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The Ann Arbor Art Club Its Annual Exhibit A Successful One

The Ann Arbor Art Club Its Annual Exhibit A Successful One image
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For several years the Ann Arbor Art Club lias been in the habit of giving an aramial exh'.b'.t at the I.adies Library building, ama every year bas noted some irnprowment in the works exhibited. The cloib is under the leadership of Mrs. W. S. Ferry, fflio is the president, with Miss Altee Hunt as instructor. A room In ttae high .school is now being tised for their weekly meetings, and it is hoped thnt more time wiÜ be spent in the work than has lM?en heretofore. The exhibit last week consisted of 135 piteures in water coiors and oil, the tormer largely predominating. The exíiibitors wcre Mrs. Perry, Mrs. W. E. Walker, Miss Kate Douglass, Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Mrs M. L. H. Walker, Mis. .Smith, Mrs. Seth Kandall, Mrs. Rhoades, Mr?. Dr. A. ('. Nichols, Mss ICellie ('liilds, Miss Sara Whedon, Miss Roys, Miss C'arrie Wheeler, Miss Orcutt, Miss Hoifstetter, and Miss Hunt mpictures anil Miss Wetmore in china le,-oia:ion. Some of 'Mie lamlsinpes alout Ann Arbor bv 'Mis. Walker and Miss Douglass looked very familiar, and displa i ed ( ODSiderabl ai tistic skill, 'j li y ;il-D had sketches from Old Mission and the Adirondafeks, that were pleaaant to look upon. A book oï sket ;hea about Naubinway, by Miss Whedon was quite pretty. Th same artist lias a l;ook of sketch :s in and about Ann Arbor. Some oí live water eolor flower plei es werc exquisite, and it was. diifkult to de-iile whieh was most pleas ing, Mis. Iving, Mrs. Perry, Miss Win1dOD and Miss Chllds all having handsome pieoes ; the roses, earnations and chr.y.santiiennims seaming to be the favoiites. Mrs. Campbell had a study of old books that was meritorious. The Otaby's shoe with an apple beside át showing the impresa oí little teetn, by Mrs. Michols, was quite striking. M;ss Hunt had some very fine water eolor land and sea scènes, (aken from sOit's Island, Maine. There were no skefe-lies in eharcoal, whieh is to be regretted, as they always lcnd a pleasinií variety to an exhihit. Miss Hunt sa.vs that after a student once gfete to work in i.-olors, the black and white studies lose their cl) arm. The Club is now taking up i] ' íroni l fe. which it terras "costume sket. h:ii.L," the desire to secure th? proprtions anl action of the figure, the pose, so to speak, not caring for tii-a í'eauir: -■. There were a dozen or so oí' iiu-se first sketches on exhlbition. The china deeoration o: Miss Wetmore lequalled aoything ,'. ■ club has own. Tli' designs and 1) 'ir execution gave token oí a trae art . It :s to i)i' regrotted tliat each pieture eau nol be deeeribed, as not ene in tli" exhiliit bút was ; credit to the artist who paiinted it. Th? song re ital glvea by Mr. Clinton Eider, assisted by M:ss Milspaugh, soprano, and Miss Putnam, contralto, at the M. E. church, last ïlmrsclay ervening, was me of is finest entertainments that our cltizens have liad the pleaisin-e of listening to thls season. There was but one encoré, "Pierrot,".by Mr. Elüer, but the sixth miniber, Becit. and Aria, from Handel, "Tliy re-buke hath brokeu his heart. BehoUl and B'ee II there be any sovrow," vas oertainly worthy of one, as were in fact all the numbers he gave. Miss Mflspaugh has a clear, line voce. but the e.fvt o! her sïngtog is somewhat marred by indistinct enunciation, notwithstaiuliny whith slie seeuieil or hi rselï many au admirer that e-vening. Every wwd sang by Miss Putnam eould be distinetly underHtooil. andshe sang lierslï into the good grases of tlve audtence. It is doubthil if anything more entertainïng hals been given the music and melody lovtog peopla of Ann Arbor thie eason. -i After ihe lst of January the la of the Aid ,So;!ety of gt. Andre-w's !-hureli are to open a supply kitchen at Harria hall, erery Satúrday. They ■will take orders and have on hand read, rolls, cakes, salada and other ili! !: 1 1 1 a t niight be ordered.


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