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CUldreu of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Soller Altoona, Pa. Both Had Eczema In lts Worst Form After Physictans Failed, Hood'8 Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the diseased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents : " To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. : "We think Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most valuable medicine on the niarket for blood and skin diseases. Our two children sufïered terribly with the Worst Form of Eczema for two years. We had three physicians in that time, but neither oí them succeeded in curmg them or even in gtving tliem a little relief. At last we trled Hood's Sarsaparilla and In a month both children were perfectlr rurrd. We recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as a Standard family medicine, and would not be without it." Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Soller, 1412 2nd Avenue, Altoona. Pa. HOOD'S PILL8 cure liver lila, onstlpatiou, biliousnesa, Jaundu-e, aick headache, indigettioD. GRAND OPERA HOUSE One Night Only TUESDAY EVE., DEC. 27th. In the grc;it English and American sticcess, ■■■■■■ Who lui wrltten tlic MU j urentefl successes tlie . ÍLl wurliï hasknown. Among : Them may Ije mentloned: VfVAMV K ' "VVilKes of Sln'" "Wo' 11JT man Against Woinan," II N N : "Ring of Iron," TIn' ■ "■!■ „„d ot tne Living," I and recemly "Cruel ■ mm i ■ ah i m I H ■ ■ ItPIÍm I-ondoii, ' bilt none haü I] I L M I M I reached the popularlty [■ Ij I of -'Tlie World Against ■iMlltllMÉ Her. MLncle Villa nill intraduce t Kainboir - Danre at tl:1. nitli Supt'iii Calcium rfBï KKA.VK HAKVKY. reets. Prices, 35c, 50c, and 75c. Reservcd seats ou sale at P.O. News Staud' DIBBIDJIR ! Fine Suils of Offices for Doctore, Lawyers or Business, in the MASONIC BLOCK, INQUIREOFJ.E. BEAL or C. E. HISCOCK A Fine Residence Property for Sale. One oí the finest residence property in Ann Arbor. Location the best m the city. A large brick bonse, furnace hent.and all íñoderu improvements, hot and cold water, buth. and Ín íact all the conveiiiences to mate a model home ; a fine barn on this property. Also 1 lot in same neighborhood. A sanable house for a society, as the lots on either side of the house can be bouglit also. For partieulars cali at COUBIEB Office. MOORE&WETMORË 6 SOUTH MAIN ST. Invite you to examine their full line of fine and clieap Holiday Us! BIBLES, ALBUMS, B00KS. CHRISTMAS CAROS, CELLULOID G00DS, JUVENILE BOOKS, FINE STATIONERY, Etc. Text Books and stationery will be found also on STATE ST-, CORNER WlLLlAM


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