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Council Proceedings

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COUNCIL CHAMBKR. I Ann Arbor, Nov. 14, 1892. Í Adjoruned session. Presideut Cooley being absent, the council was called to order by City Clerk Miller. Koll called. Aid. Snow and O"Mara.-2. Abent-Ald. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Ferguson, Kehberg,Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinan, Pi-es. Cooley.- 11. lío quorum present. On motion of Aid. O'Mara the council meeting was adjourned to meet Wednesday, Noy. 16, 1892, at 7:30 o"clock p. m. local time. "W. J. Miller, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1 Ann Arbor, November 16, 1892. f Adjournect session. President Cooley benig absent the Council was called to order by City Clerk Miller. RollcalUjd. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Herz, Fillmore, Ferguson, Eehberg, Taylor, Pres. Cooley- 6. On motion of Aid. Eitson, Aid. Martin was elected president pro-tem. City Clerk stated he had Finance Report of election expenses. On motion of Aid. Wines the report ■was ordered read. KEPOBTS OF STANDING C03IMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Couneü: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated'. SDPPLEMENTAKY REPORT. CONTINGENT FOND. John R. Miner, reg and elec., lst ward 12 6U D. Fretl Schairer, 1? SU Eugene Mann, elec. inspector 6 uu w.w. Watts, clerk of election" 5 00 Eugene C. Mutchell, ' Martin Clark, gate keeper a OU Thomas Taylor," '. .. _ . W Chnstian Martin, reg and elec 2d ward JU Ofl Eugene Oesterlin, " " '- pu William Herz. " " " " ,',' 1? 80 Geo. B. Schwab, clerk of elec, o 00 Albert Schumacher " 8 0( Fred Gakle, gate keeper 3 po FredHuhn, " " ' ,00 James Kearns, reg and elec, 3d ward 12 50 Wm. G. Snow, " " 12 50 A. H. Fillmore, " ' W 00 Wm Clark, clerk of election do 5 00 Charles Dietas, do do 5 no Cari F. Me er, gate keeper do 3 00 Chas. Schott, do do i 00 John Baumgardner reg and elec, 4th w&rd -- .......-...--.----- l oü A P. Ferguson! reg and elec, 4th ward 12 50 Johd O'Mara, do do 12 50 Frank Vandawarker, clerk do o OU Chris. Carey, do do 5 60 -Morgan Williams, gate keeper do D Loomie, do do 3 UU Thos, Speechley, reg and elec 5th ward 12 50 Ernest Renberg, do do 10 00 Walter L. Taylor lo do 12 50 James Boyle, clerk of election do 5 00 JonnBoylan, do do 6 Ou John W. Moroney, gate keeper do j UU Jacob Kalmbaeh, do do 8 00 John W.Bennett, reg and elec 6th ward 12 50 Artnurj. Hitson, ao uu v. ou H. G, Prettyman, do do 12 50 John Duffy, clerk of election do 5 00 ChanningSmith, do do 5 00 Marnuis t. Miller rate keeper do 3 00 Willtam H. Hatto, do do 3 00 Michael Braun, room for elec, let ward 10 00 Walker & Co., do M do 10 IK) H. G. Prettyman, 14 meals 6tn do T U0 Wm. Herz, room lor regis't'n, 2d do 500 Robison & Howlett, norse and buggy - 2 Ou Wm. G. Dleterle, use tables and chaira 2 25 Grossman & Schlenker, use of stove &c 1 80 Nick G laser, 69 dlnners and lunches -. 25 55 Chris Jetter, labor on booths 1 35 N. Sutherland, use horse and wagon. . . 2 25 Joe Hutzel. labor on booths 2 T0 William Kuehn, do 4 06 WilllsClark, do 4 05 Dean & Co., 3 gal. oil 80 Ephraim Bortle, 14 meals, 2d ward 7 00 C. H. Manly, room reg. and election, 3d ward 15 00 Total t 406 10 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund 406 10 Respectfully submitted. WlLLIAM HeRZ, A. H. FlLLMORE, Finance Com. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Kitson, Prettyman.- 7. Nays - None. REPOKT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. 31 the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Your committee to whom was referredthepetition of the Forest Hill Cemetery Association, would respectfully report that after a careful examination of the premises in question, they can see no good reason for granting the said petition. Respectfully submitted. II. G. Prettyman, L. D. Wines, U. F. Schairer, Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that report be accepted and adopted and placed on file. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Kitson, Prettyman.- 7. líays- None. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR TUE MONTH ENDINO OCTOBER31. 1892. To the Common Council of tM City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report $ 702.71 MONEY RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Miller, lamps t 592 Miller, licenses 6.U0 Pólice Fund- Murray, offlcers' fees 2.40 Cemetery Fund- Manly.lot 20.00 Total 33.32 Í 736.03 MONEY DISBUR8ED. Contingent Fund $1.038.07 Street Fund 769.63 Firemen's Fund 445.87 Pólice Fund 165.00 PoorFund 4972 Soldiere' Relief-Fund 38.00 Bridge, Culvnrt and Crosswalk Fund 34,98 2,541.27 Total overdrawn 1.80524 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund. overdrawD '■' Street Fund, over.lvQm drawn 5,428.93 Firetnen'8 Fund 602 62 Pólice Fund . Sïriï PoorFund 1'9S??5 Water Fund 1.094.71 Cemetery Fund 169.1" Soldiere' Relief Fund. 726.69 University Hospital Aid Hond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn l,03t.ZT DogTaxFund 100.00 Bridge, Culvert and CrosswalkFund 250.63 Total $ 5,201.25 $7,006.49 Total overdrawn $1,806.24 Respectfully submitted, S. W. Ukakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, October 81, 1892. Aws Arbor Savings Bakk, ) Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 14,1892. S To tlie Cominon Council: This is to certify that there was due this Bank from S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, the sum of Eighteen Hundred, Thirty-four and 84100 Dollars ($1,834.84) on the lst day of November, iSo.2' Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal, and Superintendent of the Poor, were read and ordered placed on file. MOTIOJiS AND KESOLTJTIONS. By Aid. Snow: Resolved, That thirty-five dollars be allo wed Geo. Palmer, for property destroyed for the puipose of preven ting the spread of diphtheria, which was ordered by the Board of Health. On motion of Aid. Wines the resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. By Aid. Wines: "Resolved, That the vote on the resolntion regarding the appointment of a committee on sewers be reconsidered. Adopted. The chair stated the question, Shall this resolution pass? The yeasand nays being called the resolution prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Kitson, Prettyman.- 7. Nays- None. Aid. Wines moved that we go back to rule four, order of business. Adopted. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Honorable, the Common Councü: The Board of Fire Commissioners,to whotn was referred the matter of placing and maintaining an equipment for fire purposes at the 6th ward engine house, would respectfully report tliat they have carefully considered the proposition, and would say that they would be pleased to act favorably thereon if it is the pleasure of the council to provide the necessary means. The department as at present equipped and maintained at the central engine house is in excellent condition, able to cope with any ordinary conflagration that niay occur in the business and manufacturing portions of our city. The commissioners do not believe it wise to weaken this force in any particular. The greater portion of the property of the city is protected from this point, and the force and equipments must be ampie to be efficiënt. To comply with the resolution of the council, it is estimated the cost would be as follows: One hose wajron t 40 00 One team of horses 350 00 1,000 feet oí hose 800 00 One set of harneas 125 00 Salaries of three men 1,632 (X) Beds and bedding 75 00 Hay.oatsand straw 200 00 Two play pipes 45 Ou Spanners and wrenehes 10 ori Onebraeepole 25 00 Onestove 30 oo Fuel 45W. Gas, oil, etc 75 00 Addition lo building 213 1 0 Total Ï3,97ö 00 The cost of maintaing such a forcé f at that point would be about $2,250 c yearly. It is the unanimous opinión of this board that it would be a wise ., caution against fire to place and tain such a forcé there, but that the flnances of the city are not in a ' tion to warrant it. The one great necessity of a successful fire purtment is to reach a fire f fore it gains headway, and if the ] commissioners are allowed to inake ( a suggestion, they would propose for , the consideratiqn of your honorable body the adoption of sorae fire alarm system. That would be a great help to ( the department, and undoubtedly be the means of saving much property in 1 the residence portions of our city , mote from the central engine house. , Which report was unanimously . ed. All of which is respectf ully submitted. Mr f l_j By order of the Board of Fire Commissoners. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Accepted and referred to fire depart ment committee. By Aid. Martin: Resolved. That Mrs. Augusta Rehmus be permitted to cut down a maple tree in front of her property on West Jefferson street. Adopted. On motion of Aid. Wines, the Council resolved itself into a Board of Review to consider the certifícate of the Board of Public Works, relatingto the grading and construction of sidewalks within the city, at the expense of the Street Fund. On motion Aid. Martin was elected chairman . After considering the same, it being made to appearthat due notice of this meeting having been given. Aid. Wines offered the following resolution: By Aid. Wines: Whereas, This day haying been assigned, by continuance, tor the hearing aod determination of the truth of the certifícate of the Board of Public Works relative to the grading, construction, and repair of sidewalks adjacent to private propertv at the expense of the Street Fund for the year ending on the third Monday of October, 1892, and due notice having been given, and all persons having beenheard, and due consideration having been had, and it appearing to this Council sitting as a Board of Review tbat the saul certifícate is in all things true. ïherefore, Resolved, and tlns Boani of Review do hereb certify the said certifícate with our determination as aforesaid to the Common Council. Adopted. On motion the Board of Review adjourned. The Council then reassembled and on motion adjourned. There is this diflerence between thankful and unthankfül man; the om is alway. i pleased in the good he has done, the other only in what he has reoeived. _A All human history attests That happiness for mau-tbe hungry sinnerSiuce Eve ate apples, must depend on dmner. - J.'C 1 1 J 11 il Praver offered uu in the name of Jcsus Chtlst, is líke JacoVs ladder, on whicli the soul asceods from eafth to Heaven. Arndt.


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