbor Om SALESMAX AVAXTED.- Valuabie eommissiou offered. $90 weekiy earued liy many of onr agents. Samples free. P. O. Bux 1371, New York. FRAN'CIS L. YOKK. M. A.. pupil 01' Guilniaiit. Teacher of Piano, Organ and ('omposition. Studio. 34 s. state street, Mondays and Thursdays after o 't. luth. Km fj"OR REN'T-Funiished House uith modern improvemems, heated by furuace and all in good repair. Cali on N. G. B.itts. Koom I.S Maaonic Bloek. Ann Arbor. 4b n'iO RENT- A ten room house nearly new . X plenty ol' water, barn, fruit trees: and also aeven acres of land that goes with house. Wil] rent with or without land. Mr. Liddeil,Oak View.Miller Ave. AYOUXG lady deslíes a place u a private family wherê she eau do liglit work moming aud eveniuK for her room rent. Address M, thia office. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TVT17C! TRY DR. LE DTC'S " PE ijiXjLyJLJCjO RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, Franco. Established in Europe 1S9, Canada In lS7s. For Suppressious, Irregnlarities, aud Mouthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. Tliey always relieve. Any dragglst, ip2. American Pili Co., l'roprietors Spencer. Iowa. Ro!ert Sjeplienson & Co., Wholesale ngents, aud all other drnggista in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to bring on the " change." "' BE.FORC i FTE. WMCOX Beard Crpwer produces a heavy mouslache or beard o the smoothest face ín from two to six month. The abuve cuts are from Pholoftraphs of Mr. Henry Joticson, ol Sanlt Sw. Marie, Mlch., the heavy mousUche bein prodnced on a ■moolh fsce in five months time, by WItt'OX BLAUI GR0WEB. Sent seaied in plain ps.-iteti with directions to any ad'iress upon receipt of prico, $1.00 per box. Six boxea for $5.00 pöstpaiJ. WILCOX CHEMICAL & MFG. CO. Lock Box 134-. Marquette, Mich. SPEHGÊHiAN STIEL PENS ARE THE BEST FOR FOR FOB -ggga jfc a stiaIfs p FOR FOR ENGROSSIKË :;.B K'3ñ Sold by STATIONERS everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage, 2 cents. SPEHGERIAN PEN CO..BIS ",L


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