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Samuel Kraase Ui In Snjïiuaw. Miss Mary Duïf.v lias returned irom ii i LgO. F.arl Ware visite] relativos In Flint over Sumday. Oapt. Allen, o! Ypsilantl, was in wn Monday. Mis. Kd. H. ioix-riia h Iiuh retara■1 from Manistee. Dr. J. A. Dell and family were uruests ti Saline friends over Sunday. Ben. Atkinsiin, of Grand Bapids, was n the city the iiist at the week. Bev. ("arman, of tlio Baptist .liunh. ia.s been (ïiite ill for a few days. Mis. Harry W. Hawlcy li-ft Monlay for her bome In Denver, Col. Dr. D. A. McLachlan lias retarned 'rom a professional trip to Almyer, tot. Mr. and Mis. John D. Roylan were rtsltlng Brtghton frientls dorlng the eek. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. I!alcock were nt Dexter on Satnrday last, visitini; friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. ( lement have rebu-rned hom a vlslt wtth relativos at Homor. Dr. M. C. Slieehan and dauRhter, of Detroit, are vteltlog Aun Arbor frieads. A. J. Warren, editor oí tii saline Obserrer, nu at the connty geal Monday. J. 0. Banks, oí Altxkra, was a pleasant (.aller at the Couricr aanctnm, yrstcrday. CoimtT Commteeloner Cavanaugli went to Mooreville to-úay to visit the s;-]ii(ils tliere. Mis Qpaoe Jenktna, oí Flint, is visItlng at lier uncle'8, B. P. Watts', on .. l'ourtn ave. Mrs. E. B., w'ao lias been visitinir frlenda In Sctaoolcraft, lias returoed home. Mm. Dr. J. N. Martin lias Uren :t Lancaster, Oblo, vlsltlng her old home (lurin.íí the past week. Trof. AV. II. liutts, cif On-hard Lake is visitintí relativos in Ann Ai-Hor for a few days. Miss Jessie P.UMhnell returuod from Bram Scmnty last Friday, to resume lier musical studies. Mre. Kate E. Phinney, of E. 'Liberty t., ontcrtained a ïmmber of frieuils viith carde last cveninir. Representativos Kline and Mills have eturned from and returned to Laniiifi siiK-e last Wednesday. N. J. Kever lias leen attending a ïeetinjï of the state Miller'.s Assoation at Lansing this -veek. BrODBOO Iloward tlie playwright, runipanied by Mr?. Howard, visitd Aim Arbor friends week. Miss Annie D. Robinson returned rom a. two week's visit with friends n Cleveland, Oliio, last ííaturday. Miss May Leiter leaves this we?k or au extended visit witih relátlvea vnd friends in New York and Otter eastern ci+ies. Mr. and Mrs. J. Iï. Williams, entertained a mimber of their friends last Thursday evening very pleasantly at l oard party. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hale, avïio had been visitiiifr relatives in the city for a oouple of weeks, returned to Detroit Saturday. Georse Khank entertained his yonng frifiuis laíit Frlday evealng wltb a tleaeant eard party, at the home of liis mot hor. on Monroe st. Ir. and Mrs. Neleon Snthorland, wtio had lieen visitinu Mtb. Martin, of Jackson, formcrly Mrs. Harwood, of thi.s city, hare returned home. Cols. H. S. Dean and C. V. Et. Pond have umie to Detroit, and from tfaere they gn tO Grand Rapide and I'lninwell bo Inetall O. A. B. oilloers. Gregory nibble. of E. Washington st., lias retnmed home from a western trip Of Bix mout lis, and will remain wiih li ík fainily for :i time. Miss Xell Keni))f lias onelnded that as uood an eduation can lve obtained in iiie Miehiiran Onlverslty as elseuliere. and will not return to Wellesley. D. F. Anraendiiigor of West Wasbin'Kton st, re)oloee la tihe arrival ol a dauiíliter, the íifteenth oliild, thirten of Whom are unir living and at home. Mis. Killilea, of Midland, is visiting her niotlier, Mi. Dr. Ilartley, 40, 8. William s1. Will rema in ahout two weeks, and would like to meet all her old friends. The schools In Te uiiiseh ha ving been closed. iOti account of scarlet ïcvcr. Miss Nellie Lateon lias returned to tbc home of her párente In Webster, for a short time. Mrs. Wm. Sfcümer, who has been visitinjï her brother, Wm. Action, in Mus city. for tlio past two weeks, left this morninp; to vleit relatives and friemls at 8o. Iyon. J. (;. JennlngB, 1u lia.s been in 1'lfis office for some time, goes to Petoskey Momlay to take tlie foremans'hip of an office tliere. He is as nlce a oomp. tts ever seL a type. John B. Minor, snlffed a