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SCROFULOUS BABY Our Family Physician Recommends Cutlcura Remedies, and Says They Cured Our Cliild. Pathor Went 25 Miles to GetCutlenrtv ana Feels Thaukful and Wants Others to Do as He Did. My cliild broke out with scroful.i Tvhen twi ' - old, aud we tricel every tliing thal thed do ít tuok out his liair and broke uut on hi i iHiidnose. It was then Cüticdiu Remedí .liiieDdcdby our doctor whoattcudrñ lui non sittlng hcie. The doctor s:iiJ 'i ■■. :uL'y cured my cbild, and recommende thr [01 ill diseases of the skin and blood. It diil : t .. ■■ hut one aet of Cuticura Rbxediss. I wi iwcniy-flve mUo i to eet tbem. My child is wi . ad of liiiir as can be, for which ] .'. ..ül tu you. for iny ife is íd bad beaitl'. h recommended Cuticitka Remedies to otlici !' mu thir ir' you think it wil] cause auy periíuii t rtid. 1. F. PENSON, Langley, Pike Co., Ark. T ra the dnctor that recommended ClíTlCURí i lf. F. Penson. I have known l ventl bad cases of ekiu aud blood dia! . y ure eood. . MISS 11 AllY E. BROOKS, M. D. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and SkiD Puriñer, and greatest of Iiitmur Remedies, cleuoses the blood of all irupurid poiHonous eleraeuts, and thus removen the ;, wnile Cuticura, the great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite ekin beautifier, clear the ■ ■. ■ scalp, and restore the hair. Thns the Ci cicüitA Remedies cure every epeciee of itcbing, burníng, scaly, piraply, and blotchy skin, scalp, and blood dUeafles, trom pimples to scrofula, from Infaucy to age, when the beatphysicianefail. Pold everywhere. Price, Coticura, 50c. ; Soap, 25c; Reöolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dun and Chemical Corporation, Bostou. Send for " IIow to Cure Skin Diseaees' 64 pagee, 50 illastratioDS, and 100 testimonial!. BIDV'C Skin and Scalp purified and beautiücd Sku O hy Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. fB Jft IT STOPS THE PAIN. "■ïV Back ache, kïdney pains, weaknessc :.L rheiiniíitisra, and muscnlar pain e ro■ST lieved in one minute by the Catib-cura Anti-Faln Piaster. 25c. Cfnlike the Dutch Process tKo Attalies Otkr Chemicals are used in the preparation of ff. Bier Hú Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan tkree times the sirength of Cocoa mixed with Stareh, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocsrs everywhere. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. JNO. B AU MG A SR, - ._. KSt f GO S IHI ! O C - - i RL .... j í- ! " -5 BdlLÜlna l brf - = i f' OQ II Also, Stone Walks. - Estímales cheerfully furniehed. Cor. Detroit and Catlierine Sts.,ANN ARBOR, MICrt. W.W.N I Ö H OL S, Rooms over Ann Arbor Savinga Banks, Opp Court Hoiide Square. V1TAI.1ZKT3 AIR. Admiuistered. It is aejreealile and easy to take aud do proatratiug efi'ectá íollow, ivhile teeth are extractad without paiu. Chas. "W. Vog:el, Dealer iu all kinds of Fresh and íalt Meats. Poultry, Lard, etc. EVRKYTHING NEAT and CLEAN N"o. 9 E. Ans St., Ann Aeboh. Ifsjustlikeaman To say that r A-ife can' malte good bread as his Mr' .er did. GILLETT'S Will give you the great advantage which his mother had, and besides, bread made v;th this yeast will help bring batK his boyhood's gestión, ensuring his enjoyment í the rest of your cooking ' ;o. Get Magie Ycast at your Grocer's. It 9 olway3 GOOD and always RSADY.


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