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[OFFICIAL.] Councll Chamber. Ann Arbor, Des. 5, 1892. Regular session. President iCooley bsing absent, th council was called to order by Citj Clerk Miller P.oll called. Quorum present. Absent. President Cooley- 1. Tlie jourual of the last session iva "was approved. On motion of Aid. Kiteon, Aid Tay lor -was elected president pro. tem. A petition sign?d by Allen A. Ken iind two othere, residents and proper !ty holders on Forest avenue, asking (that sidewalks be ordered built on Wie ast side of Forest avenue from touth University avenue to Hill st Accepted a.nd referred to the com mittee on siïïewalks. To the Mayor nnd Aldermen of the City of Ad Arbor, Mich ; Gentlemen,- we hereby agree to furnis eighty-three (83) Are Lamps, of the nomina 2.000 candle power Standard Are Lamps, light ing them two hundred and sixty-five (265 nights from twilight until 12:30"a. Bi., fo eighty-one dollars per lamp, per year, fron Jmmary 1, 1898, to January 1, 1894. Additional lamps. or additioual times o lighting, at the sanie proportional rate. Th contract to be the same in all particulars and details as for the year 1S92. We wlll also furnish the two (2) Incandesoeu 65 candle power lamps, already placed at th rate of $3.00 eaeh per month, or $36.00 per year lamps to burn at the same time as the Are Lamps mentioned above. Respectfully, THE ANN AKUOR T -H. ELECTRIC CO By A. L. Noble, Sec'y and Treas Keferred to lighting comniittee. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES FINANCE. 2b the Common Cornial: Your Committee on FÍnance respectfully report that tliey have had the following bilis under consideratioi and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. W, J. Miller, salary C6 66 E.B. Norria, aalary 26(1 Mrs. Jacob H. btark, janitor i: üi W, J. Miller, supplies i 86 i". O'Hearn, assessor, salary 165 on Wm. G. Show, use ot hack 1 50 Ann Arbor davings Bank, interest on üverdrafts 1!) 13 .T. A. Polhemus, use of hack 1 2ö Wm. Herz, palntingetc 27 30 Wm. G . Snon-, uee vg for Bd of Health 1 on A. A. Demoerat, election notice 2 00 The Riehmond & Backus Co., supplies 7 10 Walker & Co., repairs 75 Register Pub. Co. , printing cards 3 50 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., Street lighting 728 88 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office lights 2 00 Washtenaw Post, notice of election. ... ] 75 Total íl,0619 STREET FUND. ï'elson Sutherland, salary, 66 66 Geo. F. Key, salary 61 0 Willig Clari, labor io 36 Christian Jetter, labor, . IS 75 Michael Williams, labor 20 10 Andrew Zeigler, labor 195 Eugene Willlam6, labor 3 30 Jacob Kie6, labor _ 1 95 Michael Kenny, labor . 2 70 Joseph Hutzel, labor 1186 Lawrence Hughs, labor 735 Michael O'Mara, labor 75 Frank Sehulz, labor 8 55 Wm. Kuehn, labor 7 35 James Nelson, labor i 35 Michael öchauer, labor 1 95 Albert Glassknop, labor 1 35 Charles Redks, labor 390 Gustare Walters, labor 6 611 Edward Barnett, labor 8 70 Hiram Kittredge, teaming 3 15 -Nelson Sutherland, norse and cart,.. . 15 25 .Michael Herey, teaining 9 2Q Hiram Kittredge, teaming 1 41) Israel Clark, manure on c. h. lawn ]s ;ts William Allen, teaming 6 30 John Manning, snowplowing 1 60 Martin Naide, do 150 Henry Marsh. do 3 00 John MoHugh, do 3 00 Julius Weinberg, do .... 1 50 George Weeks, do 1 50 Clancy & Co., gravel 07;; Ed. Sumner, manare ] 50 Sweet & Bycraft, teaming ) "5 Philip Uach, gravel 3 qo fhomas Haiinan, paving stones 20 00 James Donnegan, repairs 1 4u Michigan Artificial Stone Co., for artificial stone walk on east side of 4th ave., in front of Goodrich Estáte property... 332 56 P. L. Bodmer, luinber 193 83 Total $ 885 43 BRIDGE, CL'LVEHT ASD CBOSSWALK l'U.ND. S. S.'Brown, interseetion walka 16 90 .l.P. Judson, do l 00 Michigan Artificial Stone Co. interseetion walks . 22 60 Mr. Kiinball, intersectiou walks..."" lö 80 Total $ 02 20 WATEE FUND. Geo. Miller & Son., one pump on Pontiac strect n 50 Totai - niö FIRE DEPAHT51ENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary go (jy C. A. Edwards, salary " 50 lü Henry McLaren, salary 50 00 Loui3 Hoelzle, sahiry 50 üi' Charles Carroll, salary. ... 4-. rin Max Wittlinger, sulai-y 45 n Frank Kapp, salary it, w Alben West, salary 40 gy Herman Kirn, salary ' 00 Louis Weinmann, salary s 00 John Kenuy , salary ' u (1 Morgan Williams, salary í 00 S.un McLaren, salary $ nn Mrs. B. Ream, washing .