blizzard in the air, and bo started Bundtfy evenlng to join Mre. Minor, at st. Augufltlne, Tía., for n few weeks. John is always doinff tlic sensible thinír. Tl:c Aren Mills are running full peed ijraiii on au order tor 8,000 bbl. f tlimr. The A. A. Fruit & Vinegar Co., and t9ie a. A. Milllng Co. elect oltli eri etse., Monday. The animal electlon of the Ann Arbor Arbetter Verein will be held Monday evenJng nest. Fred Jfiiclc lias beo appolnted bupcrvisor of cio in place of A. T. II ii.iïhcs, reetgned to take the oflic ■ of register of ileeils The rcinains of Cornelia W., wldow of Dr. E. .1. l'isii, ol Broneon, Mlch., were t;nnmlu to tliis city yestenlay and hmeral Berrlcea held at the roidence ol Uer sister, Mrs. Caroline W. Wilkin.-son, of Mili Bt. ihc (hm al Union commenced work last nijLh1 on the muic to le given at 1lic Woi-ld's Columl an Bzposltloil ïu'xt June. The chorus has Im'cii Blipplied witli two booka of music and tlicic are live or six more to follow. The Chinese tea at MrMillan Hall la.-i I'rii'.ay aitemoon was quite nn original aff.i'ir. The servini; at the tatolee wu done by temt native Chinese sóndente, uvii boya and two girls, dreéeed in tíheir native costumes, with cuee, etc. Ti atrfhoritatively announoed that the oíd and reliable fii-m of Hutzel & Oo., wlll underjio a cIimuiíc on Feb. 1-1. next. Herman Hutzel is to retire tram the l'irm and 'íuanuel S])riiiü' and Rohert (i winner are to be idmitted partners. City Treaenrer Beakes is rery anxiinis for a cali from those who liavo not paád tlieir taxee yet. Time i preciOTie and the city must have the taxee or the property, you kniAV. BO don't wait tintil t is everlaetingly too late. i! le lindel -sühpiI at Washington, D. C, tliai Prof. M. W. Harrinpton, who was appointed as eilief of the weather bureau by President Harrlson, becaose of liis abiiity and [ame as a sclentist, will retain liis position imder Clevela.nd. He ouglit to. The international secretar? of the Y. M. C. A., Mr. John B. Matt, wfll be in Ann Arbor Jan. 18, 14 anti 15. He la t deHver an address on Satnrday evenimr before the Cbrtertian En!i-;i(ir umion meeting in the C'onsro■rational church. and on Siuuiay ïnorniiiK will address the S. C. A. raeetinu in N'ewberry Hall. The Times figures out that the eonsi!ii]ition et water per capita in this city is more than dcxuiWe that of ordlnary placee. Whieh speaks well for onr va.ter works as a motor power. The alnornial amount consumed per capita does not arise trom an abnormal apetite on the part of our Citlzens for drinkinsï ater. Here s a.nother ureat opportualty to get some of the best readlog matter given to the public, for a mero somg. We wdll sent The Home zine, eonducted by Mr. John A. Lojian, Washington. D. O., together wtth the Courier for $1.10 per year for both papers. Jiist think over this propoeitlon a ininuíe and you wlll realize its great value. On Sunday aftrnoon last, at the residence of N. Keith, Eeq., in Dexter, Mr. Jay Keith was united in marriage V.ith Miss Rose Etta Day, both of Dexter, Rev. Louis P. Jooelyn, of Vnn Arbor, in tliarge of St. James parish of that place, officiating. The bride and groom have niany relatives añil [rienda in,thin tity, a wll as in Dexter, and iftlieir good wlll and kind wishes will a va il. tlie couple will sail iipon a sea of unalloyed happtatWB all their liven. On Tliursday Jan. 26th, there are to be held at St. AndrewV Eptecopal clmrcli in this city the next quarterly meeting of the Convoeation of Detroit; the lu-xt quarterly meeting of the Wornan's Anxillaiy, aiiil also of Ilie Jimlor Auxillai-y to the Board of MtSflions. PubUc services to be held at 10:80 a. ni., and 7::() ]. m., the balance of rlie day deroted to business meetings. In the eveninir a dlscuaaion wlll take place apon the questlon : Is Oar National Character Ing?" in whlch it te expected Hon. Alïreil Iiussfll. and Hon. Otto Rïrchner of Detroit, will take part. a it lias been mnny years slnee a convocation has been held in Ann Arbor, the people will be intere-stod in the prorcrciings, especially the members ol the iaris)i and congregation of 8t. Androw's.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier