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The News Condensed Important Intelligence From All Parts Domestic

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Jamtss Stone and William Blakenship were arrested near Anniston, Ala., whüe niaking counterfeit nickles. Thkee men and two women, umbrella-menders, were burned to death in an old barn at Middletown, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. D. Manüs, aged 90 and 86 years, respectively, two well-known and influential Germán people living near Preeport, 111., were suffocated by coal gas. A large number of non-union men have left the Homestead (Pa.) steel works, being convineed that their places are to be given to old men. A freight train struck a buggy at Foraker, O., and Miss Andrews was killed and Miss Fry fatally hurt. The horse was also killed. Mrs. Lottie Shith, while playing with a revolver at Columbus, O., fatally shot her friend, Mrs. John Hally. Jonathan R. Jewell, 92 years old, one of the most picturesque characters among the mining men of the Rocky mountain región, was run over and killed by a train at Great Falls. Mont. W. Lander, a prominent attorney At Green Bay, Wis., committed suicide by hanging. No cause was assigned. Samuel Yates, a rniser, who had a vast hoard of money secreted in his residence near Milan, Tenn., was burned to death in a fire which destroyed his house. Mrs. Carrie Richardson, á widow, and her 8-year-old daughter Mabel, committed suicide in Chicago by turning od the g-as in their' room. Census Superintendent Porter in his anmial report to the secretary of the interior strongly urges that the census office be made a permanent bureau of the interior department. The cost of taking theeleventh census amounted to 88,203,693. Near Enterprise, Ky., Cari Burgham killed his wiie by cutting her throat with a razor and then committed suicide by shooting himself. The total collections of internal revenue for the first four months of th3 present fiscal year were 5(5,258,020, an increase of 84,333,752 oVer the corresponding period of the last fiscal year. A mob at Hiawatha, Kan., lynched Commodore True (colored) for the murder of William Walthall. One of the boldest and most troublesome gangs of robbers known in the sonth has been caught in Nashville, Te n n. John D. Daugherty, a potter at Tiflin, O., aged 30 years, died after hiccoughing continuously for seven days. An express package supposed to contain 810,000 when delivered to the Islaad City savings bank at Galveston, Tex., was found to be only brovvn paper. In a railway wreek near Green Castle, Mo., a dozen cars filled with cattle were deraüed and the animáis killed. Fireman Sloan also lost his life. John Noland, of Cleveland county, N. C, died of hydrophobia after chewing his tong-ue into shreds in his convulsions. William Bell, a negro bor 1.5 years of age, was hanged at Macon, Ga., for the murder of a deputy sheriíf who had him under arrest on a charge of larceny. The members of the senate committee on immigration in session in New York considored propositions that al] immigration, except f rom North ano South American countrics shall be suspended for one year from March 1, 1893, and that no immigrant shall be admitted to the United States between the ages of 12 and 55 years unless he can read and write and possesses 100 in money or its equivalent. John A. Botzum, who -etarted irotn AUron, O., in January, 1891, for a walk around the world, has arrived at Hastings, Neb. He expects to reaeh Akron Jannary 10 next. The Stone City bank of Joliet, 111., and the Joliet Enterprise Company, extensive manufacturera of barb wire, made assignments for the benefit o1 creditors, the liabilities of the two concerns being nearly 81,000(000. A train on the Missouri Pacific roac jumped the track and went down an embankment riear Arkansas City, Ark., and fitteeu passengers were injured, two fatally. The aunual report of Commissioner Eanm, of the pension office, shows tha1 on June 30, 1S92, there were 876,068 pensioners, an increase of 199,908 in the last fiscal year. Of the number twenty are widows and two are daughters of revolutionary veterans. The survivors of the war of 1812 number only 185, against 284 a year before. The total amount expended for pensions during the fiscal year was 8139,035,013. For the present fiscal year 8144,956,000 is appropriated. Richard Magee and a man named Carmichael were lynched by a mob near Benton, La., for shooting Mrs. Ellie Lingle. The United Railway-Men of America, a labor organization, has been formed with headquarters in Chicago, and it will inelude members in the United States, Canada and Mexico. James W. Beets, a prominent farmer of Jackson county, Mo., was swindled out of 81,500 by confidence workers. Somewhere between New York and Galveston, Tex., thieves on the fast train enriched themselves to the extent of 825,000 by substituting for i package of money containing that sum brown paper of similar bulk. A stone weighing ten tons feil f rora the sky, striking the earth a mile northeast of Newcastle, Col. It sunk deep into the earth and was in a heated condition when discovered. Mrs. Ada Delong has been acquitted of murdering her hnsband at Binghamton, N. Y., November 4 last. He beat her and she shot him. The electric light plant at Des Moines, Ia., valued at 8100,000, was ruined by fire. Agent Tingle, in his report of the opera tions of the división of special agents of the treasury department during the last fiscal year, says that smuggling of dutiable merchandise across the Canadian and Mexican frontiers has largely increased during the past year. A fast train on the Erie road struck a wapon at a crossing in Elmira, N. Y., and Edward Blanchard and his wife and Mrs. W. Conklin and Mrs. Magffie Pitts were killed. At Webb City, Mo., in the ing región, a sbaft was run into a bed of subterranean fire. The heaviest snowstorm prevaüed on Long Island since the blizzard of 1888, the fall 3 feet. A fire broke out in Hart's sawmill in Tacoma, Wash., eausing a loss of SI 00. 000. The public debt statement issued on the lst showed that the interest and non-interest bearing debt decreased f397,452 during the month of November. The cash in the treasury was $16,035,117. The national debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, atnounts to S834,913,881. The annual reports of the postmaster general's assistants show that during the past year the iiiland mail service cost 5?41, 335,372 and the foreign mail service .880(5,145. The netincrease of post offices over the year was ii,790, and the total number in the United States is 67,119. There were 5,520,738 domestie maüable letters received at the dead letter office and 557,043 domestie unmailable letters. The annual report of Superintendent Kimball, of the life-saving service, shows that there were 242 Uves saved last year, 181 on the Atlantic and fortyeight on the lakes, and twenty were drowned. The total wrecks numbered sixty, the loss 5,673,510. The government receipts last month aggregated 828,750,000, against .$27,000,000 in November, 1891, and in the five months of the current fiscal year amouuted to 8163,640,979. The expenditures in the past five months were $161,000,000. Joseph Kane, a Lake Slurj railroad employé at Erie, Pa., killed his wife and himself. Domestie trouble was the cause. By the explosions of a loeornotive boiler at Brownsville, Pa., Engineer Barry was killed and Fireman Neifert was fatally hurt. A packaöe 82,000 was stolen recently from the United States Express Company from a train on the Illinois, Indiana & Iowa railroad near Dwight, 111. The aggregate internal revenue collections of the United States during the last fiscal year were S158,857,544.35. Several boats were capsized near West Bcrkeley, Cal., and seven Italian fishermen were drowned. The street railroads of New Orleans have been f?old to a New York syndicate for $10,000,000. In the United States the leading clearing bouses reported exchanges of $1,382,966,386 during the seven days ended on the 2d, against 81,108,000,048 the previous seven days. As compared v.ith the corresponding week of 1891 the inervase was 3.3. Jack Fields washangedat Wharton, Tex., for the murder of Henry Kearby and his wife. Sevkn safes in the Eqiútable building ia Chicago were blown open by burglars in one night and about SI, 500 in cash secured. The county seat of Bayfield county, Wis., luis been removed from Bayarc to Washburn. Dubikg the seven days ended on the 2d the business failures in the United States numbered 269, against 209 the preceding week aud 830 for the corresponding time last .year. Tuk grand jury, wbich has been considering the case of Lizzie Borden, charged with tlie murder of her father and aiother at ïï'all Eiver, Mass., returned two indictmcr.ts against her. During the month of November twelve men perished at the hands of assas.sins in Chicago. Foub of the desperadoes who held up a Great Northern train near Malta, Mont., were captured at Great Falls. A FIRE in atenement house in Brookly, N. Y. , resulted in the deaths of Michael Doyle and his little daughter. An earthquake shock was feit in Chattanooga, Tenn., extending to the summit of Missionary Ridge, an area of about 2}4 miles square. A BARBED-WïRK trust has been formed with headquarters in Chicago to control the output in the country. Neak Sanford, N. C, two eider ly sisters named McDonald were killed by a burglar. Charles Andersom, aged 10, killed his youngjer sister at Wichita, Kan., with a shotgun which he thought empty. Three new banks with an aggregate capital of SI, 400, 000 opened their doors in Milwa.ukee. Fire in the door and sash factory of the Haynes-Lattmer Company at St Louis caused a loss of 55175,000. Charles Buddensikk, the New York builde r who was sent to prison June 24, 1885, for manslaughte;-, has been discharged from Sing Hing, his term hoving expired. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The correeted vote of New York by counties gives Cleveland a plurality over Harrison of 45,981. The official vote of Pennsylvania gives Harrison a plurality over Cleveland of 63,747. Graham N. Fitch, United States senator from Indiana from 1856 to 1861, died at his home in Logansport, aged 82 years. The correeted vote of Wiscousin cast at the late election shows that Cleveland received 177,447 votes, Harrison, 170,973; Cleveland's plurality, 6,474. The vote for governor was: Peek, 178,112; Spooner, 170.445Í Peck's plurality, 7,658. The prohibition vote was 13,064 and the labor vote 7,870. Returns from the recent elections in the various states indicate that the next United States senate will be a lie politically. Du. John W. Scott, father of the late Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, died at the white house, aged 93 years. Alixander EL Wyant, the famous American landscape painter, died at his home in New York of softening of the brain. The official vote in Ohio of the presidential candidates is as follows: Harrison 405,187; Cleveland, 404,115; Bidwell, 26,012; Weaver, 14,852. Harrison's plurally, 1,072. Gov. Tiixmait, of Edgfefield, and Lieut. Gov. Eugene B. Gaiy, of Abbeville, were inauffurated at Columbus, S. C. Chauncey Moklan and Annie Bell were married in a, New York city museum. The bridegroom is 21 years old and weighí 442 ponnds. The bride is a year younger and tips the scale at 570 pounds. Maud Stone, for whom the celebrated trotter Maud S. was named, was married at her hoine in Cincinnati to Albert Carey, of New York. Henby Hayt, who was g-overnor of Pennsylvania from 1878 to 1883, died at bis home in Wilkesbarre, aged 62 yeavs. The funeral services of Dr. Seott, the president's father-in-law, took place in Washington, after which the remains were taken to Washington, Pa., for burial. The official count of the presidential vote in Texas gives Cleveland 239,148; Harrison, 77,475; Weaver, 99,688; Bidwell, 2,165. The official vote shows that at the late election in Minnesota Harrison received 122,736 votes; Cleveland, 100,579; Harrison's plurality, 22,157. Harriet Foster Orr, widow of the late Gen. Joseph Orr, died in La Porte, Ind., aged 96 years. The official canvass in Kansas for members of the legislature gives the house to the republicans and the senate to the populiots. On joint ballot the populists have a majority of one. Jay Gould, the great financier and railway king, died at his home in New York of pulmonary consumption, aged 56 years. He leaves four sons and two daughters, his wife having died three years ago, and a fortune estimated at 'from L60,000,000 to 8150,000,000. FOREIGN. Flames at Buena Ventura, South America, destroyed seventy buildings. Gen. Díaz was inaugurated president of the republie of Mexico for his fourth term and the third consecutively. The famous church of St. Michael at Vienna, erected in 1221 and visited by tourists from all parts of the world, was destroyed by fire. The church contained many tombstones from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries which were badly damaged by the flames. The Russian government has apprepriated 83,000,000 to be devoted to the relief of the inhabitants of the faminestricken districts of the empire. The Japanese cruiser Sheshinarukan collided with the British steamer Ravenna in the Island sea and was sunk and eighty-five of the cruiser's crew were lost. Robert Olsen was hauged at Dorchester, N. B., for the murder of PoJicemixn Joseph Steadman in Jloncton, August 1. M. Harnas & Co., wholesale eheese and produce merchants at Montreal, failed for 51 15,000. Gen. Oppermann, who had the reputation of the actual planner of the siege of Paris, died at Uunover, Germany. Twenty children ventured on the ice at the Biederitz pond at Sagan, Germany. The ice gave way and eight of tnem were drowned. LATES. The annunl report of Seeretarv Noble to the president covers in detail the do ngs of tha interior department. The wqrk accomplished 'uring the present administration is snorn to greatly exceed that of any like preceding period ia the history of the department. Ch x: sk pir ites penned up eighty woinen and children in the caves at Quang ïluyea and smoked them to death. Geokgb W. Reed, press agent for tha Lesliu D ivis Dramatic Company, comraitted suicide at a hotel in Fort Wayne, Ind. Thk Elm Park Methodist church at Scranton, Pa., which had just been coinpleted at a cost oí 8200,000, was destroyed by fire. FlBB on the Northwestern coal doek ■at Superior, Wis., caused a loss of S100,000. Twenty-thbkh persons concerned in the cholera riots in Karatoff, Russia, have been sentenced to be hanged and fif ty-six to be imprisoned in Siberia. Ebnest NlCHOXSON, a farmer, his wife and two children, were drowned in a oreek near their home at Pleasanton, Cal They were driviug tlirough the creek when the wagon upset. By the caving in of a bank at Woodville, Miss., the three little girls of Dr. J. P. Carro were killed. The superintendent of immKi-ation shows tlüit ü'J,öü3 immigrants arrived in this country during the fiscal year ended June SO, 1892. The efficiency of the different corps is the subject of comment in the annual report of Secretary of War Elkins, and the revival of the grade of lieutenant general is urged. The expenditures for the fiscal 3rear ended June 30, V892, were ,t.:Jl,'218,970.52. The oldest theatrical manager in the United States, Jake E. Esher, proprietor of a theater in St. Louis, died at the a„re of04 years. The entire business portion of Cumberland Gap, Tenn., was destroyed 1 y fire. The official returns from the rec n election iu Nebraska give the vote u.a íollows: Harrison, 87,213; Weaver, 82,256; Cleveland, 24,943. llarrison's plurality over Weaver, 4,957; over Cleveland, 62,270. Most of the business part of Cranford, N. J., was burned. The treasury department has decided that a Chinese boy may enter tha United States for the purpose of receiving an education, provided he has the permission of his own government to visit the United States.


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