-, rK MeDowell Metal Polish Co.. mvt;i pölïsh 6 00 í-chuh A: Muehlig, supplies n 11. J. Malloy, 6upplies.... " .-.ís Anton Teulel. supplies ."" g ti Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Co """ 1 ö! Eugene B. Hall, coal iA ïï .1. E Harkins, supplios "'. 16 S ïlliam Herz, supplies [ 33 Jf Tutal a r1- _. $ 51 a4 PÓLICE FITND. .lames R. Murray, salary. fii l)n David CtolUne. salary ...! 00 Noble C. Tice, salary .'.Y.Y.Y.'.'.'. 50 00 Totai - rrööiu POOK FUND. Fred Sipley, salary.... rn m Bohuh & Muehlig, saws, eto.'.V.'." 2 S? Ed. Lyke. wood oS 55 Ldwai-d Duay. groceries. ::::;;; i; m C. Eberbaeh & Son. medicine " J? .lohnGoetz.jr., groceries i J.Henne, ;;;;;;; 5 g Koch & Hennccoffin 10 01' William F. Lodholz, groceries 84 Williuui H . Mclntyre, irroeeries tl O'Hara&Boyle.grocerles -- i g Rlnsey & Seabolt, grooertes ]} RJ Caspar EmSey, grocerles u ul Wahr& K "" Martin e. Vogel, meat 4" Fred Sipley, expenses oí trip to Milan forwood - ; Mrs Ann Kvans, aid 5 00 Total - 113 BECIPITÜLATION. Contingent Fund 1 ' Street Futid " Bridge. Culvert and Crosswalk Fund.. B3 ! Water Fund ]1 ] Fire Fund BIJ : Pólice Fund Mg ' Poor Fund IIa Total ...$2,8U 3 Eespectfully submitted. Waltek L. Taylor, William Heuz, A. H. Fillmohe, Finalice Com. Aid. Kitson moved tliat the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows: Yeüs- Aids. Wines, Scliairer, Martin. Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, O'Mara, Eehberg, Kitson and tyrrtan.- 12. Nay6 - None. ORDINANCES. The third reading by section of "Ai ordinanee relative to nuisances and to prohibit the maintenance of slaughts liouses, aaid the slaiiglitering of aal mals wittrin th eoity limite." Af ter which the en air ha ving statei the question to be "Shall this ordi nance pass 1" Therefore the yeas and and nays being called, the ordinance passed as follows : Teas- Aids. Wines, Sohairer, F111 more, Kedibeig, Taylor, Kitsou, Pret tyman - 9. Nays- Aids. Martin, Herz and ,Sno -3. STREET. To the Common oouncii : Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred thepetition of C.R. Whltman, Charles C. Clark, and more than seven otlier free holders of the City of Arm Arbor, praying ainong other things for the laying out óf tt street extending on the lines of Hurou street projected easterly from Twelfth street to Observatory street, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of such petition under consideration, and recommenc that the prayer of said petition begranted and that a street be laid out from Twelfth street to Observatory street on the line of Hurou street. projected easterly aud said street be called Huron street. Your committee further reports that the necessary deeds for said right of way of said proposed street have been acquired without cost. Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, L D. Winks, W. L. Tavlor, H. G Prettyman, A. P. Ferguson, W. G. Snow, Street Cominittee. Aid. Wines moved tliat the report be nd the same is hereby approved and confirrned. Adopted. To the Oommon Council : Your Committee on Street, to whom was referred petition of Franz Komiek and others. praying that the street lylng on the east slde Of Ja-;. J! Gott, Second 'Additioii to the city oí Aun Arbor, be called Louise street. Your committee respectfully report that they have had the subject matter undcr cousideratlon and would recommend that the said street be nanied and hereafter called Mlner street. Eespectfully submitted, Chkisïian Maktin, j. 1). Winks. W. L. Taylor, II. G. Phettyjian, W. G. Snow, A. P. Ferguson, Street Committee. Aid. ICitson moved that the report be and the same is hereby approved 'and confirmed. Adopted. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the subject of street sigus, would respectfully report that they have had the matter under consideration, and would recommend that the Board of Public Works be requested to submit samples and cost of wood signs (whitewood),paiuted white with black letters. We further ask and recommeud that the ioard of Public Works cause to have made a ironie of grade cuts of the proposed drainage on East Uuiversity avenue, and starting at point at the intersectiou of East Uuiversitv avenue and Monroe street, west ou Monro'e treet to State street, south on State street to lili streeet, west on Hill street to Allens Creek.alsoon State street at the iutersectiou f State aud Jeffersou streets, south ou State treet to Mouroe street, Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, L I). Winks, w. L. Taylor, H. G. Prettyman, a. P. Fkrouson, W. G. Snow, Street Committee. Aid. Wlruee moved thíit the report e a.nd the same is hereby approved and eonfirmed. AdopU'ii. SIDICWAI.K COMMITTEB KEI'ORTS. 'o the Commou Council : Your Committee on Sidewalks. to whom as eferred the several petitious for sidewalks ow ou file. respectfully report that they have ad the subject matter of said petitious'under onsideration, and find that the gradin and pnetructlon of the following sidewalks are 11 necessary public improvements, and would espectfully recommend that the following idewalks be ordered graded and construeted, On Olivia avenue along the east and west ides from Hill streel to Israel street. We herewith submit a resolution ordering he saiiKj. Respectfully submitted. ARTHl'R J. KlTSON, William Herz, d. f. schairer, J.O'Maka, A. H. FlLLMOBE, Ernest Rehebrg, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. PMttyman moved that the reort be and the same is hereby aproie(l and confirmed. Adopted. REPOSTO OF CITY OFFICBUS. ITT ÏIIEASUREU'S REPORT Fült THE MONTH ENDINO NOVE.MÜEK 30, 1892. To t!ie Common Council of tlie City of Ann Arbor : alance overdrawn as per last repwt $ ],$05.24 WOKEY HECK1VK1). emetery Fund- Mauly, lot 25,00 Total 25.00 $1,780.24 .MONEY DISBURSED. :onting-ent Fund 81.098.97 treet Fuud 853 70 'iremen'6 Fund 542 68 'olieeFund 179 00 Joor Fuud 107.42 emetery Fund 10 PO ridse, Culvi'rt and Crosswalk h und 17193 oldiers' Relief Fund...„V.V.V 3s!oo 3,002.20 ■ Total overdrawa 5,3334t ' BALANCE ON HAND. ontingem Fund, over! drawn 2,240.26 treet Fund, overdrawn 628263 ireuien's Fund 59.84 ' Pólice Fund 141.78 PoorFund 988.43 Water Fund l,0M.7] Cemefcery Fund isí.ht Soldlers' Kelicl'Fund. 688.00 Onivereity Hospital Aid Bond Fund S40.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overarawn 1,036.27 Dop Tax Fund 100.00 Bridge, ('uivert and CrósswalkFund T8.6ft Total i 4,176.T29,ñ5D.]H Total overdrawn Ï 5,882.14 Kespectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, December 1, 1893. Ann Aiibor Savjnos Bank. ) Ann Aruor, Mich., Dec. l.lSKi. S To tlie Common Council: This certifies that the account of S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, is overdrawn in the sumof Vive Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety-two, and Sl-ioo Dollars, ($5,292.81). Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The montbly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal, and Superintendent of the Poor veré read and placed 011 file. VXFIVISHBD BUSINESS. Aid. O'Mara moved that the vote on the resolution regarding the petition of Christian Helber be reconsiderad. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Schairer. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Fergnson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Prettyman.- 10. Nays - Aid. Wmes, Kitson. - 2. The chair stated the question, Shall this resolution pass ? Whereupon Aid. Prettyman moved that the whole matter be referred to the Board of Fire Commissioners with power to act, which motion to refer was lost by yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Fillmore, Kitson, Prettyman - 4. Nays - Aid. Martin, Ilerz, Snow, Fergusou, O'Mara, Rehberg, ïaylor. -7. Aid. Wines moved that the whole matter be laid on the table. Which motion was lost. Ad. Wines moved to adjourn, which motion was lost. Whereupon the original motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote, as follows : Yeas- Aid Schairer, Martin, Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Prettyman. - 9. Nays- Aid. Kitson.- 1. ilOTIONS AND KESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Fillmore: Resolved, That the sum of $65.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Finid to purchase a suitable lile case for the City Clerk's office, Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid, Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pettymau. - 'l. Nays- None. ]3y Aid. Ferguson: Whereas, Application haying been made to this Conimon Council by more tlian seven freeholders to lay out and establish a street hereinafter described, and Whereas, The right of way having been acquired therefor by deed, duly delivered, and it appearing to this jouncil that there is a public necessity or the laying out of such proposed treer, and that said proposad street is a necessary public improveuient, thert'ore be it Resolved, and it is hereby ordered. md determined, that a pnblic street be and the same is hereby laid out and stablislied four rods in width, describd as follows, to-wit: From Twelfth street to Observatory street, on the ine of Iluron street projected easterly nd parallel with the center line of Ann street, the center line of which aid street to be twenty rods soutli of lie center line of Ann street as now stablished. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, lerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman .- 12. Naya - None. By Alderman Ferguson: Whereas, application having been nade this Common Council by more lian seven freeholders, to lay out and stablish a street hereinafter decribed; And whereas, the right of way havïg been acquired therefor by deed duly elivered and it appearing to this Jouncil that there is a public necessity or the laying out of sueh proposed :reet and that said proposed street is necessary public improvement; Therefore be it resolved, and it is ïereby ordered and determined, that i )ublic street be and the saméis hereby aid out and established four rods in vidth, described as follows, to wit-, 'ram Ann street to Iluron street, proected east, on the line of Thirteenth treet, projected southerly in its presnt course and along and upon the ame as originally platted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Ilerz, Gilmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, {ehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman. Nays- Aid. Martin.- 1. ■y Aid Snow: Resolved, That J. F. Lawrence be mployed and instructed to defend the ïty with the City Attorney in the ises of Albers vs. The City and also mitli vs. The City. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin. :erz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, 'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, i'rettyman. - 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines: 'Resolved, Tbat an are electric light be placed on State street, in front of the inain entrance to University hall. lieferred to Lighting Committee. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvement. Thereforo, It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built, and ' constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following ', property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz: On Olivia avenue along the east and west sides, from Hill street to Israel street. Tbat all of such sidewalks be graded, built, and constructed in the marnier'. within the time, and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance, entitled "an ordinance relative to sidevvalks," and on the established grade. Adopted. ByAld. O'Mara: Resolved, That the sura of $500 be appropriated f rom the street fund and expended in the grading of Enron street and Thirteenth street. On Huron street fïom Twelfth street to Observatory street, and Thirteenth street from Huron street to Ann street. Aid. Wines moved that the resol ution be referred to Street Committee Which motion was lost as follovvs: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, Taylor, Kitson. - 6. Nays- Aid. Herz, Fillmore, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Prettyman. - 6. Aid. Wines moved that the resol ution be referred to the Board of Public Works to make estímate cost of grading, also to submit a proper grade for said streets, and when we adjourn we adjourn to meet in an adjourned session, next Monday, Dec. 12th. Adopted. By Aid. Fergusou: 'Resolved, That the sum of ($45.00) forty-five dollars be f rom the Bridge and Cross VValk Fund to build a stone Crossing at the junction of Detroit and Fourth avenue. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. By Aid. Schairer: 'Resolved, That Wm. Kretlow, living at No. 118, South Fourth avenue, be allowed to cut down flve willow trees. Adopted. Aid. Wines moved that a general report and investigation of our water supplies be made by Water Committee at once and report at our next meeting. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. W. J. MlLLER, CityClerk. Handsome tamlioo chnirs, divans and roobera ior Cliristmas, at MARTIX HALLER'S. A grate eaving- Steam heaters. The raee quostion- "Wliich won ?"


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