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E. F. Mills & Co.'s

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MARKÜWNJALE! Commences Tuesday Morning, January 3d, and continúes the entire month. All cash buyers who desire to save money will flnd abundant opportunities íuring tliis sale. CLOAKS Oursuccessln this newdepartment has been very gratifying. We have less than 200 garments on hand. Every one must besold ! How? In a way that will crowd our cloak room with bAiyers. Tuesday morning we shall place on sale 100 CLOAKS at ONE-HALF PRICE And shall offer the balance of the stock at a reduction that will surprise and please every buyer. We guarantee our customers, and we think our word will be sufflcient tor this, that not a Cloak will be marked up, but that half off will be Just half the regular price, which as we sell Cloaks at"OnePrice" means much more than " half off" frora others "come down " prices. Itwlll glveyou Í30 Cloaks at - L15 OO $12 Cloaks at - $O OO f25 Cloaks at #12 50 $10 Cloaks at - #3OO fJO Cloaks at- #1O OO Í8 Cloaks at 4 OO 15 Cloaks at $7 5O $6 Cloaks at S3OO TJ]srr)E:RWEA.:R. silks. Every piece of Underwear in the store Special Values in Black and Fancy Silks reduced. during this January Sale. Ladies' 50c Underwear 39c AU our 39c and S5c Colored Surahs 19c Gents' 50c Underwear aOc A line of Fancy Silks, worth from 65c to Ladies' 40c Underwear 9o m silkg &t _OQc 25c Underwear 19c Ourent,re „ne of $, 15 Trlmmlng VelUeduceü prices on Union Sults, Childreu s vet8i beBt, qUality, at 89c underwear. Fine Jersey Underwear, etc. Entire line of 75c Trlmmlng Velvets 5Oc DRESS GOODS. CAEPETS. Carpets are advancing, but these prices are We offer every piece of Dress Goods In the the lowest yet made. 9tore at special prices for January, inc.uding u eertaln 11-. ff durin Jan' the followlng " specials:" i Lot 75c Tapestry Brussels at 59c 2 000 yards Site and BOc Platn and Fancy 1 Lot 81.25 Vel vet Carpets at 89c Dress Uoods, Including latest weaves, 1 Lot $1 Velvet Carpets at. ...... - 79c at ' 39c 1 Lot 81.20 and $1.35 Best Body Brussels- 9Sc 1,000 yard Ï5Ö Dress Goods-winter 1 Lot 81 Body Brussels at _ 79c styles- at _ ..18c Cholee of any Smyrna, Moquette or Goat Pattern SuítsyPÍain'Goods, Faiicy Weaves, Rugat one-quarter otf. Black Goods all reduced. If you wlsh a Special pnces on Lace Curtalns, Silk CurDreas, this is youropportunity. tains, Mattiugs. etc. ËTf. Mills 8c Co, 20 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.


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