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The Sophomore hop wil take place January 27. Tiie Board of Regenta will hold an important meeting to-day. The Choral Union wiH pender the "Messiah" to-nig-ht in University Hall. The streets will be pretty well denerted of students by Friday niht. Saturday aboüt 200 students gathered in Room 24 and sang college songs. The D. ot M. Daily got out a 2,700 O-page elition last Satuidny. Ihat's enterprlse. Pres. Anigell has leen re-appointed a regent of the Smithsonian Institu-te at Washington, ï. C, by the U. B. Hcaiato. The Glee dub offers a prize of $10 for the beet humorous song or drill miltable tor ite use, to be handed In by Jan. 15. Pro'. OP. C'. W-agner enllghtenea the Detroit preaches upon "The Study of the English Bible in the ü. of M.," last Monday evening. Dr. Gunsalus, vrho will b? rememberby the lectui-e goers of Ann Arbor, will be the head of the Armour Manuel training Kchool in Chicago. The Uní vers i ty minstrcla -will glve their first &rnnd burnt cork exhibit during January. ,'fhe exact lime flhy wlll let you know when they know. Already the class rooms begin to thin out. ïhc long-dlstance stadents are ra.pidly lea ving to see the old folks and bc on hand lor tliat Christinals present. Tho Uniwrsity of Vermont lias bee:i giv-en a perpetual appropriatlon of i $6.000 a year, by fha leglsíature, t'he fiijid to be deovted to a scholarBhip from evory town. Pío'. B. iA. Hinsdale's address on tlie -'Diswvery of America," which was delivered in University Hall Oet. 21, hoe teen published in pamphlet forra by he Univereity. W. J. Harn8, the phenomenal ball pitcher, wlio lost his mind Avhle east wlth tlie University club last spring, ilicd Dec. 16tli, of consuniption, at his home in Galveston, Ind. The riikago Alumni Assoiriation of the ü. of M., wlll give its animal dinner at ttos Grand Paciffc hotel, Fridiay evMiin'i?, De?. 23d. Therc will bc three college presiilents present, ineluding Pres. Angelí. A private letter ïrom Will E. Payne lit. '82, states that he is still secretary and treaeurer of Nashville DniTCrsity and Peabody collega In that capacity he received and paid out upwards of $80,000 last year. It is asserted that President rison contemplatie becoming a memter of the ïaeulty oí Leiand Stanford, Jr., University, of California, after iiis term of office expires. Don't beHeve it. Xot necessary on hig part. A great kick is leing made at the University of Chicago, because the faculty has decided to sell the new calender to student.s, announccments ■niiich are necessary for the students to Jiave in making out their courses. - ü. of M. Daily. 'WheJi any Chicago instltutloo (gieta left In turning an extra dollar or two it will be a cold afterooon. The Choral Union will tako part in the Grand Oratorio Festival at the Columbiaai Exposition, Chicago, durtag the third week in Juno. Special arrangeineaits for train service and hotel accommodations ivill be made. A limited number of persons may take advantage of these provisions by applyimg at one to Prof. L.. D. Wines or Prof I. R. clePont.-U. of M. Daily. The Cnivereity Musical .Oi-iety may te pleased to Icarn that the violin upon -nhich .the wedding march was played at George Waethiiigton'ft marri-age has come into the posscssion of the Simbury (Pa.). Musical Society. And tiu-n alg-ain it may not. But it ÍS 8O. Sraall pox luu broken out at Kush Medical College, Chicago, and a stamrx'de of tudents Ivas rrsultpc1. A Mr. Jteagle, íormerly U. of M. niedl-. '95, who went there to get a sheepskln a year sooner, is one of the victima. He migüit .better have remained in the country. An Ann Artor student was accldentaily looked in the pharmaey building last week, and made h!s escapo from a second story wlndow. The statement that he was so frightened that hte lodjped in the air and had to be knocked down wíth a pole, is a lie.- Adrián Press. A hare and Kouiuls chnse wns inOTignrated lnst Saturday. The 'Varsity chase started from McMillan Hall, the three nares ron to Geddes, three miles eaet, and returned, closely follo-sved by the sere.n hountlp. Another run was made ly soine of the Sigma Alpha Epeüon to?iety m-mler?. Pro'. W. W. Camplell, formerly of the U. of M., and a (gradúate lit, '86, now of Lick Otsservatory on Mt. Hamilton, near San José, Cal., is to be mair:ed on De?. 28, to Miss ElizabetJi B. Thompson, of Grand Kapids, Miei!. They .will return to California and will be at home aftr February lM?Xt. Vale's catalogue Sor '92-'93, 193d issue, contatos the. Dames of 1,969 studente, an increase of 185. The freahman class namber 507. The annual expense íor eaeb student is placed at $591. There are 185 Instructor? The rost-graduate course is only open to females and there are 23 taking that cursc. Willis Boug-hton, lit '81, is professor of rhetoric and English literature in Ohio University. He wlll give a paper on the work in Ohio before the second national conference on vnversity extensión, in l'hiladelphia, December 28-30. President Rogere, of Nor tli western, also givos an address at that tonventlor. As only 423 votes were cast on the 6. L. A. seatlng question, out of a possible 2,100, ,tlve board decides to retiain the old ''stand ia line" plan of reserving S'eats. The votes cast were divided as fo'.lows : Choral Union plan 179 ; Plan No. 1, 98 ; Plan Xo. 2, 80 ; Plan Ño. 4, 66. The failure of eo mamy interested ones to vote is singular, indeed. It protoably does not denote that the holders of tickets do not care, as muoh as it does that they have no settled idea as to which is the best plan. Wabash collego, at Craw.'ordsville, Ind., has just secured $80,000 more to add to lier already plethoric endowment. A taan at Indianapolis (lied recent ly and left $50,000 on the condition tlnat $30,000 more be raised, and the college got a hustle on and ra:.scd it, the county giving $10,000. Just think of AVa.slit?naw county givïüg anytliing to the University here ! "If Ann Arbor wants it let her pay for it," is always the reply, and because the University is here the supervisors every year slide more t.ixos on to tiro the city, in thoir deep 'fcnorasity." A Jarge line of clioice clieap articles suitable for Oiristmas presents, can be fouiKl in gi-cat quantities at H. RandaU's, No. ;30 E. Hiiron st. Buy your father that gold hèaded cane for Ohristmas you have been thinking atxmt. iYou will find it at Arnold's. "Build a little fence of trust Around to-day ; Fill the space with loving words, And therein stay; Ixok not through the sheltcrlng b r UpoD to-morrow, God will help thee bear what comes Of joy or sorrow." "O briDif the holly branches aud the bougha oí místletoe. And twine them both together hére withln the fire-light glow. Forgettin all of bitterness, of rauklings and of pride. Let each be reconclled to each this gladsome Christmas-tide.


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