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.M ss Ama Mutua is vlsttlng Eriends 11 Detroit. Mac C. IJeBeau, of Detroit, was in tbe city Mönday. H. W. Hayes, of tbc M. C. Tl. E., went to Chicago .Monday. Mis. E. E. Real lias been quite seriously ill lor eeveral days. Mis. J. J. Goodyear is tonvali soms írom a sit'ous lron hial attack. County ('K'ik Brown is now a reshlrii; of ilu' redouitahle -Uli ward. George H. Sinow, oí the Detroit News stai'f. was in tli.' city over Sunday. Mrs. Victoria Morris is entertainling IKss Hamilton, of Piqua; Ohio. M!ss Hattie Sober, of Moline, 111., ie visitin.ii relatlves and friends in the city. Clarease Noble is very ill at the irome of hiis father, A. L. Noble, on N. División st. Mr. Herman Colegrove, of Oseeola, Pa., Ie visitini? his brother W. J. Colegrove, of tliis city. Xclson J. Keyer teft yesterday for a Imsimess trip through Virginia, Xorth Carolina, etc. Mrs. A. P. Ferguson, Who has been viisiting her parents In Detroit, returned home Monday. Mrs. Jas. W. Iíobison has been tïned to iher home on Fourth ave., by tllness for the past week. Mre. Stock aaid Miss Boutwell, of Hillsdale, Havo been guests of Mrs. B. J. Boutwell during thie week. Mrs. .T. W. Rithardson, oí Charlotte, is visiting lier iather Henry Banfiield, and otlier relativos in the city. E. A. Keith, of the Street railway iiorce, was sëvert-ly injurod by llfttngj Hu' other day, but is convalescing 11 OW. E. IC. -Frueaiuif, city editor of the Daily Times, kas been eonïined to bis homo üy illness for the past few ilays. D. C. Fall, oi J. ï. Jacobs Company, lnas returnsd frorn a business trip to Boston, mul hfe says he has lote of gold dollars for fifty cents now. Mrs. I'iof. Fred ('. Clark, nee Knight, has gome to California to join her husi -ir', u hio i i a member of the faculty oí Leland Staaford, Jr., ünlversity, t Palo Alto. Mis. I.awivii:e A. Mc Lont-h has reurned from a two years' sojourn in Europe, joiondng lier hnsband here in Vnn Arl.or. The Atlantic was very xiisterons when she crossed it. Harry H. Sa umie is, attorney at law i Detroit, was in the city over Sunay, visiting his brother's family, and :s niei-e Mrs. Griswold, who leavcs or hier home in Kansas t'ity, Mo., toay. . Tirare will !be a joint installation of 'offfceis of Fraterniity and Golden Knie lodges Tlrarsday evening Deo. 8t.h. at Masonic Templo. The -weather clerk is giving us a variety that can not lvelp but please Bomebody. Tliere are from three to üve different and distinct species of ozono every day. Talk ahout Florida and California ! They are not in it ! We have arnaiged to give more reading matter for the long winter eveninge. With our own paper, where our subscribers in advance, we furnish a year's subscrlption to the Farmers' Friend, a large 16-page paper, puiblUshed at South Bend, Ind., especially in the interest of farmers and .their families. tf. S bairer & Milieu have just elosed tlve most successfnl salí they have ever hield, the many clerks in their employ not beJmg able to wait on all ilivir ciiBtomers. People in Ann Arbox begin to appreclate our merchante and take advantage oí the many .sales oftered, and spend their money home Snetead oí going to Detroit. A wise HhÚDig. The concert given by the (uitar and Banjo Club, last Friday evenlng, was ixoellent, and worthy of more good words than we have spaoe for this buey wrek The aelectiOE.s weve p'ensiug, every one of tjiyem, and Mr. Harkins earried evorytihtoi? by storm as usual. Tlie Club itseli rendered setectione ttoat were of real merit, and the soloists earned an encoré each time. The circuit court convened Monday wtth i)5 cases on the docket, of which 16 were criminal, 43 issues of fact, 2 imfravlance, l(i chanccry lst daas ■2 üd claiss, 1 3d class, and 14 4th class. '1 he docket was oalled and nearly all of the cases pronoiunced ready for trial. Fred Buil plead guilty to a dhargie ot assault with intent to do great bodily harm, and was genteneed to two ij-cars at Ionia. Edward Taylor, known íis "Buíf," Mas fined $25 'for a (similar offense, and Frank Taylor plead guilty, but lias not yet been sentenced. The case of The People vs. Chias. 8. Gregory was continued, and BO was tkat of The People vs. Francia Gould, cliarged with rape. Tlie People va. IOdward Joslvn, Charg■! with viola t ing' tht; liquor law in gelliög beer oñ his premlses on the 4th 'of July, 1891, ín pretenso of eider, is now on trial. Tlie defence claims that it was California pear eider that he was sellinjr. The term "bids fair to be .i Ltvely uur.


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Ann Arbor Courier