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The Good Citizen Doesn't Vote

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Ann Arbor has nothing to lose, but everything to gain by an enforcement of tbe laws as they are found tipon thc statute books. The people of this city are law-aWding people. There is not a city of the 6ize of Ano Arbor in theünited States, bu t lias more breeehes of law, more vfce, more immoral practices, and a greater amonnt of litigation than does tihis city. To prove this assertion we will tafee the records of our local c-ourts and stand ready to compare them Mith the records of the local courts oí any otli.r ty in the Union. The Cou-rier never has believed that anything is gained by painting things blacker tliau they are. It never has believi'd tbat to improve the moral-i oí this city it is wlse to assert to the world tliat we are so terribly bad, wbn the truth i we are not. Tlrere is no disputing the fací that ttere bád people here, poople who do not have a proper regard for the law, and who need to feel thé heavy hand of justice descending upon their .slboulders. But that is so in every community, to a greater ob les extent, in the ivorld. There is no municipality, no ciiy, no village, no hamïet in the wide ivorld that is without vice and sin. Xo law has ever been enacted that will crush out crime. The dcsire of every community, and of every university community in particular, is to keep as free from vice as possiblo. In order to do this, tlie liuvs must 1 enforced. In order to enforce the lwwB the officers of the la-w must be chosen by the p?ople for that purpose. It is nonsense to expect the marshal of any city to kepp to the letter of the law, when he knows that if he does it, off will go his official head for his pains. Xo amount of moralizing or talking will accomplish anything in the way of the enforoement of any law where a ma]ority of the electors -vink at its breenh. If the mayor of this city, and the marshal appointed by him, luiderstand that a majority of the people desire all law-s lived up to to the very letter, and know that they will have the majority back of tliem in compelling people to obey, tlvere will not be the slightest hesitnncy on their part. But when they know that it is poHtleal death to them, they act as human beings usually ajt, and are discreet. To secure good laws and their enforcement the moral and law-abiding citizens MUST ATTEND THE PRIMARIBS. It is the duty of. every citizrii. It may be distasteful to him. But as a iïee Citizen of this free country, h.e must either do it or be as derelict in his duty as the official is wlio neglecta toníorce a law that a maiority of the psople at the ballot box have decided, they do not w-ant enforced. Then again the better elass of citizens neglect to vote. Last spring when the city election occurred there Were only 1,620 votes cast for mayor, ivhen Mr. A. L,. Noble was a candidate upon the republican ticket. This fall there w-ere 2,269 votes cast for president. In the first ward last spring there were only 367 votes cast ; this fall in the game ward 570 votes were cast. It is the citizen that neglects his dutj' as a citiien because ssiich thiiigs are too trivial or too distasteful, who is responsible for things as they exist.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier