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Strikers And Individual Rights

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The Sunset club, an organization consistáis oí 1,200 members, gathered irrespective of occupaíion or social position, had a dinner at the Grand Pacific last evening and, as is its custom, mimgled discussion -vith the viands. The subject considered was tibie Homestead strike in its various features. Canipigle, iFriek, and thelr lorporation were defended and denounced in sharp and sometimos bitter laniguaige. Strikes and strikers caine in or harsh críticism and for ardent comrnendation, b'ut the temper of the speakers and auditors was, on the wh ole, kept well iai haaid. The diecuseion was one caleulated to iurther the cause of justice on this important que-stion of the rèTative rights of labor and capital and how they Mliall best be conserved. Z. S. Hoïbrook, who liad visited Honiestead during the strike, spoke from hiB own observation in support of the eouipany and in denundatlon of the c-onduct of the strrker. George Schiilinig, John Cöyle, a Homestead man, and Senator Pefíer oï Kansas, were tlie principal speakers on beïalf of the strikers and labor organzations generally. This whote subject may be simply etated as involving tlie question whether the present condition oï t&ings, wlik-h lecognizes, theoretically at least, tire right of the individual to the control of bis own labor and in' legitímate resulta thereoi", be they little or gTeat, is to be maintained, or whether it is to give way to socialsm, in wtlch the individual and the better part of his mdividuality is lost n organization. Sodal'stlc schemes ïave been the creation and hope oi lreame-rs for thousands of 5'ears, bnt tiiey are no nearer a suicessful realzatkm now than tbey v.-ere i:i Plato's or Mo i ion is to e found in this one feature oí all such schemes, ! . y man a índlvldual: ; li" control of his powers. Could tliey be iu'ly and gc-iu-rally earried into efíect the race would rapidly dei mental and physlcal characterifitlcs, and progress in any di,:' iío:i!i c ase, tor the one himple easioTi tliat all stimulus to extra ex, viíbei' mental or physical, is a away. ïhis i.9 not only thelogicaJ íesiilt oí a study of human charrifitics, but it lias been repeatedly lemo n tne hístory of comí- Bocieties. I.alor organiza, good in tli'm:'lv-s wiien held Btricily to their proper wo$ tend dle tly to the destruct'on of the individual - he becomes but a component pert oí a ma:li:n? driven by somc iaat i-piiit or by a, vithout tlie power, íull.v, to . ontrol 11 ov to determ ne for wliat ■o lie hall ■work or reíufie to work. I ;..■ aeserts his individual freedoni ie does il at hiB piiysfcal and íinancial ril. The liberty oí everj workman w-bo reíuííes to join sucíi an organizáis i per 11 by tin tiza, or wSaile tlicy deniunu for themi tbe right to determine íor w i , ; ■ hall n o ■!■: or svork i!i;-.v demy, praetically at cas;, that saine lijííit lo all ou1 of tiie .('■ r. 'Hiere never waa a ,!sm than this. But it not stop hiere- it exbends to the m.{ aesumea the right to di.-tate liow lie shall conduct his i . apon pain oí havíng it ruined if . lts logical sequence Is the vidual independente not . but all individual rigM and couii o! oí property ; in t-lioit, eocialism, and then anarc'hy. While the unions laiiu thie iargeet kind oí liberty themselves, they üeny to all outside H tliL-m tliat lil.erty. 'llicy say that ttiey must have work and certain waqgea todive, but no one, not of their number, is (aílowed tli ■ same privilege. No isysticm oí labor based upon an 'idea can live in this country, and the Booner the fact is recognized tter. Ucgarding the 'quístion of tlie emplüyment of sprivate guarda to protect private propertj against BtrlkIt is Bufiiclent to say bha1 this Lnst social onder, and should not be tolerated. The man or poration whose property is in danger should say to the sheriff or other ofi oí the peace : This property nrust be protected from thc dan .hrraírni'd upon pain oí the collectioai of í'vory dollar lost írom the county. II 1his prinici-.le were thorouj UBderstood and a.eted upon the public Sentiment against deetruetlve strikes would soon 'become so strong that there woui'l be no oecupation for private guarda in this direction, and and fewer outbreaka of this lawless character. In every repúblicas forni ol igovernm'ent the real safety to all individual Tights is found in just and 'qual laws l'aithhilly executeú. - Chicago ínter 'Ocean.


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